vendredi 28 mars 2014

[GameMode] 4-Games RPG (Update)





Medics / Fireman





News Reporter

taxi Company

School Instructor

Tow Car Company

BlueBerry PD

Groove Street

The Ballas Gang

Varios Los Aztecas


The Rifa Gang



Jobs :

1.Mucenic ( carat bags ) 2.Banker

3.Stealer (HOT ) 4.Arms Dealer

5.Bodyguard 6. Drugs Dealer "

7.Bus Driver; 8.Paper Boy

9.Car Mechanic ; 10.Train Driver

11.Whore ; 12.Curatator streets

13.Gunoier ; 14.Trainning

15.Pizza Boy .

OTHER INFORMATION ************** *************

- You have 2 personal cars .

- Has a unique car, you can add the / addveh (it will go after you set the level of access to / setfc )

- There are 500 homes in Los Santos

- Panels on buildings , stalpi.Le can change with / panels

- You can see the latest player to omanda login / online .

- Hall is changed .

- Can you put a parrot on shoulder / parrot .

- Unique my license .

- You can set the interiors of homes with / ahouseint

- You can put taxes (only those in the hall ) with / settax and with / givetax can borrow money players !

- You stay out money to rent with / housewithdraw

- You can move homes with / houseentrance ( Only owners )

- Galaxy are between 1 and Admin Admin Admin 9 and 10 is hidden owner .

- You can buy from 24/7 Head helmet , goggles , mask, etc. Anti - cuff .

- You can set the town with / origin [ LS , SF , LV, BB ] .

- To test have led to school instructor / startlesson and / stoplesson

- Cops can come over want in the house with / ram .

- When you enter the server will show a lower bar with accounts registered / banned and record players , the list is automatically updated every account registered / banned or record players, something like : B -zone.

- For eventuri race only star players to pimp their car you / autotune ( admins only )

- Admins have the / tdadmin and / tdmax for some ads on the server , depending on the model chosen , appears in different positions.

- You can remove the admin / helper / warnuri players offline commands : / unadmin ; / unhelper ; / unwarn2

- You can view the online police command / coponline .

- System V.I.P UNIQUE ! You set it to / setState and to benefit from it type / vip !

* Gamemodeul not be flooded , is secure from any cheating . *

**** These are some information about the server , will leave you to find out more ****

Instructions: Download and Install


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