Galera eu uso o GTA SA em 1920x1080p só que ele é em 16 bits será que tem algum mod pra deixar ele em 1080p com 32 bits? eu ja procurei mais não achei nada a respeito só uns mods pra deixar graficos em HD :S mais é ruim pra mim ficar em 16 pq as cores das frases do samp mudam pra mim e pra quem usa 32 bit...
lundi 31 mars 2014
Player loops
I'm not sure on how to check through all the players and if something is true, code executes, can somebody help me with what I'd do?
I've basically made a command, where if typed a player variable is set to 1. When the server starts a timer is set to execute in 30 minutes. At the 30 minute mark, all players with the variable set to 1 will be teleported. How do I loop through the players to check if the variable is equal to one?
I've basically made a command, where if typed a player variable is set to 1. When the server starts a timer is set to execute in 30 minutes. At the 30 minute mark, all players with the variable set to 1 will be teleported. How do I loop through the players to check if the variable is equal to one?
Bonjour à tous hier j'ai décider de me lancer dans le mysql,
j'ai un soucis il y a plusieurs versions dont la r5 r6 et r7 etc..
j'ai remarquer que il y avais des fonctions dans des versions mais que dans d'autres version il y a pas les même dans les
plugins alors j'ai fais une recherche est se que vous pouvez me passer le lien du plugin et de l'include. Et un tutoriel j'ai
fais des recherches mais je pense pas que sa sera de la bonne version,
Merci de votre aide. :)
j'ai un soucis il y a plusieurs versions dont la r5 r6 et r7 etc..
j'ai remarquer que il y avais des fonctions dans des versions mais que dans d'autres version il y a pas les même dans les
plugins alors j'ai fais une recherche est se que vous pouvez me passer le lien du plugin et de l'include. Et un tutoriel j'ai
fais des recherches mais je pense pas que sa sera de la bonne version,
Merci de votre aide. :)
[HELP] How can I make something like this?
I've been wondering how to make something like this, but I'm unsure. I was hoping someone would be able to help me out.
I've been wondering how to make something like this, but I'm unsure. I was hoping someone would be able to help me out.
Buenas, lo que pasa es lo siguiente, tengo un CMD /stats en mi sv, y muestra las estadísticas del jugador. (playerid).
Ok, pero me pasa esto:

Y hay solo faltan por mostrar 4 lines (entre ellas, la que solo sale ''pi''), pero no me las muestra, intente poniendo al final de la ultima linea 1,2,3 y hasta 5 /r's a ver si mostraba las otras lineas, pero no da :C
¿Como hago para que me salga visibles todas las lineas?
(Postdata: E visto en otros servidores, cuadros con muchas mas lineas de info. :C)
Ok, pero me pasa esto:
Y hay solo faltan por mostrar 4 lines (entre ellas, la que solo sale ''pi''), pero no me las muestra, intente poniendo al final de la ultima linea 1,2,3 y hasta 5 /r's a ver si mostraba las otras lineas, pero no da :C
¿Como hago para que me salga visibles todas las lineas?
(Postdata: E visto en otros servidores, cuadros con muchas mas lineas de info. :C)
[Duda] ¿Algún ''GM'' RP-Drift?
Buen@s días/tardes/noches, un saludo a Forum Samp.
Hago este pedido, para saber quien puede hablar o pasar algún GM que sea Rp-Drift (No se si es de esta manera que se describe el GM que busco, ahora proceso a explicar).
Dicho GM que busco quiero que sea parecido a un juego como ''Need For Speed Most Wanted'', que tenga sistema de carreras, sistema dinámico de autos, algo así no tan igual como lo estoy detallando.
No quisiera que fuera un Drift de DM, si no un Drift-RP, comiences en la ciudad, puedas pertenecer a mafias de esas que hacen robos pero que al igual comiences con dinero para poder comprar un carro de bajos recursos y ir subiendo con el tiempo, que exista LSPD, mecánicos al igual que tal vez el FBI.
He visto servidores así y muy bien preparados pero que están en ingles y son pocos al igual que difíciles de encontrarlo, quisiera ser una de las personas que habrá uno pero en español, pero lo quiero hacer a base.
Gracias por leer y espero que puedan ayudar, un saludo.
Hago este pedido, para saber quien puede hablar o pasar algún GM que sea Rp-Drift (No se si es de esta manera que se describe el GM que busco, ahora proceso a explicar).
Dicho GM que busco quiero que sea parecido a un juego como ''Need For Speed Most Wanted'', que tenga sistema de carreras, sistema dinámico de autos, algo así no tan igual como lo estoy detallando.
No quisiera que fuera un Drift de DM, si no un Drift-RP, comiences en la ciudad, puedas pertenecer a mafias de esas que hacen robos pero que al igual comiences con dinero para poder comprar un carro de bajos recursos y ir subiendo con el tiempo, que exista LSPD, mecánicos al igual que tal vez el FBI.
He visto servidores así y muy bien preparados pero que están en ingles y son pocos al igual que difíciles de encontrarlo, quisiera ser una de las personas que habrá uno pero en español, pero lo quiero hacer a base.
Gracias por leer y espero que puedan ayudar, un saludo.
[Ajuda] Registro
Qual é o melhor entre os dois para criar um sistema de registro,um mais vantajoso 'Dini' ou 'Dof2'?
[Tutorial] How to Have Single Name on Facebook
Hey there,
I'm Innceptionist from Pakistan, a country in South Asia. As you might've noticed that there are numerous people on the Facebook with single names, and then you wonder how do they have it, right? The method is quite simple, you just have to manipulate the system in few easy methods, see below:

Now, the methods:
Step 1: Visit, log in to your account and click on the “Settings” option.

Step 2: Edit the “Language” option and change it to “Bahasa Indonesia” as shown in the following figure:

Click on “Save” afterwards.
Now you've to prove to the system that you're actually from Indonesia, so for that you'll have to use proxy. See the methods below:
Step 1: Click on “Options” in your browser (Firefox) as shown in the following figure:

Step 2: Now click on the “Advanced” tab and then click on “Settings” as shown below:

Step 3: Click on “Manual proxy configurations” and then enter HTTP Proxy and Port (click here:

Click on “OK” and then you'll be able to have single name, it's because most of the Indonesians have single names, you can change your language back to English or whichever you want after performing the process. If your connection goes down, simply get a new proxy & port in the given link. If you manage to have single name then don't forget to repute me!
I'm Innceptionist from Pakistan, a country in South Asia. As you might've noticed that there are numerous people on the Facebook with single names, and then you wonder how do they have it, right? The method is quite simple, you just have to manipulate the system in few easy methods, see below:
Now, the methods:
Step 1: Visit, log in to your account and click on the “Settings” option.
Step 2: Edit the “Language” option and change it to “Bahasa Indonesia” as shown in the following figure:
Click on “Save” afterwards.
Now you've to prove to the system that you're actually from Indonesia, so for that you'll have to use proxy. See the methods below:
Step 1: Click on “Options” in your browser (Firefox) as shown in the following figure:
Step 2: Now click on the “Advanced” tab and then click on “Settings” as shown below:
Step 3: Click on “Manual proxy configurations” and then enter HTTP Proxy and Port (click here:
Click on “OK” and then you'll be able to have single name, it's because most of the Indonesians have single names, you can change your language back to English or whichever you want after performing the process. If your connection goes down, simply get a new proxy & port in the given link. If you manage to have single name then don't forget to repute me!
Vehicule Faction
J'ai fait un systeme pour que les véhicules de factions seuls les membres peuvent entrer dans le véhicules, mais sa ne marche pas ! :/
Pour temps le code me semble bon..
J'ai fait un systeme pour que les véhicules de factions seuls les membres peuvent entrer dans le véhicules, mais sa ne marche pas ! :/
Pour temps le code me semble bon..
ICnat TDM y mi servidor en Hosted Tab
Resulta que meti mi servidor en Hosted Tab, hoy acabo de abrir el cliente y me sale esto es raro porque es la IP de mi servidor pero con diferente nombre mode y mapa si alguien conoce una solucion a esto estare muy agradecido.

y a veces vuelve el nombre original de mi servidor.
y a veces vuelve el nombre original de mi servidor.
community news
Hello to all
Does anyone have or know how to make a community (server/forum) news so I can update all news on server with command?
Like, admin on server type in dialog fresh news about community, and this news will be saved on Dini folder, when player type a message like (/news) then will be show the latest or all message (reading from Dini).
Does anyone have or know how to make a community (server/forum) news so I can update all news on server with command?
Like, admin on server type in dialog fresh news about community, and this news will be saved on Dini folder, when player type a message like (/news) then will be show the latest or all message (reading from Dini).
[Ajuda] Spawn
Bom galera estou com um GM aqui e quando eu me seto de líder Máfia Yakuza e me spawno ele não para mais de spawnar,não tem nem como andar é tipo a cada 1 milésimo é spawnado e não tem como andar,só ocorre esse bug quando eu pego líder Máfia Yakuza,demais organizações não ocorre.
My FIRST GTA Edit :c
So, I did a edit a week or more ago and I want to share it with you.
Please don't judge me to death, it's my first time :(
Please don't judge me to death, it's my first time :(
[Ajuda] VerCmds
Olá, queria um comando de /VerCmds para ver os comandos digitados pelos players e se puder os de ler pm's tambbem ...
Quero que possa ler comandos em ZCMD ... desde já agradeço
Quero que possa ler comandos em ZCMD ... desde já agradeço
[Pedido] Criador de Text drawn Online ou programa.
Isso mesmo não achei um bom ate agora no search ... quem tem um programa ou site que faça isso e quizer compartilhar vai ajudar bastante .
Barrière automatique
Quelqu'un pourrait m'aider à scripter des barrières automatiques par Skype ? :p
Si vous le voulez bien demandez mon Skype par MP ;)
Merci !
Si vous le voulez bien demandez mon Skype par MP ;)
Merci !
What plugin mysql take?
Hello everyone,
I have a server running Debian 6 64bits, but I do not know what version of MySQL take.
I have a lot of error, and the Linux version of static spring me:
Thank you in advance "
I have a server running Debian 6 64bits, but I do not know what version of MySQL take.
I have a lot of error, and the Linux version of static spring me:
[8:04:31 p.m.] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_debug' [8:04:31 p.m.] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_retrieve_row' [8:04:31 p.m.] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_fetch_field_row' [8:04:31 p.m.] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_fetch_row_format' [8:04:31 p.m.] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_reconnect' [8:04:31 p.m.] Script [gamemodesaaaaa.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found" |
Thank you in advance "
[Ajuda] Speed
Olá queria que me mandassem uma Função para eu estudar e criar o Comando /speed no server para o carro do player que digitou o comando ficar muito rapido ...
[HELP] CreateObject problem
I have kind of big problem with my server, this time there is a bug with createobjects thing, it don't load almost any objects which are after LoadObjects(); in LoadObjects i have all my mapping of the server, it was not loading too some time ago, i fixed, but now i started recognizing that almost none of my attachedobjects are showing up when they should to. I would like get answer for this problem of mine, please!
2 Real Roleplay
10 important reasons why you should join ²Real Roleplay over any other roleplay server.
1. The server has been going since September 2013. We didn't disappear, we just developed a new way to start our gaming experience, and the others around us.
2. The script is not a God Father/NGG-RP Edit, like the 1000 other same Edits. It is completely different.
3. We have a team of supporters who will show you through your first few hours, making it easier to get started.
4. Does a person just spawn at the age of 20 in real life? You can get a free apartment here. Contact a Administrator.
5. Our server is not made up of 80 percent 1337 admins. We have a select team of admins, there are many new people who are players just like you.
6. If you have at-least 5 members in your faction, you can become official before you get level 3. Official does not take years to get. After being accepted, your faction will be added in within 5 minutes without the need for a restart.
7. We do not allow people with non-RP names and we do not support people who cannot speak English.
8. ²Real Roleplay is not home hosted. It is on a dedicated server in a data center.
9. The real feel of Los Angeles is scripted into Los Santos to give you a different perspective on the roleplay environment.
10. It is easy to get into a faction, easy to get a job and easy to get car. It is a friendly script which allows you to enjoy yourself.
I started developing ²Real Roleplay in September 2013. I couldn't really script properly, but I've put a lot of effort into learning mostly everything about scripting and SA-MP Functions all together.. Now 1 and a half years later, ²Real Roleplay has became a one of a kind, and absolutely unique server, with not only a custom script, but custom mapping and many other surprises that would get you going at the end of the reading of this statement. We are looking to expand to a larger player base than any other server around the SA-MP Community, but without the help of players looking to actually crack down on being a dedicated and sophisticated player at our community thus far, it has been a very hard struggle for us to complete our main goal which is to just have fun and enjoy our Free-Time within the server that we have created graciously for the other Roleplayers in the SA-MP Community itself.
The server is located in Los Santos, but we made the created the environment to feel more as if you are in the city of Los Angeles. It is your goal to experience the real life feel when interacting with everything in our server environment. Plenty of others are doing just the same with their own separate style to fit their needs, your needs, and the whole communities needs.
- Everything is dynamic. Factions, Gangs, Vehicles, Job Positions, Pickups, Arrest Points, Newbie Spawn, Houses, Garages, Businesses, Entrances, Drive Thru's and lots more.
- 1000+ commands in the script alone.
- Mostly ALL of the systems are dialog-based.
- Vehicle ownership system. House Parking, Reserve Parking, Parking Meters, Trunk System, Underseat Storage, Custom license plates, and locks for their vehicle. Players can own up to 3 vehicles.
- Dynamic faction system.
- Housing system (Being completely Remade). Players can own 1 house. Players can buy a safe for their house (as well as a code). If people know your safe code, they can break into your safe and steal everything. Below is a preview of the house system but this is just an old video the new one will be way more advanced with lots more features when it is remade and implemented.
- Business system(Being Completely Remade). Players can own 1 business. Players can buy products for their business. The System allows for business competition every player that owns a business can set their own pricing to what they think they would like to sell the items for.
- A /clothing system. Players can /buy clothing from Binco, with this you can also buy accessories and edit them to fit your players skin in anyway you wish to. The items vary from, Hats, Bandana's, Tools such as Wrenches, Equipment such as Fishing Poles, and many more things to go along with your attire.
- A wide array of jobs, such as Trucker, Street Sweeper, Pizza-man, Cleaner & Trash-man. They are fun jobs and also a good way of making money.
- /bank system. Players can open their very own banking account. Players can type in the PIN number of anybody's bank account to log into the bank system. Players can close bank accounts, withdraw cash, deposit cash, transfer cash, pay off bills (too much bills will result in repossession of houses & vehicles) and change the PIN.
- ATM system, which is linked to the bank system, except you can only withdraw cash from ATM's,
- Drive Thru system. Admins can create drive thru's where players can order food items..
Can someone help me?
Hello, I want to make my own freeroam/stunt/dm/race server gamemode. But I am a newbie and I want to work on it from the beginning and not to download a ready gamemode. So can someone help me with the scripting or not??
Plz, and I want to know how to make the group(clan) sysyem and label and v park and neon system. So plz can someone help me with the scripting?? If yes post here so I will give him my skype name.
Plz, and I want to know how to make the group(clan) sysyem and label and v park and neon system. So plz can someone help me with the scripting?? If yes post here so I will give him my skype name.
[FilterScript] help-me please
I'm having trouble with this include:
can correct errors?
D:\Users\Asus\Desktop\scavengesurvive\pawno\includ e\ : error 010: invalid function or declaration
D:\Users\Asus\Desktop\scavengesurvive\pawno\includ e\ : error 010: invalid function or declaration
D:\Users\Asus\Desktop\scavengesurvive\pawno\includ e\ : error 017: undefined symbol "E_BALLOON_DATA"
D:\Users\Asus\Desktop\scavengesurvive\pawno\includ e\ : error 017: undefined symbol "bln_object"
D:\Users\Asus\Desktop\scavengesurvive\pawno\includ e\ : error 017: undefined symbol "bln_button"
D:\Users\Asus\Desktop\scavengesurvive\pawno\includ e\ : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
D:\Users\Asus\Desktop\scavengesurvive\pawno\includ e\ : warning 215: expression has no effect
D:\Users\Asus\Desktop\scavengesurvive\pawno\includ e\ : error 001: expected token: ";", but found "]"
D:\Users\Asus\Desktop\scavengesurvive\pawno\includ e\ : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line
can correct errors?
D:\Users\Asus\Desktop\scavengesurvive\pawno\includ e\ : error 010: invalid function or declaration
D:\Users\Asus\Desktop\scavengesurvive\pawno\includ e\ : error 010: invalid function or declaration
D:\Users\Asus\Desktop\scavengesurvive\pawno\includ e\ : error 017: undefined symbol "E_BALLOON_DATA"
D:\Users\Asus\Desktop\scavengesurvive\pawno\includ e\ : error 017: undefined symbol "bln_object"
D:\Users\Asus\Desktop\scavengesurvive\pawno\includ e\ : error 017: undefined symbol "bln_button"
D:\Users\Asus\Desktop\scavengesurvive\pawno\includ e\ : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
D:\Users\Asus\Desktop\scavengesurvive\pawno\includ e\ : warning 215: expression has no effect
D:\Users\Asus\Desktop\scavengesurvive\pawno\includ e\ : error 001: expected token: ";", but found "]"
D:\Users\Asus\Desktop\scavengesurvive\pawno\includ e\ : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line
Hi, I am making derby system and I don't know how to read how many players have variable IsAlive[MAX_PLAYERS] on 1
Pour quand le chat vocal intégré sur SA:MP ?
Avec l'arrivée de la 0.3z, je me posais une question qui me semble être un point important pour les serveurs RP de nos jours ça serait un chat vocal de proximité intégré au jeu pour que les joueurs puissent communiquer directement en jeu.
( avec, pourquoi pas, différents chats : groupe, véhicule.. À la Arma III. Mais déjà un chat de proximité serait largement suffisant ^^)
Je souhaites savoir si c'est possible, prévu ? ( A savoir que MTA l'utilise, prouvant que le système est faisable )
Voilà, merci d'avance pour vos réponses.
Le chat vocal me paraît être vraiment un atout important pour les serveurs RP.
Avec l'arrivée de la 0.3z, je me posais une question qui me semble être un point important pour les serveurs RP de nos jours ça serait un chat vocal de proximité intégré au jeu pour que les joueurs puissent communiquer directement en jeu.
( avec, pourquoi pas, différents chats : groupe, véhicule.. À la Arma III. Mais déjà un chat de proximité serait largement suffisant ^^)
Je souhaites savoir si c'est possible, prévu ? ( A savoir que MTA l'utilise, prouvant que le système est faisable )
Voilà, merci d'avance pour vos réponses.
Le chat vocal me paraît être vraiment un atout important pour les serveurs RP.
Please help
Hey guys hope everything's fine.
I'm new here also this is my second post.
Guys i m also new to scripting that's i can't script my self.
Please guys can u tell me how can i make a script for Save & Load a car even if its tuned.
Thanks in advance.
If u need further details please ask me in reply.
I'm new here also this is my second post.
Guys i m also new to scripting that's i can't script my self.
Please guys can u tell me how can i make a script for Save & Load a car even if its tuned.
Thanks in advance.
If u need further details please ask me in reply.
MySQL r38 loading problem
Hello everyone,
I'm facing problems while I'm trying to load MySQL R38 plugin. My definitions of the host are completely right and it worked well for R6 plugin of MySQL. But this is what I'm facing when I try to load MySQL R38 with the script. On server_log.txt it loads well, but on mysql_log.txt, here's it:
I'm using Ubuntu 13.04 x86_64
I'm facing problems while I'm trying to load MySQL R38 plugin. My definitions of the host are completely right and it worked well for R6 plugin of MySQL. But this is what I'm facing when I try to load MySQL R38 with the script. On server_log.txt it loads well, but on mysql_log.txt, here's it:
[ERROR] CMySQLConnection::Connect - (error #2002) Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)
[10:30:32] [ERROR] CMySQLConnection::Connect - (error #2002) Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)
I'm using Ubuntu 13.04 x86_64
#2 Débat: La communauté française de samp un fléau?
Bonjour/bonsoir à tous et à toute. Aujourd'hui je reviens avec un débat qui me tiens particulièrement à cœur. Avant de donner mon avis, ceux qui veulent venir et dirs "Post inutile" ou autre chose, je vous invite à cliquer sur la petite flèche "précédente" et vos problèmes seront résolu. En ce qui concerne mon avis, je pense que la communauté en général que sa soit sur d'autre jeux elle restera pitoyable. Pourquoi? Parceque elle ddos des serveurs 24h24 juste pour sois-disant être au top!
Object Streamer
Guys i got about over then 10000 Object but i just added one more place and it seem i can see perfectly
sometime is miss some object and its apear again
my Stream distance 500
please help
sometime is miss some object and its apear again
my Stream distance 500
please help
In My Scripts Objects, dont load or dont appear...There is a gate, but i cant see it but when i press /gate it open / close but its invisible.
Can you help?
Can you help?
dimanche 30 mars 2014
This object
I've been looking for like an hour for an object ID like this one:

If anyone knows it please comment the id below :)
If anyone knows it please comment the id below :)
Hello friends, I could tell which is the right click OnPlayerKeyStateChange not find q
[AYUDA] Script[gamemodes/GameMode.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
Buenas, lo que pasa es que cuando voy a iniciar el samp-server.exe me sale este error:
Plugins. (Actualizados ya, y intente con unos viejos)
GameMode.amx (Sin errores ni nada)
Includes. (Actualizados, y intente con unos viejos)
Carpeta sscanf en la carpeta del server. (Actualizada)
Intente de todo...
¿Que pasa? ¡Ayuda por favor, lo agradecería de corazón! :(
Script[gamemodes/GameMode.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
Plugins. (Actualizados ya, y intente con unos viejos)
GameMode.amx (Sin errores ni nada)
Includes. (Actualizados, y intente con unos viejos)
Carpeta sscanf en la carpeta del server. (Actualizada)
Intente de todo...
¿Que pasa? ¡Ayuda por favor, lo agradecería de corazón! :(
[Ajuda] Profissoes
Bom eu não sei criar profs e queria que alguem postasse um tutorial que explicasse tudo direitinho, ja achei alguns porém nao muda a cor do player de acordo com a profs dele, espero que me ajudem ...
[Pedido] Praça da Prefeitura
Alguem pode me passar uma Praça da Prefeitura que seja maneira que não tenha bug ?
desde ja agradeço.
desde ja agradeço.
How is this possible?
I've been playing samp for a very very long time and I just wanted to exactly is this possible? Is it a vehicle object?
game crashing when entering settings.
hello dose anybody know how to set the game 1920 x 1080 without going into settings because everytime i got into game settings to set it crashes. with op codes.
In need for webmaster - To Create Forum
Hey everyone, I'm gonna make it quick. I need a webmaster to help me build a soccer/football forum, mostly focused on freestyle. PM me with your skype if you're interested, or if you are not and can provide a set of tutorials, please do. We will continue talking through skype
Multimart is BACK! -
Mentalist's long childhood friend has taken over, the forum has been re-branded and is going to be receiving a lot of improvements and additions. It's still the same people and the same database though, it's the real multimart. Mentalist is even part of it.
Here is the link:
Here is the link:
Help with select cities
Guys I downloaded a windows server and it is working I started scripting from scratch
But as every1 who owns a server knows
When u join the game something appear saying
"Select cities use left or right to switch cities"
I want to remove it and when it is removed the skin selection before u get spawn to server, it is there but has no skins
Can any1 plz tell me how to remove the select cities thing but keep my skins selections visible before spawn
But as every1 who owns a server knows
When u join the game something appear saying
"Select cities use left or right to switch cities"
I want to remove it and when it is removed the skin selection before u get spawn to server, it is there but has no skins
Can any1 plz tell me how to remove the select cities thing but keep my skins selections visible before spawn
Help with textdraw
Hello guys
I have got a server and I want to make a textdraw under the radar
With text
Royal Roleplay Life
Royal in blue
Roleplay in white
Life in red
The problem is I tried to make it but when I compile it,errors appear plz tell me what to do
I have got a server and I want to make a textdraw under the radar
With text
Royal Roleplay Life
Royal in blue
Roleplay in white
Life in red
The problem is I tried to make it but when I compile it,errors appear plz tell me what to do
Y_dialog help
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,1000,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"Title","Text","Button 1","Button 2");
How is this in y_dialogs ?
Crashing server ( Map's fault )
Hello, so I have a problem. Some of my maps crash server, if you drive near my created area you'll see lot of warnings and the - samp is off and you got critical error table.
Maybe anyone have suggestions whats wrong could be here? :confused:
Maybe anyone have suggestions whats wrong could be here? :confused:
[GameMode] Base: Guardado de datos en Dini
Hola a todos!
Tenía pensado en realizar un nuevo proyecto, un nuevo servidor diferente a los demás, pero al final no lo voy a hacer. He hecho el sistema de guardado de datos (con include Dini) que guarda la contraseña, dinero y nivel admin. Además he cargado los vehículos que trae por defecto el paquete del servidor de SA:MP.
Que necesitarás:
* En la carpeta "Vehicles" debes meter los archivos de la carpeta "vehicles" que hay en el SA-MP Server que te descargastes.

(El registro y logeo se realiza mediante diálogo)
Que comandos hay:
Es simplemente lo que he dicho lo que tiene el gamemode, un simple sistema de guardado de datos. Si vas a hacer un gamemode esto te puede ahorrar tener que hacer el guardado de datos, registro y logeo.
Descarga desde mi repositorio:
Tenía pensado en realizar un nuevo proyecto, un nuevo servidor diferente a los demás, pero al final no lo voy a hacer. He hecho el sistema de guardado de datos (con include Dini) que guarda la contraseña, dinero y nivel admin. Además he cargado los vehículos que trae por defecto el paquete del servidor de SA:MP.
Que necesitarás:
- SA-MP Server.
- Include Dini (de DracoBlue).
- Carpeta "Usuarios" en scriptfiles.
- Carpeta "Vehicles" en scriptfiles. *
* En la carpeta "Vehicles" debes meter los archivos de la carpeta "vehicles" que hay en el SA-MP Server que te descargastes.
(El registro y logeo se realiza mediante diálogo)
Que comandos hay:
- /Dinero: Te da $500.
- /Admin: Te fija la variable Admin a 1.
Es simplemente lo que he dicho lo que tiene el gamemode, un simple sistema de guardado de datos. Si vas a hacer un gamemode esto te puede ahorrar tener que hacer el guardado de datos, registro y logeo.
Descarga desde mi repositorio:
Your favorite car? (GTA:SA)
Sup guys,
Which is your favorite car in GTA:SA?




Hotring Racer

Super GT

Which is your favorite car in GTA:SA?
Hotring Racer
Super GT
Your fav vehicle not listed above, No problem state its name.
[GameMode] Looking for SAMP RP script 0.3z
Hello there fellow gentleman I am looking for a 0.3z RP Script and I was looking and I found nothing so can you please give me one.
Kevin Smith
Kevin Smith
[SS:RP] Logo - How is it.
Our helper made for us this logo.. i think it awesome , just wanna hear feedback and tell him :)
Nearest Airport
Hello Guys i am currently working on a Pilot Gamemode which is Lof
But when i start working on Plane and i am on Los Santos i should start working from LS Gate itself
but my mission starts from somewhere else.
Such as i am on LS it starts somewhere far from here for example LV.
Thanks in Advance
But when i start working on Plane and i am on Los Santos i should start working from LS Gate itself
but my mission starts from somewhere else.
Such as i am on LS it starts somewhere far from here for example LV.
Thanks in Advance
[FilterScript] VoteKick System With Textdraw
VoteKick System With Textdraw
Hello everybody, so today i will release my filterscripts "VOTEKICK SYSTEM" with extra textdraw and dialog :)
Here the Screenshot:
commands : /vk - to start the vote kick
for all type 'yes' in chat for agree 'no' for disagree
Faire des TextDraw autre que Horizontal et Vertical. Est-ce possible
Bonjour a tous.
Je voudrais savoir si il était possible de faire par d'importe quelle manipulation des TextDraw penchés et non horizontal ni vertical. J'ai une petite idée pour faire un système de connexion en utilisant des séries de TextDraw qui clignotent en dynamique grace a des séries de Timers qui en quelque sorte allumerer et éteindrer celui-ci.
Existe t'il une tel fonction qui me permettrais de réaliser mon idée ? Si oui, laquel.
J'espère qui vous m'aurez compris. Merci.
Amicalement -Jojo-.
Je voudrais savoir si il était possible de faire par d'importe quelle manipulation des TextDraw penchés et non horizontal ni vertical. J'ai une petite idée pour faire un système de connexion en utilisant des séries de TextDraw qui clignotent en dynamique grace a des séries de Timers qui en quelque sorte allumerer et éteindrer celui-ci.
Existe t'il une tel fonction qui me permettrais de réaliser mon idée ? Si oui, laquel.
J'espère qui vous m'aurez compris. Merci.
Amicalement -Jojo-.
Revenge Gaming Roleplay
Revenge Gaming Roleplay
This is a new openned roleplay server. We got a friendly staff, nice unique script and a lot of fun. We have dynamic dealerships, houses, doors.
We have only a few openned factions but if we get higher playerbase we'll open more factions.
Los Santos Police Department - Taken
Federal Bureau of Investigations - Taken
Los Santos Fire & Medical Department - Hiring Leader
San Andreas Government - Hiring Leader
We're hiring family leaders too. If you wish to have a family, you can apply on forums.
We're not hiring admins, but we're hiring advisors and server moderators. If you wish to become advisor you must apply for helper and to work hard to be promoted. If you wish to become Server Moderator you have to apply on forums!
We're refunding! Refunds are: 500k , Permanent Gold VIP , a free car (non-restricted). You have to /report for the free car.
If you invite your friends you can get awards:
1 friend invited - 100k
5 friends invited - 100k + a free house
10 friends invited - 500k + a free house + a free restricted car
15 friends invited - 1mil + a free house + a free restricted car + a free Dynamic Door
This is a new openned roleplay server. We got a friendly staff, nice unique script and a lot of fun. We have dynamic dealerships, houses, doors.
We have only a few openned factions but if we get higher playerbase we'll open more factions.
Los Santos Police Department - Taken
Federal Bureau of Investigations - Taken
Los Santos Fire & Medical Department - Hiring Leader
San Andreas Government - Hiring Leader
We're hiring family leaders too. If you wish to have a family, you can apply on forums.
We're not hiring admins, but we're hiring advisors and server moderators. If you wish to become advisor you must apply for helper and to work hard to be promoted. If you wish to become Server Moderator you have to apply on forums!
We're refunding! Refunds are: 500k , Permanent Gold VIP , a free car (non-restricted). You have to /report for the free car.
If you invite your friends you can get awards:
1 friend invited - 100k
5 friends invited - 100k + a free house
10 friends invited - 500k + a free house + a free restricted car
15 friends invited - 1mil + a free house + a free restricted car + a free Dynamic Door
Problem with streaming rate
I am having some kind of issue with my streamer plugin. Some of the objects can be viewed on far distances some of them cannot. Any solution on this problem?
Teamspeak Technician Looking For Work
Hi all,
My name is Lewis Gazzard. I have been working with Teamspeak servers for 2 Years now. I work for free and am active, I am trustworthy and very reliable, I am honest and very Proffesional.
If you are interested please email me at
Lewis Gazzard
TeamSpeak Technician
My name is Lewis Gazzard. I have been working with Teamspeak servers for 2 Years now. I work for free and am active, I am trustworthy and very reliable, I am honest and very Proffesional.
If you are interested please email me at
Lewis Gazzard
TeamSpeak Technician
Multimart closed. Looking for old members
Multimart closed and I am looking for old members of it, both to meet back up and discuss a new project that has been opened. It would be great to people to you again because there is not really any other way for us to contact each other except for the members we know through skype.
You can add me on skype too if you want, grandtheftlsrp
You can add me on skype too if you want, grandtheftlsrp
How to make mIRC to Mibbit?
Hello guys I got channels for my server in mIRC and I need to make it to mibbit so that everyone can join it.. Is this possible if possible please inform me about it and +rep for the good help!
How to make this?
How can I make that weapon slot 2 will be saved to veriable after player will do /tazer and when /tazer weapon that was saved at slot 2 will be returned to him?
+ how can I make if player do /tazer he can only use the weapon he get in this case silenced pistol
So simply.. how to save player weapon slot number 2 to veriables? and ammo on that slot also?
+ how can I make if player do /tazer he can only use the weapon he get in this case silenced pistol
So simply.. how to save player weapon slot number 2 to veriables? and ammo on that slot also?
Pushing player car [REPS+]
Hi im using if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 3.0,382.4741,2548.9509,20.1041)) , is possible that if someone enter this point with car to puching it away ?
Soucis GMX
J'ai un petit soucis avec mon serveur.
Je m'explique: lorsque je fais des GMX, au lieu de reload le GM (il y'en a qu'un donc ça à pour effet en local de reload le gm), ça fais Server is restarting puis ça ne fait rien de plus ;s
Il ne recharge pas le GM.
Que faire? Merci d'avance ;p
J'ai un petit soucis avec mon serveur.
Je m'explique: lorsque je fais des GMX, au lieu de reload le GM (il y'en a qu'un donc ça à pour effet en local de reload le gm), ça fais Server is restarting puis ça ne fait rien de plus ;s
Il ne recharge pas le GM.
Que faire? Merci d'avance ;p
i Get banned & i Dont make Any think So What can i make Now How can i speak to admin
Can Answer Please Fast
Can Answer Please Fast
Website fails?
Hello there.
I've found a website page on google.
I opened it on my localhost, and it was working perfect.
Now, I uploaded it to my host.
And it became like this:
The original one on localhost:

I hope somebody will help me out.
Kind regards, Bart
I've found a website page on google.
I opened it on my localhost, and it was working perfect.
Now, I uploaded it to my host.
And it became like this:
The original one on localhost:
I hope somebody will help me out.
Kind regards, Bart
samedi 29 mars 2014
[FilterScript] AntiSpawn System
Every time you dead and spawn you got 10 sec god mode to go away from spawn position, and then you leave the god mode auto.
Every time you dead and spawn you got 10 sec god mode to go away from spawn position, and then you leave the god mode auto.
[FilterScript] Song system auto(10 songs) V1
If you want to start random songs use /randomsongs and if you want to stop random songs use again /randomsongs.
It having 10 songs and every 3 minutes start randomsong.
Version2 Coming Soon !
How to use it on server:
Open server.cfg and found the FILTERSCRIPT and write rsongs, if you don't have Filterscript write it and then press SPACE and write rsongs.
Ex: filterscripts rsongs
You don't need any plugin.
If you want to start random songs use /randomsongs and if you want to stop random songs use again /randomsongs.
It having 10 songs and every 3 minutes start randomsong.
Version2 Coming Soon !
How to use it on server:
Open server.cfg and found the FILTERSCRIPT and write rsongs, if you don't have Filterscript write it and then press SPACE and write rsongs.
Ex: filterscripts rsongs
You don't need any plugin.
Inventory with textdraws
Hey, here is my inventory system, created with textdraws. However I don't like the design myself it was the best I could do. I wish some of you guys could help me design a better inventory.
Help with /stats cmd
I want a stats cmd using the following info
Money amount
Admin level
Respect points
All this info in a "bigstring 1900"
Money amount
Admin level
Respect points
All this info in a "bigstring 1900"
[Include] h_cSpam | Detector de CarSpam
O h_cSpam faz a função de detectar se o jogador está praticando CarSpam á partir de duas callbacks. O conceito é detectar se ele entrou no veículo normalmente ou teve usado PutPlayerInVehicle();, caso nenhuma dessas funções forem contatadas será detectado como CarSpam.
- Insira a include depois da include "a_samp".
- Coloque "call_OnPlayerEnterVehicle(playerid, vehicleid, ispassenger);" dentro da public OnPlayerEnterVehicle.
- Coloque "call_OnPlayerConnect(playerid);" dentro da public OnPlayerConnect.
- Coloque "call_OnPlayerStateChange(playerid, newstate, oldstate);" dentro da public OnPlayerStateChange.
Download da Include
- Versão inicial.
- Mr.Hardy - Criador.
Não dou permissão para qualquer suposta postagem em outro forum ou parte deste forum.
Não dou permissão para qualquer suposta postagem em outro forum ou parte deste forum.
[Map] My first FD hq front of unity
Hello everyone so this is my first time mapping and I made FD hq front of unity like the tittle says hope you like it
Here are some SS
and here is the codes
Here are some SS
and here is the codes
CreateObject(1257,1828.6000000,-1732.6000000,13.8000000,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(bustopm) (1)
CreateObject(1257,1828.1000000,-1807.7000000,13.8000000,0.0000000,357.9950000,0.0000000); //object(bustopm) (2)
CreateObject(8169,1790.6000000,-1764.5000000,12.5000000,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(vgs_guardhseflr) (1)
CreateObject(7922,1746.6000000,-1743.4000000,13.9000000,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(vgwstnewall6905) (1)
CreateObject(8674,1753.0000000,-1742.3000000,14.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(csrsfence02_lvs) (1)
CreateObject(8674,1763.4000000,-1742.3000000,14.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(csrsfence02_lvs) (3)
CreateObject(8674,1773.8000000,-1742.3000000,14.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(csrsfence02_lvs) (4)
CreateObject(8674,1784.2000000,-1742.3000000,14.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(csrsfence02_lvs) (5)
CreateObject(8674,1794.6000000,-1742.3000000,14.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(csrsfence02_lvs) (6)
CreateObject(8674,1805.0000000,-1742.3000000,14.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(csrsfence02_lvs) (7)
CreateObject(7922,1810.7000000,-1743.4000000,13.9000000,0.0000000,0.0000000,270.0000000); //object(vgwstnewall6905) (2)
CreateObject(11008,1791.9000000,-1768.5000000,19.4000000,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(firehouse_sfs) (1)
CreateObject(8674,1800.5000000,-1747.5000000,14.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000,272.0000000); //object(csrsfence02_lvs) (8)
CreateObject(1251,1806.6000000,-1759.8000000,12.7000000,0.0000000,0.0000000,272.0000000); //object(smashbar) (1)
CreateObject(1251,1806.5000000,-1768.5000000,12.6000000,0.0000000,0.0000000,272.0000000); //object(smashbar) (3)
CreateObject(1251,1806.5000000,-1776.8000000,12.6000000,0.0000000,0.0000000,272.0000000); //object(smashbar) (4)
CreateObject(7922,1810.6000000,-1811.4000000,13.9000000,0.0000000,0.0000000,182.0000000); //object(vgwstnewall6905) (3)
CreateObject(8674,1799.0000000,-1806.6000000,14.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000,270.0000000); //object(csrsfence02_lvs) (9)
CreateObject(8674,1804.2000000,-1811.8000000,14.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000,178.2480000); //object(csrsfence02_lvs) (10)
CreateObject(8674,1799.0000000,-1801.4000200,14.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000,270.0000000); //object(csrsfence02_lvs) (11)
CreateObject(11489,1805.2000000,-1803.8000000,12.5000000,0.0000000,0.0000000,93.7500000); //object(dam_statues) (1)
CreateObject(980,1799.0000000,-1790.5000000,12.6000000,0.0000000,0.0000000,270.0000000); //object(airportgate) (1)
CreateObject(8674,1793.8000000,-1811.5000000,14.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000,178.2480000); //object(csrsfence02_lvs) (10)
CreateObject(8674,1783.4000000,-1811.2000000,14.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000,178.2480000); //object(csrsfence02_lvs) (10)
CreateObject(8674,1773.1000000,-1810.9000000,14.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000,178.2480000); //object(csrsfence02_lvs) (10)
CreateObject(8674,1762.8000000,-1810.6000000,14.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000,178.2480000); //object(csrsfence02_lvs) (10)
CreateObject(8674,1745.8000000,-1749.8000000,14.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000,89.4950000); //object(csrsfence02_lvs) (1)
CreateObject(8674,1745.7000000,-1760.1000000,14.0000000,0.0000000,0.5000000,89.9950000); //object(csrsfence02_lvs) (1)
CreateObject(8674,1745.6000000,-1770.3000000,14.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000,89.4950000); //object(csrsfence02_lvs) (1)
CreateObject(8674,1745.5000000,-1780.6000000,14.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000,89.4950000); //object(csrsfence02_lvs) (1)
CreateObject(8674,1745.4000000,-1790.9000000,14.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000,89.4950000); //object(csrsfence02_lvs) (1)
CreateObject(8674,1745.3000000,-1801.2000000,14.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000,89.4950000); //object(csrsfence02_lvs) (1)
CreateObject(7922,1745.4000000,-1807.6000000,13.9000000,0.0000000,0.0000000,84.0000000); //object(vgwstnewall6905) (1)
CreateObject(980,1752.0000000,-1809.5000000,12.6000000,0.0000000,0.0000000,169.9970000); //object(airportgate) (2)
CreateObject(1251,1806.5999800,-1751.6999500,12.6000000,0.0000000,0.0000000,272.0000000); //object(smashbar) (1)
[FilterScript] (ZCMD) Animation System
Animations Filterscript [ZCMD]
Originally Created by: G4M3Ov3r
What I've done
- I've completely converted this:
- I've converted it so that it now works with ZCMD and SSCANF2, I've changed the /animlist so that it's a dialog and I've improved the /stopanim command.
Here is just a preview of what the /animlist looks like;
Hope you enjoy, if you find any bugs please feel free to pm me and I'll be sure to fix them.
SSCANF Include:
ZCMD Include:
[Ajuda] Anims E Attached
Quando uso a função do anim ele so funciona pela segunda vez que é chamado!
E quando chamo Attached não funciona, não é colocado no player
pawn Code:
ApplyAnimation(playerid, "BOMBER", "BOM_Plant", 4.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
E quando chamo Attached não funciona, não é colocado no player
pawn Code:
SetPlayerAttachedObject(i, 3, 1550, 1, 0.1, -0.3, 0, 0, 40, 0, 1, 1, 1);
Hello i need little help here please guys
i think this is very easy to solve it for any pro scripter just tell me what i should do to fix those errors
E:\samp03z_svr_R1_win32\pawno\include\YSI\y_hooks/ : warning 235: public function lacks forward declaration (symbol "OnPlayerClickTextDraw")
E:\samp03z_svr_R1_win32\pawno\include\YSI\y_hooks/ : warning 235: public function lacks forward declaration (symbol "OnPlayerClickPlayerTextDraw")
E:\samp03z_svr_R1_win32\pawno\include\YSI\y_hooks/ : warning 235: public function lacks forward declaration (symbol "OnPlayerEditObject")
E:\samp03z_svr_R1_win32\pawno\include\YSI\y_hooks/ : warning 235: public function lacks forward declaration (symbol "OnPlayerEditAttachedObject")
E:\samp03z_svr_R1_win32\pawno\include\YSI\y_hooks/ : warning 235: public function lacks forward declaration (symbol "OnPlayerSelectObject")
C:\Users\Sweet\Desktop\JLadmin\filterscripts\JLadm in.pwn(324) : error 017: undefined symbol "PlayerTextDrawHide"
C:\Users\Sweet\Desktop\JLadmin\filterscripts\JLadm in.pwn(325) : error 017: undefined symbol "PlayerTextDrawDestroy"
C:\Users\Sweet\Desktop\JLadmin\filterscripts\JLadm in.pwn(460) : error 017: undefined symbol "PlayerTextDrawHide"
C:\Users\Sweet\Desktop\JLadmin\filterscripts\JLadm in.pwn(461) : error 017: undefined symbol "PlayerTextDrawDestroy"
C:\Users\Sweet\Desktop\JLadmin\filterscripts\JLadm in.pwn(534) : error 017: undefined symbol "SelectTextDraw"
C:\Users\Sweet\Desktop\JLadmin\filterscripts\JLadm in.pwn(621) : error 017: undefined symbol "DONATORCHATKEY"
C:\Users\Sweet\Desktop\JLadmin\filterscripts\JLadm in.pwn(846) : error 017: undefined symbol "ban"
C:\Users\Sweet\Desktop\JLadmin\filterscripts\JLadm in.pwn(1140) : error 017: undefined symbol "CancelSelectTextDraw"
C:\Users\Sweet\Desktop\JLadmin\filterscripts\JLadm in.pwn(1176) : error 017: undefined symbol "CancelSelectTextDraw"
C:\Users\Sweet\Desktop\JLadmin\filterscripts\JLadm in.pwn(1551) : error 017: undefined symbol "PlayerTextDrawShow"
C:\Users\Sweet\Desktop\JLadmin\filterscripts\JLadm in.pwn(4680) : error 017: undefined symbol "VIP_LEVEL_1"
C:\Users\Sweet\Desktop\JLadmin\filterscripts\JLadm in.pwn(4680) : error 033: array must be indexed (variable "LevelName")
C:\Users\Sweet\Desktop\JLadmin\filterscripts\JLadm in.pwn(4681) : error 017: undefined symbol "VIP_LEVEL_2"
C:\Users\Sweet\Desktop\JLadmin\filterscripts\JLadm in.pwn(4681) : error 033: array must be indexed (variable "LevelName")
C:\Users\Sweet\Desktop\JLadmin\filterscripts\JLadm in.pwn(4682) : error 017: undefined symbol "VIP_LEVEL_3"
C:\Users\Sweet\Desktop\JLadmin\filterscripts\JLadm in.pwn(4682) : error 033: array must be indexed (variable "LevelName")
C:\Users\Sweet\Desktop\JLadmin\filterscripts\JLadm in.pwn(4723) : error 017: undefined symbol "VIP_LEVEL_1"
C:\Users\Sweet\Desktop\JLadmin\filterscripts\JLadm in.pwn(4723) : error 033: array must be indexed (variable "LevelName")
C:\Users\Sweet\Desktop\JLadmin\filterscripts\JLadm in.pwn(4724) : error 017: undefined symbol "VIP_LEVEL_2"
C:\Users\Sweet\Desktop\JLadmin\filterscripts\JLadm in.pwn(4724) : error 033: array must be indexed (variable "LevelName")
C:\Users\Sweet\Desktop\JLadmin\filterscripts\JLadm in.pwn(4725) : error 017: undefined symbol "VIP_LEVEL_3"
C:\Users\Sweet\Desktop\JLadmin\filterscripts\JLadm in.pwn(4725) : error 033: array must be indexed (variable "LevelName")
C:\Users\Sweet\Desktop\JLadmin\filterscripts\JLadm in.pwn(4767) : error 017: undefined symbol "VIP_LEVEL_1"
C:\Users\Sweet\Desktop\JLadmin\filterscripts\JLadm in.pwn(4767) : error 033: array must be indexed (variable "LevelName")
C:\Users\Sweet\Desktop\JLadmin\filterscripts\JLadm in.pwn(4768) : error 017: undefined symbol "VIP_1_COLOR"
C:\Users\Sweet\Desktop\JLadmin\filterscripts\JLadm in.pwn(4768) : error 033: array must be indexed (variable "LevelColor")
Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase
26 Errors.
if you don't want to help me no problem but don't -1rep me because there is members always do this
thanks for reading or helping me any one will help me i'll rep him and thanks again
E:\samp03z_svr_R1_win32\pawno\include\YSI\y_hooks/ : warning 235: public function lacks forward declaration (symbol "OnPlayerClickTextDraw")
E:\samp03z_svr_R1_win32\pawno\include\YSI\y_hooks/ : warning 235: public function lacks forward declaration (symbol "OnPlayerClickPlayerTextDraw")
E:\samp03z_svr_R1_win32\pawno\include\YSI\y_hooks/ : warning 235: public function lacks forward declaration (symbol "OnPlayerEditObject")
E:\samp03z_svr_R1_win32\pawno\include\YSI\y_hooks/ : warning 235: public function lacks forward declaration (symbol "OnPlayerEditAttachedObject")
E:\samp03z_svr_R1_win32\pawno\include\YSI\y_hooks/ : warning 235: public function lacks forward declaration (symbol "OnPlayerSelectObject")
C:\Users\Sweet\Desktop\JLadmin\filterscripts\JLadm in.pwn(324) : error 017: undefined symbol "PlayerTextDrawHide"
C:\Users\Sweet\Desktop\JLadmin\filterscripts\JLadm in.pwn(325) : error 017: undefined symbol "PlayerTextDrawDestroy"
C:\Users\Sweet\Desktop\JLadmin\filterscripts\JLadm in.pwn(460) : error 017: undefined symbol "PlayerTextDrawHide"
C:\Users\Sweet\Desktop\JLadmin\filterscripts\JLadm in.pwn(461) : error 017: undefined symbol "PlayerTextDrawDestroy"
C:\Users\Sweet\Desktop\JLadmin\filterscripts\JLadm in.pwn(534) : error 017: undefined symbol "SelectTextDraw"
C:\Users\Sweet\Desktop\JLadmin\filterscripts\JLadm in.pwn(621) : error 017: undefined symbol "DONATORCHATKEY"
C:\Users\Sweet\Desktop\JLadmin\filterscripts\JLadm in.pwn(846) : error 017: undefined symbol "ban"
C:\Users\Sweet\Desktop\JLadmin\filterscripts\JLadm in.pwn(1140) : error 017: undefined symbol "CancelSelectTextDraw"
C:\Users\Sweet\Desktop\JLadmin\filterscripts\JLadm in.pwn(1176) : error 017: undefined symbol "CancelSelectTextDraw"
C:\Users\Sweet\Desktop\JLadmin\filterscripts\JLadm in.pwn(1551) : error 017: undefined symbol "PlayerTextDrawShow"
C:\Users\Sweet\Desktop\JLadmin\filterscripts\JLadm in.pwn(4680) : error 017: undefined symbol "VIP_LEVEL_1"
C:\Users\Sweet\Desktop\JLadmin\filterscripts\JLadm in.pwn(4680) : error 033: array must be indexed (variable "LevelName")
C:\Users\Sweet\Desktop\JLadmin\filterscripts\JLadm in.pwn(4681) : error 017: undefined symbol "VIP_LEVEL_2"
C:\Users\Sweet\Desktop\JLadmin\filterscripts\JLadm in.pwn(4681) : error 033: array must be indexed (variable "LevelName")
C:\Users\Sweet\Desktop\JLadmin\filterscripts\JLadm in.pwn(4682) : error 017: undefined symbol "VIP_LEVEL_3"
C:\Users\Sweet\Desktop\JLadmin\filterscripts\JLadm in.pwn(4682) : error 033: array must be indexed (variable "LevelName")
C:\Users\Sweet\Desktop\JLadmin\filterscripts\JLadm in.pwn(4723) : error 017: undefined symbol "VIP_LEVEL_1"
C:\Users\Sweet\Desktop\JLadmin\filterscripts\JLadm in.pwn(4723) : error 033: array must be indexed (variable "LevelName")
C:\Users\Sweet\Desktop\JLadmin\filterscripts\JLadm in.pwn(4724) : error 017: undefined symbol "VIP_LEVEL_2"
C:\Users\Sweet\Desktop\JLadmin\filterscripts\JLadm in.pwn(4724) : error 033: array must be indexed (variable "LevelName")
C:\Users\Sweet\Desktop\JLadmin\filterscripts\JLadm in.pwn(4725) : error 017: undefined symbol "VIP_LEVEL_3"
C:\Users\Sweet\Desktop\JLadmin\filterscripts\JLadm in.pwn(4725) : error 033: array must be indexed (variable "LevelName")
C:\Users\Sweet\Desktop\JLadmin\filterscripts\JLadm in.pwn(4767) : error 017: undefined symbol "VIP_LEVEL_1"
C:\Users\Sweet\Desktop\JLadmin\filterscripts\JLadm in.pwn(4767) : error 033: array must be indexed (variable "LevelName")
C:\Users\Sweet\Desktop\JLadmin\filterscripts\JLadm in.pwn(4768) : error 017: undefined symbol "VIP_1_COLOR"
C:\Users\Sweet\Desktop\JLadmin\filterscripts\JLadm in.pwn(4768) : error 033: array must be indexed (variable "LevelColor")
Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase
26 Errors.
if you don't want to help me no problem but don't -1rep me because there is members always do this
thanks for reading or helping me any one will help me i'll rep him and thanks again
[Pedido] GM Apenas Com Duas Coisas
Gostaria de Pedir ajuda a Vocês.
Gostaria de um GM Com Sistema de Login.
Sistema de Admin Apenas(Pode ser Sem os Comandos só pra eu me sivirar Mesmo '-')
Quem Puder Ajudar Agradeço mt
(minha Finalidade é Fazer 1 RPG)
Gostaria de um GM Com Sistema de Login.
Sistema de Admin Apenas(Pode ser Sem os Comandos só pra eu me sivirar Mesmo '-')
Quem Puder Ajudar Agradeço mt
(minha Finalidade é Fazer 1 RPG)
So, It's been fairly a long time since I came on the forums. Here's some great pictures that my mapper, Horst4.0, created for our RP mode, which is about survival and destruction. More will come soon.

/vacheter dini
Salut j'ai un probleme sur un systeme de vehicule,
j'ai fais une commande /vacheter puis inscrirait notre nom dans le fichier
du véhicule, plus précisément au variable "Proprio".. Mais lorsque je fais /vacheter ingame,
je reçois bien le message mais mon pseudo ne s'affiche pas au variable Proprio.
Quelqu'un peut-il m'aider ? Demandez moi si vous voulez la partit d'un code..
J'y arrive vraiment pas la :/
j'ai fais une commande /vacheter puis inscrirait notre nom dans le fichier
du véhicule, plus précisément au variable "Proprio".. Mais lorsque je fais /vacheter ingame,
je reçois bien le message mais mon pseudo ne s'affiche pas au variable Proprio.
Quelqu'un peut-il m'aider ? Demandez moi si vous voulez la partit d'un code..
J'y arrive vraiment pas la :/
if(strcmp("/vacheter", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0) { new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; GetPlayerName(playerid, name, sizeof(name)); dini_Set(CarFile(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)), "Proprio", name); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "Vous venez d'acheter ce vehicule"); return 1; } |
The Best car ?
Hey guys i wanna know what you think whats the bets car im gonna give you few cars and tell me wich one is the best :D what would you buy :)
1. BMW
2. Audi
3. Ferrari
4. Lamborghini
5. Subaru
Waiting for your comments! :)
1. BMW
2. Audi
3. Ferrari
4. Lamborghini
5. Subaru
Waiting for your comments! :)
Problem with VPS Debian 6 64bits RCON GMX
Hello everyone,
I just installed my samp server on a vps debian 6 64bit but i have a problem.
When I put the samp process screen i can not stop it with CTRL + C, i must kill.
The most annoying is that when i do /rcon gmx it but there's marked server restarting on it and it still does not restart.
What to do?
Thank you in advance.
I just installed my samp server on a vps debian 6 64bit but i have a problem.
When I put the samp process screen i can not stop it with CTRL + C, i must kill.
The most annoying is that when i do /rcon gmx it but there's marked server restarting on it and it still does not restart.
What to do?
Thank you in advance.
[Pedido] Ant Bot sem Bugs
Gente alguem tem um ant bot que é livre de bugs e é bem funcional ?, eu pegava os da internet por ai e vinha com o bug de banir os player sem hack :s alguem tem ai :D ?
Trinity Roleplay | 0.3Z - Stable Playerbase - Fill my Wish Event Today - New IP
*WISH EVENT - 29th March will begin GMT+1 anywhere between 21:00 and 22:00*
Forums -
SA-MP - *New IP*
Version - 0.3z
Gamemode - T:RP v2.0.8
Teamspeak -
Trinity is a roleplay community that came in its existence just a couple hours ago.
We would like to inform you of our existence and would like to invite you into T:RP for some crazy adventures and role-playing activities.
The Staff team is very kind and polite there for you will not need to be worried of any of them being corrupt. The staff works always at a high standard and accept reports within matter of seconds!
We are currently not in need of administrators, but we do in fact monitor your role-play skills, and your attitude and maybe in future invite you into the administrator team.
We do need faction leaders for LSPD, LSFMD and we even have our own faction system there for you can get faction rights for a faction warehouse, guns, tagging, drugs. The whole system is pretty much dynamic and the faction leader may control everything even giving hes members permission for the warehouse.
Well to be fair, earning money may be a difficult challenge for you but look on the bright side you will not be seeing everyone driving in infernuses..
There are houses for sale minimum 20,000$-40,000$ apartments are usually around 8,000$-15,000$
Key Features
Economy - The economy is really realistic, It is resally simmilar to reallife.
Glovebox - You may hide you're weapon/drugs under the vehicles seat via /glovebox
Level Up - You don't get level ups, Your score is upon the game hours you have played in the server.
Trunk - You can put players inside the trunk!
Vehicles - You may buy upto 3 Vehicle. You can fully tune them - Tunnings are saved.
Maps - There are huge amount of mapping in the server that is custom!
Businesses - You can buy your own businesses once you have the right amount of money!
Houses - You can buy a house once you found the perfect one in Los Santos.
Factions - Faction System is dynamic, Mafias will be able to deal guns to gangs and Gangs will be able to grow weed and make cocaine,crack.
Tagging - Factions can tag up streets, mark areas to claim their turf.
Masks - You can buy a mask once you have reached 2hours of gameplay, You can get one from 24/7.
Jobs - There are few legal jobs Truck Job, Garbage Job, Sweeper, Cleaner(Graffit Cleaner), Farmer.
Registering - Your account will be approved by an administrator once you are trying to register.
Basket Ball - You can play basketball with your friends at basket ball courts
Realistic Weapon Damage - There is a realistic weapon damage system included in the script! It has no bugs at all!
Armor - You can get armour from drugs, But the armour does not save on a logout(Maximum Armour is 45).
Other - The script is huge, there are loads of things that we want you to discover!
Connect now and begin you're new world of an adventure.
[Ajuda] Hospedar server no linux
Galera estou tentando hospedar uma gm numa host linux mais não estou conseguindo fiz tudo certo mais esta dando "Unknow" sendo que ta com o .so no server.cfg e na host :\
[Hiring]Sunfire Gaming Roleplay | Med RP
Server Information (vBulletin)
(TEMP DNS, will be getting and soon)
Owners Of Sunfire Gaming
Kev - [Executive Director]
Tony - [Executive Director + Director of Game Affairs]
Robocop - [Director of Technology + Director of Admin Personnel]
Lead Head Administration Team
Leroy - [Game Admin]
We are Looking for Mature Admins and always have a Staff Application open to anyone. So if you feel you want to be apart of the staff team or helper well just apply and wait for your Results. In this server everyone have a chance. Even if you want to make/lead your own Faction as well!
Tony - [Executive Director + Director of Game Affairs]
Robocop - [Director of Technology + Director of Admin Personnel]
Lead Head Administration Team
Leroy - [Game Admin]
We are Looking for Mature Admins and always have a Staff Application open to anyone. So if you feel you want to be apart of the staff team or helper well just apply and wait for your Results. In this server everyone have a chance. Even if you want to make/lead your own Faction as well!
Welcome to Sun-Fire gaming We are a Medium Role-playing server on Grand Thief Auto SA-MP and also Working on a County Custom Script as well for Medium to Heavy Level. We are Well funded and have a Super Friendly Staff that is here to help you in any needs in the gaming world. Our mission goal is to serve and have a Positive Gaming environment for all the players. We have Created a system that Balance and make everyone on the server Equal , Such as Server Bill of rights and which give the players rights where its to Avoid Power Abuse from Admins to players as well. In the Role-play word we even have Amendments to protect you from Factions and player Abuse as well. and If your Amendments is Abuse in the RP World. Well you can make a lot of money from the State. Once you Try us out We can Insure you this will be your Next RP Home. We are currently working on other Jobs and systems which will soon be release. So come on in and try us out. In this server it will always be a Place for your Growth.
Server Information
This Server has many Factions and systems that will keep you playing for hours. We have Tested for Bugs and even upgraded our network to handle high Volumes of players so you can Play without any Lag or Disconnections issues with the server. This Server is 24/7 and Hosted Tab Below we will list the systems and Factions we do offer .
Script Systems
Dynamic Houses
Dynamic Factions
Dynamic Doors
Dynamic Families
Dynamic Gates
Dynamic Events
Custom Interiors
Custom Commands
2000+ Player Commands
500+ Staff Commands
Many More...
Los Santos Police Department
San Andreas State Troopers
San Andreas Fire & Medical Department
San Andreas FBI Division
San Andreas NSA Department
San Andreas News Team
Dynamic Factions
Dynamic Doors
Dynamic Families
Dynamic Gates
Dynamic Events
Custom Interiors
Custom Commands
2000+ Player Commands
500+ Staff Commands
Many More...
Los Santos Police Department
San Andreas State Troopers
San Andreas Fire & Medical Department
San Andreas FBI Division
San Andreas NSA Department
San Andreas News Team
Want to open a closed faction? Apply on forums or request on TeamSpeak. Want a custom Faction? Its only 10$ ATM.
Ending Statement
Thank you for taking the time to read this and hope to see you Role playing with us. We have a system where All players and Admins are Equal, and Design to make it a feeling where the players can feel as they are one with the server not apart. We are Currently Working on a Heavy Role play Server that will be Based in Red/Bone County as well fully Custom and a War server as well. So stay tune with us. BTW we are still looking for Helpers , Forums Mods and Admins and of course Leaderships for factions. :7777
Comunitatea B-Zone va invita pe cel mai mare server romanesc de SA-MP(San Andreas Multiplayer): (RPG2.B-Zone.Ro:7777)
Hostname: B-Zone: RPG Server 2 [0.3x]
DNS Address: RPG2.B-Zone.Ro:7777
Players: 300+/1000
De ce B-ZONE?
- un gamemode care imita realitatea, cel mai cautat de altfel.
- serverul se intinde pe intreaga harta San Andreas.
- cel mai popular server romanesc.
- un mediu plăcut de joc unde vă puteți distra alături de prieteni și unde vă puteți face prieteni noi.
- ajutor informativ pentru începători din partea echipei de Helperi și Admini.
- posibilitatea de a avansa rapid în nivel.
- vehicule de tutorial pentru începători care se îmbunătățesc odată cu avansarea în nivel (Level 1 - Faggio, Level 2 - Perennial, Level 3 - Bobcat, Level 5 - Bravura, Level 7 - Landstalker).
- prețuri accesibile pentru a vă cumpăra vehicule, case, bizuri și slujbe care vă oferă un venit frumos pentru a strânge bani.
- sistem de referral prin care puteți profita financiar dacă vă aduceți prietenii pe server.
- event-uri organizate in permanenta.
- multe alte lucruri interesante care va trebui să le descoperiți singuri, nu veți regreta.
- Pașnice (nivel 5):
Los Santos Taxi
Las Venturas Taxi
San Fierro Taxi
News Reporter
School Instructors
Tow Truck Company
- Ganguri (nivel 7):
Verdant Family
Vietnamese Boys
Green Street Bloods
The Tsar Bratva
Red Dragon Triad
Southern Pimps
Avispa Rifa
El Loco Cartel
69 Pier Mobs
- Departamente (nivel 10):
LS Police Department
LV Police Department
SF Police Department
Federal Bureau of Investigation
National Guard
- Agenție (nivel 10):
Hitmen Agency
Va asteptam sa va simtiti bine alaturi de noi!
Comunitatea B-Zone va invita pe cel mai mare server romanesc de SA-MP(San Andreas Multiplayer): (RPG2.B-Zone.Ro:7777)
Hostname: B-Zone: RPG Server 2 [0.3x]
DNS Address: RPG2.B-Zone.Ro:7777
Players: 300+/1000
De ce B-ZONE?
- un gamemode care imita realitatea, cel mai cautat de altfel.
- serverul se intinde pe intreaga harta San Andreas.
- cel mai popular server romanesc.
- un mediu plăcut de joc unde vă puteți distra alături de prieteni și unde vă puteți face prieteni noi.
- ajutor informativ pentru începători din partea echipei de Helperi și Admini.
- posibilitatea de a avansa rapid în nivel.
- vehicule de tutorial pentru începători care se îmbunătățesc odată cu avansarea în nivel (Level 1 - Faggio, Level 2 - Perennial, Level 3 - Bobcat, Level 5 - Bravura, Level 7 - Landstalker).
- prețuri accesibile pentru a vă cumpăra vehicule, case, bizuri și slujbe care vă oferă un venit frumos pentru a strânge bani.
- sistem de referral prin care puteți profita financiar dacă vă aduceți prietenii pe server.
- event-uri organizate in permanenta.
- multe alte lucruri interesante care va trebui să le descoperiți singuri, nu veți regreta.
- Pașnice (nivel 5):
Los Santos Taxi
Las Venturas Taxi
San Fierro Taxi
News Reporter
School Instructors
Tow Truck Company
- Ganguri (nivel 7):
Verdant Family
Vietnamese Boys
Green Street Bloods
The Tsar Bratva
Red Dragon Triad
Southern Pimps
Avispa Rifa
El Loco Cartel
69 Pier Mobs
- Departamente (nivel 10):
LS Police Department
LV Police Department
SF Police Department
Federal Bureau of Investigation
National Guard
- Agenție (nivel 10):
Hitmen Agency
Va asteptam sa va simtiti bine alaturi de noi!
Ahh..Hello All, I See My All Deathmatches Area in freeroam HOW TO HIDE Deathmatches Area From Freeroam..?
Is there a way to stop guns being destroyed when ammo is 0?
Title says all.
I'm trying to do different ammo types for guns so if they use one kind, I'd rather they didn't destroy the gun so they can load in new ammo?
I'm trying to do different ammo types for guns so if they use one kind, I'd rather they didn't destroy the gun so they can load in new ammo?
[GameMode] Meu primeiro gm da gaveta
Byted DM
Olá galera, como este forum está precisando de BASES com funções atualizadas e variadas, venho posta o meu primeiro GM.
Eu fiz esse GM um tempim atrás, axo que tem uns 4meses.
É uma base bem base, bem otimizada, identada e organizada.
Comandos: /v [id], /kill, /lv, /sf, /ls, /kit1, /kit2, /kit3, /armour, /health
Usei macros:
pawn Code:
#define Msg(%0,%1,%2) SendClientMessage(%0,%1,%2)
#define MsgToAll(%0,%1) SendClientMessageToAll(%0,%1)
#define Loop(%0,%1) for(new %0; %0 < %1; %0++)
#define MsgToAll(%0,%1) SendClientMessageToAll(%0,%1)
#define Loop(%0,%1) for(new %0; %0 < %1; %0++)
#fikdica : usando macros você otimiza a função assim resultando na criação de um script mais facilmente e rápido.
Provavelmente alguns iniciantes vão perguntar: - Tem um monte de skins, mais só há uma linha de skin!
Eu usei loops, o loop ele vai rodar o valor 299 ate o 0.
Aconselho ler tutoriais, há muitos no forum.
Pesso um favor , se tiver algum erro na parte do código me avisem.
Pastebin: read
Críticas construtivas são Bem Vindas!
Obs: esse GM não é um dos meus atuais.
Call Of Duty For SA-MP - - Come as guest, stay as family!
• Server Information
IP Address:
Information: The only COD server implementing two modes at the same time; multiplayer and zombies. Progress through an immense 10 minute round of zombies and level up!
• Introduction
Call Of Duty For SA-MP has been resurrected since early 2013 but had its development slow. Until now, we've been unloading the most epic jazz yet. You have multiplayer for player competition, and zombies for the awesomeness.
Zombies contains NPC/BOT zombies, and doesn't require any players to play (besides yourself).
We've went through a series of private beta tests to ensure the gameplay is not boring and glitchy. This server uses the MySQL platform & FCNPC (custom additions) to ensure speed and the finest quality of NPCs.
In case anyone's wondering, we've inherited the zombie gameplay from the renowned game, Left 4 Dead. See just the trailer, and hopefully you'll be trying this out.
• Trailer
• Features
- Great detection system. (Will be fixed in 0.3z)
- Three zombie types; Zombie (itself), Boomer and Tank.
- Tank spawn twice per game and have the highest health.
- Zombies do in-fact drop money, but also weapons.
- Plenty of killstreaks to be used.
- Progress your account, achieve new equipment, perks and weapons!
- Dynamic map system, simple as one file = one map. Very flexible, meaning a ton of tweaks can be adjusted for each map.
- One primarily awesome killstreak; VTOL warship.
- Three multiplayer gamemodes; Kill Confirmed, Team Deathmatch and Capture the Flag.
- Sniper is one shot kill.
- Tactical nuke!
- Tomahawk with its throwing physics & trajectory!
If you need any other help, contact us in-game by /ask or simply by the forums!
Invalid mode [reps +++++]
[12:18:27] [invalid_mod] Ceew 25 81 522 1012
[12:18:27] [invalid_mod] Ceew 25 81 522 1013
[12:18:27] [invalid_mod] Ceew 25 81 522 1014
[12:18:27] [invalid_mod] Ceew 25 81 522 1015
[12:18:27] [invalid_mod] Ceew 25 81 522 1016
[12:18:27] [invalid_mod] Ceew 25 81 522 1017
[12:18:27] [invalid_mod] Ceew 25 81 522 1018
[12:18:27] [invalid_mod] Ceew 25 81 522 1019
[12:18:27] [invalid_mod] Ceew 25 81 522 1020
[12:18:27] [invalid_mod] Ceew 25 81 522 1021
[12:18:27] [invalid_mod] Ceew 25 81 522 1022
[12:18:27] [invalid_mod] Ceew 25 81 522 1023
[12:18:27] [invalid_mod] Ceew 25 81 522 1024
[12:18:27] [invalid_mod] Ceew 25 81 522 1025
[12:18:28] [invalid_mod] Ceew 25 81 522 1073
[12:18:28] [invalid_mod] Ceew 25 81 522 1074
[12:18:28] [invalid_mod] Ceew 25 81 522 1075
[12:18:28] [invalid_mod] Ceew 25 81 522 1076
[12:18:28] [invalid_mod] Ceew 25 81 522 1077
[12:18:28] [invalid_mod] Ceew 25 81 522 1078
[12:18:28] [invalid_mod] Ceew 25 81 522 1079
[12:18:28] [invalid_mod] Ceew 25 81 522 1080
Someone trying to crash my players what to do ?
[GameMode] los santos Generation Roleplay
This Game mode was Scripted by Me and by my friend Logan Stone after sometime we fought and he Posted my game mode as a Offense to me to be shared all Over Net then after Half a Year He Did i decided to continue the Game mode and make it better and win His Offense by sharing his Little secrect of Stealing my game mode he made himself the Game mode rights and i am Taking back my credits. This GM Is Designed for Light-Medium Roleplay
This GM Contains Few Filter scripts and few Plugins but it works very good, and his alot of Stuff Dynamic,
Dynamic House system,
Dynamic Faction system
Dynamic Business System
Dynamic Admin system
How to make yourself admin?
Start your server then register
than after you see the tutorial
Log out and go to script file
and set your admin level to 6
Why this GM?
This GM Was used in Popular Servers
Before, also everything is Dynamic
and it's easy to Attach alot of Players
With this Gamemode
Known Bugs:
All Bugs are supposed be fixed
But if you find one Please
How to start Up your server and working:
it's easy first open server.CFG
Head to rcon password
and change it to your preference
The last thing you have to do Is
Just open Samp-server
How to add more filter scripts
To add filter scripts put your
Filter script in the filter script
Folder and then go to
sever.cfg and Head to
Filter scripts and type it's Name
Example: Buttons(Don't type the
Please REP+ If you think i've Helped You
or you believe i have helped you
Download Link:
This GM Contains Few Filter scripts and few Plugins but it works very good, and his alot of Stuff Dynamic,
Dynamic House system,
Dynamic Faction system
Dynamic Business System
Dynamic Admin system
How to make yourself admin?
Start your server then register
than after you see the tutorial
Log out and go to script file
and set your admin level to 6
Why this GM?
This GM Was used in Popular Servers
Before, also everything is Dynamic
and it's easy to Attach alot of Players
With this Gamemode
Known Bugs:
All Bugs are supposed be fixed
But if you find one Please
How to start Up your server and working:
it's easy first open server.CFG
Head to rcon password
and change it to your preference
The last thing you have to do Is
Just open Samp-server
How to add more filter scripts
To add filter scripts put your
Filter script in the filter script
Folder and then go to
sever.cfg and Head to
Filter scripts and type it's Name
Example: Buttons(Don't type the
Please REP+ If you think i've Helped You
or you believe i have helped you
Download Link:
Server visibility problem!
Hello everyone.
I have a little problem with the Server...
It was all good until no one can see the Server online (On the List of the Server's) I run the Server and everything is good and working,but only me can see it.
I checked the thing about Port Forwarding and everything is okay,I don't know what is the problem,haven't touched anything. :mad:
I didn't change my IP-Address,so it can't be because of that.
Can anyone help please?!?!!?
I have a little problem with the Server...
It was all good until no one can see the Server online (On the List of the Server's) I run the Server and everything is good and working,but only me can see it.
I checked the thing about Port Forwarding and everything is okay,I don't know what is the problem,haven't touched anything. :mad:
I didn't change my IP-Address,so it can't be because of that.
Can anyone help please?!?!!?
Need help about chat
i made a pm command and when i send pm it doesnt show all the message just the half.
i mean Example:
and it will send just the half message like
Can anyone explain me? i tried many ways i know but the bug still happends
i mean Example:
pawn Code:
/pm 1 hello how are you this is testing private message man.
and it will send just the half message like
pawn Code:
/pm 1 hello how are yo
Can anyone explain me? i tried many ways i know but the bug still happends
Y_INI Saving System
default code of the Y_INI
When the player clicks on "Quit" button before registering, it will kick the player from the server and his name will be saved in the user files with no password, and when the player join back again with the same name, it will show him the login dialog instead of register dialog, WHY?
Any solution for this problem? Y_INI Has so much bugs
Advanced Hack - robber Codes
Recently launched a new cheat that and able to steal up to the maps server. Many server are already being copied by this cheat.
Sorry for my english, but I hope you understand it is something that needs urgent repair!
Sorry for my english, but I hope you understand it is something that needs urgent repair!
Hello Guys , i need help , i have this error message
How Do I Fix That , I Have RECOMPILED THE NEW GM , WITH NEW STREAMER , but i have that error message , please help thx :)
[05:05:54] *** Streamer Plugin: Warning: Include file version (0x26105) does not match plugin version (0x27002) (script might need to be recompiled with the latest include file) |
How Do I Fix That , I Have RECOMPILED THE NEW GM , WITH NEW STREAMER , but i have that error message , please help thx :)
vendredi 28 mars 2014
Hello, I have some questions about r38 mysql..
Hello everyone long time no see.
So my questions are how I can make basically registration system with r38 plugin..
Try to find one but end up no where...
With best regards Scrillex...
So my questions are how I can make basically registration system with r38 plugin..
Try to find one but end up no where...
With best regards Scrillex...
Wont online on the internet tab
I already port forward before, it should work but since the SAMP move to 0.3z is there any changes that might cause the server wont online or portfoward problem?
Quick Question (Door ID)
Hey guys, i'm trying to get a Map finished for a server and for some reason a door i used to use allot have vanished into thing air, if anyone could give me the ID to the model.
Model description:
Wooden Texture,
Two Windows in the middle,
Used on the GPM (FCRP server)
Model description:
Wooden Texture,
Two Windows in the middle,
Used on the GPM (FCRP server)
He's dugi
who else but dugi?
he's dugi dugi
you never really know what he's gonna do next
he's dugi dugi
giggity giggity giggity giggity
lets have sex
he's dugi dugi
you never really know what he's gonna do next
he's dugi dugi
giggity giggity giggity giggity
lets have sex
2Real Roleplay - Where Life Meets Roleplay - Grand Opening - Tripple Hours
10 important reasons why you should join ²Real Roleplay over any other roleplay server.
1. The server has been going since September 2013. We didn't disappear, we just developed a new way to start our gaming experience, and the others around us.
2. The script is not a God Father/NGG-RP Edit, like the 1000 other same Edits. It is completely different.
3. We have a team of supporters who will show you through your first few hours, making it easier to get started.
4. Does a person just spawn at the age of 20 in real life? You can get a free apartment here. Contact a Administrator.
5. Our server is not made up of 80 percent 1337 admins. We have a select team of admins, there are many new people who are players just like you.
6. If you have at-least 5 members in your faction, you can become official before you get level 3. Official does not take years to get. After being accepted, your faction will be added in within 5 minutes without the need for a restart.
7. We do not allow people with non-RP names and we do not support people who cannot speak English.
8. ²Real Roleplay is not home hosted. It is on a dedicated server in a data center.
9. The real feel of Los Angeles is scripted into Los Santos to give you a different perspective on the roleplay environment.
10. It is easy to get into a faction, easy to get a job and easy to get car. It is a friendly script which allows you to enjoy yourself.
I started developing ²Real Roleplay in September 2013. I couldn't really script properly, but I've put a lot of effort into learning mostly everything about scripting and SA-MP Functions all together.. Now 1 and a half years later, ²Real Roleplay has became a one of a kind, and absolutely unique server, with not only a custom script, but custom mapping and many other surprises that would get you going at the end of the reading of this statement. We are looking to expand to a larger player base than any other server around the SA-MP Community, but without the help of players looking to actually crack down on being a dedicated and sophisticated player at our community thus far, it has been a very hard struggle for us to complete our main goal which is to just have fun and enjoy our Free-Time within the server that we have created graciously for the other Roleplayers in the SA-MP Community itself.
[Ajuda] Ajuda Bug
gente to tentano entrar num server mais ta bugado olha:
Tipo clico no server ta cheio de gente olha na image:

Depois que eu entro, fica um minuto asim:
connecting to
connected, joinong the game...

E depois de um 1 minuto da esse erro:

vo deixar o ip na descriçao se der pra voces entrarem me avise se deu erro ou nao
por favor me ajuda
Tipo clico no server ta cheio de gente olha na image:
Depois que eu entro, fica um minuto asim:
connecting to
connected, joinong the game...
E depois de um 1 minuto da esse erro:
vo deixar o ip na descriçao se der pra voces entrarem me avise se deu erro ou nao
por favor me ajuda
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