Pak Reality Roleplay Script
Hope you will like my this work
Hope you will like my this work
Admins Commands:
"*** LEVEL 1 ADMIN *** /admins /check /jail /kick /skick /aduty /showflags /nrn /namechanges /reports /ar /tr /post /nro /nao /rtnc /norevive");
"*** LEVEL 1 ADMIN *** (NEW CMD) [Dont ABuse This NEW CMD] /revive /spec /spec (off) /goto /gethere /gotoid");
"*** LEVEL 2 ADMIN *** /spec /freeze /unfreeze /gethere /gotoid /gotoplayerscar /setvw /setint /oldcar /gotocar /entercar /jetpack /paused");
"*** LEVEL 2 ADMIN *** /afk /gotoco /(o)flag /(o)clearflag /ban /sban /listguns /warn /(o)kills /(o)ipcheck /ip /goto /mark /mark2");
"*** LEVEL 2 ADMIN *** /watch /hospital /prisoners /sendtols /nmute /nunmute /admute /adunmute /anetstats /serial /approvename /denyname");
*** LEVEL 2 ADMIN *** (NEW CMD) [Dont ABuse This NEW CMD] /belt /release /prison /revive /sethp /setarmor /healnear /veh /slap /hhcheck /fixveh /forcesave");
"*** LEVEL 3 ADMIN *** /prison /fine /pfine /takeadminweapons /takeweapons /setskin /release /force(death/hospital) /rto /rtoreset /mole /revive");
"*** LEVEL 3 ADMIN *** /reloadpvehicles /apark /aimpound /nonewbie /owarn /ocheck /ofine /oprison /respawncar(s) /deletead /atip");
"*** LEVEL 3 ADMIN *** /noooc /gcto /gcreset /respawnfreegangvehs");
"*** LEVEL 4 ADMIN *** /asellhouse /givenos /blowup /setname /forcesave /oban /cnn /fixveh /sethp /setarmor /setarmorall /givegun");
"*** LEVEL 4 ADMIN *** /adivorce /eventhelp /sprison /unban /unbanip /setinsurance /(goto/goin)house /pointfix /givelicense /fackick");
"*** LEVEL 4 ADMIN *** /setmyname /createpvehicle /destroypvehicle /hnext /(goto/goin)door /veh /vehname /healnear /destroycar /destroycars");
"*** LEVEL 4 ADMIN *** /setfightingstyle /fixveh /fcreate /fdelete /fedit /creategvehicle /destroygvehicle /deletehit /countdown /refund /clearall");
"*** LEVEL 4 ADMIN *** /listtoys /dd(edit/next/near/name) /leaders /givemoney /setmoney /setstat /skiptut /sethelper");
*** LEVEL 5 ADMIN *** /pedit /permaban /setcolor /paycheck /clearallreports /makeleader /changeuserpassword /setdonator");
*** LEVEL 5 ADMIN *** /amotd /restartserver /rmute /hedit /hname /setadminname /fixvehall /cnnn /gotodoor /dedit");
*** LEVEL 6 ADMIN *** /setadmin /motd /edit /dmp(edit/next/near) /listfacpay /facpay /gotodmp /createdealership /destroydealership");
*** LEVEL 6 ADMIN *** /createcdveh /destroycdveh /forceoffduty /rhelp");
"*** BAN APPEALER *** /unban /unbanip");
"*** GANG MOD *** /fedit /fcreate /fdelete /creategvehicle /destroygvehicle");
- Dynamic House System.
- Dynamic Family System.
- 14 families you can make.
- Dynamic dealership system.
- Admin system
- Door system
- Donators System
- Losantos Police Deparment.
- Los Santos fire medical department.
- SAnews.
- FBi.
- Governament.
- Hitman.
Factions Information:
All Head Queters are totally fixed , no need to edit any thing..
/makeleader [player id][faction id]
NOTE: only leader can , /invite and /uninvite..
Becuse of Roleplay..
Ban System.
Ban system is totally fix. thanks for this.
Login system:
Login system is wonder full you can check it..
if it neeed any other edit you can also PM me.
Plugins & Development:
All latest plugins are already inside folder so you can
use this script easily no need to do any change
there is all plugins .dll and .so
you can use .dll for windows
.so for linux or gamepanel
Dynamic Event system:
Atleast Admin level 4 can also create an event .
/eventhelp - in game
/seteventtype DM or TDM
/editevent -
/startevent - to start the event in game
/announceevent - to announcevent to whole server
/lockevent - to lock event
/beginevent - to give guns & armors of event.
Paint ball also inclused and totally fixed..
yo can find out paintball near county general.
/paintball - on door to join paint ball.
PRRP Basic Gamemode.
:p:) PLEASE +REP me
+Rep, Please Make a new Link to Have access to the script.
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