samedi 1 novembre 2014

[FilterScript] Away From Keyboard System

Simple AFK System Here.

What It Does:

When you issue the command, it sets your player to 500 health and prevents your player from moving. If the player happens to take damage while afk, it will be refilled.

When you issue the command to return, It will set your health and armor back to where it was before issuing the command to go AFK.


You cannot go AFK if you have recently went AFK in the last 30 seconds (can be changed).

You cannot go AFK if you have taken damage recently in the last 15 seconds (can be changed).

You cannot go AFK if you have given damage recently in the last 15 seconds (can be changed).


/afk (/away) - Allows you to go AFK

/imback (/back) - Allows you to return from AFK Mode.


If you have any problems, you may contact me here. Thanks!

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