Rolen Role Play
Version 1.0 by
I was bored so i decided to open pawno and create gm i hope you like it
Notice : this gm is not full made by me :/ i took some from other gms Any Way
I was bored so i decided to open pawno and create gm i hope you like it
Notice : this gm is not full made by me :/ i took some from other gms Any Way
* Login / Registration System
* VIP System (4 levels)
* Admin System (10 levels)
* Help System
* Custom Item System
* Contain 7 Worlds
* Random Item Spawns
* Random Item Selections
* Weapons Saving / Loading
* Fight Style System "Only At Dm"
* Custom Mapping In Bone County And Abandoned Airport
* Hidden Vehicles
* House System
* Saves Last Position Of Player, When They /quit
* Jail System
* Bandit System
* Radio System
* Slap System
* Private Message System
* Auto Chat
* Ban System
And Much, Much, More
you can use /radio there is songs
Miley Cyrus Wrecking balls
Miley Cyrus Adore you
Monster Eminem ft Rihanna
Eminem - Rap God
Inna - Crazy Sexy Wild
and other live radios
you can change it by pawno replace the link and the name
* Login / Registration System
* VIP System (4 levels)
* Admin System (10 levels)
* Help System
* Custom Item System
* Contain 7 Worlds
* Random Item Spawns
* Random Item Selections
* Weapons Saving / Loading
* Fight Style System "Only At Dm"
* Custom Mapping In Bone County And Abandoned Airport
* Hidden Vehicles
* House System
* Saves Last Position Of Player, When They /quit
* Jail System
* Bandit System
* Radio System
* Slap System
* Private Message System
* Auto Chat
* Ban System
And Much, Much, More
you can use /radio there is songs
Miley Cyrus Wrecking balls
Miley Cyrus Adore you
Monster Eminem ft Rihanna
Eminem - Rap God
Inna - Crazy Sexy Wild
and other live radios
you can change it by pawno replace the link and the name
for players
/santahat /shat /sh - puts a santahat on your head.
/joinhns - joins the Hide n Seek event if there is one arranged by the admin.
/car [carid/name] [color1] [color2] - spawns the selected car for you.
/fstyles - shows a list of fightstyles, for the DM world only.
/repair - repairs the car, pressing the H key will also do this and flip your car, there is autorepair in the server by the way.
/flip - flips your car.
/sorry /forgive /poop /hate /noob /rape - Troll Commands.
/s - saves the current position your at.
/l - loads the position you saved last.
/carcolour - changes the carcolour of your vehicle.
/savethisskin /saveskin /useskin /skin - saves the skin you have, saves the skinid you want, uses the last saved skin, sets your skin to the selected one.
/changeworld - change your world with this command, example: your in Drift World and want to go to Stunt World, do /changeworld and select Stunt World.
/radio - some radio stations here.
/givecash - gives cash to the selected player.
/heal - heal yourself, only works outside DM/TDM World.
/countdown - makes a countdown for everyone set from 5.
/races - shows a list of racenames available.
/report - reports a player.
/suggest - sends a suggestion to all online admins and it gets saved into a file in scriptfiles, so the owner can see what improvements can be made.
/para - gives you a parachute.
/me - sends a message to all.
/say - same as /me but now with Says: in it.
/color - list of available PLAYER colors.
/night - makes it night.
/day - makes it day.
/kill - suicides.
/rules - shows a list of the rules.
/savestats - saves your stats.
/stats - shows your ingame stats.
for admins
Level 1:
/disarm [playerid] - removes all the weapons of the selected player.
/clearchat - clears the chat for all.
/stophns - ends the current Hide n Seek event.
/unjail - unjails a player
/jail - jails a player.
/adminduty - puts an admin on/off admin duty.
/aweaps - gives admin weapons.
/spawnplayer /spawn - spawns the selected player.
/tp [x] [y] [z] - teleports to the selected coordinates.
/healall - heals everyone.
/unmute - unmutes a player.
/ann /announce - sends an announcement with GameTextForPlayer to everyone.
/goto - teleports to the selected player
/unfreeze - unfreezes a player.
/setskin - sets a skin to the selected player.
/get - teleports a player to you.
/explodes - creates an explosion at the selected player.
/acar - spawns you into the admin car.
/abike - spawns you into the admin bike.
/aplane - spawns you into the admin plane.
/aheli - spawns you into the admin heli.
/aboat - spawns you into the admin boat.
/warn - warns a player, 3 warns = kick.
/showrules - shows the rules to a player.
/acmds - shows the list of admin commands.
Level 2:
/disarmall - removes the weapons of all players.
/slap - slaps a player into the air.
/spectate - spectates a player.
/stopspectate - stops the spectating mode.
/setworld - sets the specified virtual world for a player.
/setinterior - sets the specified interior for a player.
/kick - kicks a player.
/port - same as /goto
/teleplayer - teleports a player to another player.
/akill - kills the selected player.
/settime - sets the specified time for a player.
/setweather - sets the specified weather for a player.
/admins - shows a list of online admins.
Level 3:
/starthns - shows a dialog of available interiors for starting a Hide n Seek Event.
/god - toggles on/off godmode/unlimited health.
/jetpack /jp - gives you a jetpack or the selected player a jetpack.
/sethealth - sets the health for a certain player.
/mute - mutes a player.
/respawnallvehicles - respawns all vehicles that are spawned.
/freeze - freezes a player.
Level 4:
/giveweapon - gives the selected weapon to a player.
/ejectall - ejects everyone from their vehicle.
/eject - ejects a player from his vehicle.
/setscore - sets the score of a player.
/setmoney - sets the money of a player.
Level 5:
/kickall - kicks all players
/getall - teleports all players.
Level 6 - 10:
/ban - bans a player.
/rban - rangebans a player.
for vips
/cc - change carcolour.
/boot - opens the boot of the car.
/bonnet - opens the bonnet of the car.
/lockcar - locks the car.
/unlockcar - unlocks the car.
/lights - turns on the car lights.
/speedboost [on/off] - turns the speedboost on/off, if its on and you press LMB your car will make a boost.
/plate [text] - changes the car numberplate.
/engine - turns the engine of the car on/off.
/viplounge - teleports you to the vip lounge.
/vcar - spawns you inside the Vip Car.
/vbike - spawns you inside the Vip Bike.
/vplane - Spawns you inside the Vip Plane.
/vboat - spawns you inside the Vip Boat.
/vheli - spawns you inside the Vip Heli.
/viptower - teleports you to the Vip Tower.
i found 1 bug and i don't consider it bug when you click CAPS LOCK car stops
i'll fix it at the next version
Y_Less --> Foreach, sscanf.
Incognito --> Streamer Plugin.
Convertffs --> for the object converting.
credits to the one that made Dini.
SA-MP Team --> making this all possible
Zeex -->
Apenmeeuw --> for helping me in the script
Download Bad English
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