- Delete -
mercredi 30 avril 2014
Failed (libmysqlclient_r.so.15:
Failed (libmysqlclient_r.so.15: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
[23:43:25] Loaded 2 plugins.
[23:43:25] Filterscripts
[23:43:25] -------------
Anyone know what is wrong? using R-6 Mysql Plugin
[23:43:25] Loaded 2 plugins.
[23:43:25] Filterscripts
[23:43:25] -------------
Anyone know what is wrong? using R-6 Mysql Plugin
Help Me
how To Add Interiors And I need Also Admins Cmds like /Cuff And i Alos Want /Clothes system
and How To Make Boxes When Some One Join and Text In Box Tell me Please
and How To Make Boxes When Some One Join and Text In Box Tell me Please
mardi 29 avril 2014
I have menu for admin and there he can tune car,
lets say i have bullet (you cant add spoilers to this) in the menu there is spoilers and i can add on this, can i do something that checks the car before adding? if its a car that cant be tuned then it will send a message that he cant tune it
lets say i have bullet (you cant add spoilers to this) in the menu there is spoilers and i can add on this, can i do something that checks the car before adding? if its a car that cant be tuned then it will send a message that he cant tune it
I place my stats fs in my gm but now the sts command no work, what can this be cuz?
it worked perfect before that
no error / warnings on compile
it worked perfect before that
no error / warnings on compile
VPS Problem
Hello, Me and my server owner bought some VPS and I don't know how to setup it, Can anyone teach me how to do it ? Any tutorials, links etc.. ? ? i will give +rep
Gamemode Counter-Strike SA-MP, Will become available for download for all
Gamemode Counter-Strike SA-MP , Will become available for download for all
System :
1- there are 2 team ( POLICE / ROBBERY )
2 - Change map after 6 min
3 - Autosystem
1- there are 2 team ( POLICE / ROBBERY )
2 - Change map after 6 min
3 - Autosystem
Unseen Generation Roleplay -
Unseen Generation Roleplay
HostName: Unseen Generation Roleplay
Slots: 30
Mode: UG:RP v1.2
Map: Los Santos
Owner: Anas Ahmed
Forum: commingsoon.com
TeamSpeak3 Server: commingsoon
Other Information:-
Server is opened right now, i'am now using NG:RP Script, thats bad i know, but i will change the Script soon done everything till next month that have house system, biz and much ATM And Bank System, robbery system much things will be added next month, stats wont be removed :)
Xbox 360 Controller for Windows 8
Hi. I recently bought a laptop lenovo i5 x64 4gb ram. But before that day I'd check some pc games like nba2k14, fifa, saint row, need for speed rivals, and mostly these games can be played using xbox 360 controller for windows. So I got interested and keep googling some information before I buy a xbox controller. So now, I want to ask if its going to work with windows 8? I saw the official microsoft website regarding the driver for Xbox 360 Controller for Windows and it doesn't have windows 8 compatibility.
Have anyone here tried xbox 360 controller with windows 8?
Anyway, I have ps3 controller and it works with windows 8 but I can only play nba, and as I said earlier most pc games are compatible with xbox controller.
P.S: I wanted to play using xbox controller because my cousin from different country will come to visit us. You know to enjoy his 1-2 weeks just like we were kids before.
Sorry for my bad english. Tho i'm pretty sure you know my point.
Have anyone here tried xbox 360 controller with windows 8?
Anyway, I have ps3 controller and it works with windows 8 but I can only play nba, and as I said earlier most pc games are compatible with xbox controller.
P.S: I wanted to play using xbox controller because my cousin from different country will come to visit us. You know to enjoy his 1-2 weeks just like we were kids before.
Sorry for my bad english. Tho i'm pretty sure you know my point.
title says all..
i got one textdraw cmd in my gamemode, its like this
return true;
i got one textdraw cmd in my gamemode, its like this
if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "COP") ==1 ) return 1;
TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, CopsRules0);
TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, CopsRules1);
TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, CopsRules2);
TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, CopsRules3);
TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, CopsRules4);
return true;
lundi 28 avril 2014
A scammer from SA-MP Forum.
Well, i paid him 15 dollars and he didnt give me his script and he has put me into his black list and never reply on btw 4 days ago and i gave him a lots of opportunities, but he doesn't appreciate it else bad message, i got screenshots and trying to refund my money and call the nine-one-one, You guys will be cheated if you don't watch out for the scammer from this forum
His forum name: HK
His Skype: p0ck3tx

His forum name: HK
His Skype: p0ck3tx
[Fs] /Esposar
Hola, necesitaria la ayuda con un script de un comando, que es /Esposar, para LSPD. Yo tengo un Gm que uso que tiene estos codigos del comando:
Bien, Lo que me gusta de este script, es que para esposarlo, tiene que estar si o si con las manos arriba(/rendirse) o Tazeado y el sonido de la accion.. Lo que yo quiero es conservar ESO SOLO del script, ya que no me gusta lo demas, pq el pj se queda congelado y no pone las manos atras.
Asique yo quisiera que alguien me añada ESO SOLO que quiero en el script de /esposar, en este Script de OTRO GM:
Si me ayudarian estaria muy agradecido, se que es algo confuso.. pero en sintesis lo que quisiera es El script del segundo GM pero agregado del anterior el sonido, y que tenga que estar con las manos arribas o tazeado.
Bueno gracias, Saludos!! Y espero que alguien que sepa me pueda ayudar!! :D
CMD:esposar(playerid, params[]) { if(IsACop(playerid)) { if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "Injured") == 1) return SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "No puedes hacer esto ahora."); new string[128], Float:Pos[3], giveplayerid; if(sscanf(params, "d", giveplayerid)) return SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "USA: /esposar [playerid]"); if(IsPlayerConnected(giveplayerid)) { if (ProxDetectorS(8.0, playerid, giveplayerid)) { if(giveplayerid == playerid) return SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "No puedes hacer esto contigo mismo!"); if(Info[giveplayerid][pEstado] == 1 || GetPlayerSpecialAction(giveplayerid) == SPECIAL_ACTION_HANDSUP) { format(string, sizeof(string), "* Fuiste esposado por %s.", GetPlayerNameEx(playerid)); SendClientMessageEx(giveplayerid, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, string); format(string, sizeof(string), "* Esposaste a %s.", GetPlayerNameEx(giveplayerid)); SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, string); format(string, sizeof(string), "* %s esposa a %s, las esposas estan seguras.", GetPlayerNameEx(playerid), GetPlayerNameEx(giveplayerid)); ProxDetector(30.0, playerid, string, COLOR_PURPLE,COLOR_PURPLE,COLOR_PURPLE,COLOR_PURPL E,COLOR_PURPLE); GameTextForPlayer(giveplayerid, "~r~Esposado", 2500, 3); GetPlayerPos(playerid, Pos[0], Pos[1], Pos[2]); ClearAnimations(giveplayerid); TogglePlayerControllable(giveplayerid, 0); Info[giveplayerid][pEstado] = 2; SetPVarInt(giveplayerid, "PlayerCuffed", 2); SetPVarInt(giveplayerid, "IsFrozen", 1); PlayerCuffedTime[giveplayerid] = 300; PlayerPlaySoundEx(1145, Pos[0], Pos[1], Pos[2]); ApplyAnimation(giveplayerid,"ped","cower",1,1,0,0, 0,0,1); } else return SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "El jugador tiene que estar tazeado o con las manos arriba!"); } else return SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "Ese jugador no está cerca tuyo."); } else return SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "Jugador especificado inválido."); } else SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "No puedes usar este comando."); return 1; } |
Bien, Lo que me gusta de este script, es que para esposarlo, tiene que estar si o si con las manos arriba(/rendirse) o Tazeado y el sonido de la accion.. Lo que yo quiero es conservar ESO SOLO del script, ya que no me gusta lo demas, pq el pj se queda congelado y no pone las manos atras.
Asique yo quisiera que alguien me añada ESO SOLO que quiero en el script de /esposar, en este Script de OTRO GM:
zcmd(esposar, playerid, params[]) { if(!IsACop(playerid)) return Message(playerid, COLOR_GRAD2, "No eres policía."); if(!sscanf(params, "u", params[0])) { if (params[0] == playerid) return Message(playerid, COLOR_GRAD2, "¡No puedes esposarte ati mismo!"); if (ProxDetectorS(8.0, playerid, params[0])) { new string[128]; if(PlayerCuffed[params[0]] == 0) { format(string, sizeof(string), "* Oficial %s esposa al sospechoso %s", PlayerName(playerid), PlayerName(params[0])); ProxDetector(30.0, playerid, string, COLOR_PURPLE,COLOR_PURPLE,COLOR_PURPLE,COLOR_PURPL E,COLOR_PURPLE); GameTextForPlayer(params[0], "~r~ESPOSADO", 2500, 3); PlayerCuffed[params[0]] = 1; SetPlayerSpecialAction(params[0], 24); return 1; } else { format(string, sizeof(string), "* Oficial %s desesposa a %s", PlayerName(playerid), PlayerName(params[0])); ProxDetector(30.0, playerid, string, COLOR_PURPLE,COLOR_PURPLE,COLOR_PURPLE,COLOR_PURPL E,COLOR_PURPLE); GameTextForPlayer(params[0], "~g~LIBRE", 2500, 3); PlayerCuffed[params[0]] = 0; SetPlayerSpecialAction(params[0], SPECIAL_ACTION_NONE); return 1; } } else Message(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "El jugador está muy lejos."); } else Message(playerid, COLOR_GRAD2, "Utilize: /esposar <PlayerID>"); return 1; } |
Si me ayudarian estaria muy agradecido, se que es algo confuso.. pero en sintesis lo que quisiera es El script del segundo GM pero agregado del anterior el sonido, y que tenga que estar con las manos arribas o tazeado.
Bueno gracias, Saludos!! Y espero que alguien que sepa me pueda ayudar!! :D
newly installed CPU
I've recently installed a CPU, but when I load games, it lags like fuck.
The CPU is an A8-6600k(not the best) and I was not given any drivers to install and such, what could be the problem?
The CPU is an A8-6600k(not the best) and I was not given any drivers to install and such, what could be the problem?
Hello i want to present you my moveable Airship it's basied on this map
thx for his mapping.
But now you can fly it with your mouse.
This script include:
- moveable with your mouse
- scrolling text
- rotor moving
- realistic fly moving
- ground detection
thx for his mapping.
But now you can fly it with your mouse.
This script include:
- moveable with your mouse
- scrolling text
- rotor moving
- realistic fly moving
- ground detection
Is it possible?
I've gotten bored and am slightly curious. Is it possible to open up the SA:MP Client to the code source or reverse engineer the program? I am not planning on doing it, I am simply curious.
Tad bit more detailed: Downloading a program to exploit the SA:MP Client looking into it and viewing all possible code available. I was look at the Older Versions page and got curious (http://ift.tt/1fp0xX0) to the possibilities and what about the server.exe aswell?
Tad bit more detailed: Downloading a program to exploit the SA:MP Client looking into it and viewing all possible code available. I was look at the Older Versions page and got curious (http://ift.tt/1fp0xX0) to the possibilities and what about the server.exe aswell?
Windows 8 problems
I got a few problems with SAMP after I upgraded to Windows 8.
1. The brightness option is not working. I can turn brightness to the lowest and then to the highest with no difference.
2. After tabbing / ESCing a few times and then returning to the game, it results in slow movement from my PC mouse when turning, etc. Such as it would kind of resist and it would be a little laggy movement. The game FPS is at 100 however, it's just that turning the mouse around lags the camera.
Anyone could help me figuring these ones out? I never had these kind of issues in Windows 7.
I got a few problems with SAMP after I upgraded to Windows 8.
1. The brightness option is not working. I can turn brightness to the lowest and then to the highest with no difference.
2. After tabbing / ESCing a few times and then returning to the game, it results in slow movement from my PC mouse when turning, etc. Such as it would kind of resist and it would be a little laggy movement. The game FPS is at 100 however, it's just that turning the mouse around lags the camera.
Anyone could help me figuring these ones out? I never had these kind of issues in Windows 7.
[Pedido] Texto azul escuro no peito
Galera queria um comando que ativa-se e desativa-se esse texto azul escuro no peito do player que usa-se
Ai no peito aparecia Policia Civil
Como nessa SS:

N sou de pedir as coisas assim, mas n sei como fazer então qm puder, ou da umas dicas ;)
Ai no peito aparecia Policia Civil
Como nessa SS:
N sou de pedir as coisas assim, mas n sei como fazer então qm puder, ou da umas dicas ;)
Quel fonction utiliser?
Je voudrais savoir quel fonction je doit utiliser pour détecter que le joueur reste appuyez sur la touche jusqu’à ce que la fonction genre au bout de 5 sec, fait en sorte d’exécuter l'action voulu?
Merci d'avance
Je voudrais savoir quel fonction je doit utiliser pour détecter que le joueur reste appuyez sur la touche jusqu’à ce que la fonction genre au bout de 5 sec, fait en sorte d’exécuter l'action voulu?
Merci d'avance
dimanche 27 avril 2014
Century City Roleplay (Angel Pine) (Back after 2 years)
Servers IP:
Under Construction
Website: http://ift.tt/QSXcEt
Community Founder: Tiernan Dhillion
Community Owner: David
About Us
-We're a hard working server.
-Just opened yesterday, looking for a few new faction leaders(Limited Time, they must have Heavy RP skills).
- Our Teamspeak 3 is under construction as we speak.
- We're based in Angel Pine .
- We have a proffesional admin team. Looking to recruit only 1 more professional employee.
- Scripters: Payed.
- Mappers: Payed.
- We have some unique mappings(will be shown later on in the ad).
- We got a unique playlist of songs after our server.
- We just made a update with a simple new car radio.
- We're adding a boombox.
- We've hired 1 helper only so far.
- We're looking to obtain a good reputation in the city of Angel Pine.
- We have a unique quantities of jobs to offer.
- Our jobs are - cluckin bell boy, mechanics, taxi, garbage man, and much more.
- Custom Police Department Garage.
- Custom interior for a church and a EMS HQ and much more.
- We have a unique system where you may type /drinkwater once purchasing one from a 24/7, and your blue bar for thirst will go up.
- We also have a white bar for /sleep and a green bar for your character eating.
- All players are to minimumly to exceed Medium-Heavy RP skills.
- We have a unique car dealerships with realistic prices, for an example you can buy a bicycle for around 100-300 dollars.
- We have a unique boat dealerships where you can purchase a quantity of types of boats.
- We aren't necessarliy giving refunds, but thats negociable.
- We are 24/7, and buying hosted tab soon.
-Just opened yesterday, looking for a few new faction leaders(Limited Time, they must have Heavy RP skills).
- Our Teamspeak 3 is under construction as we speak.
- We're based in Angel Pine .
- We have a proffesional admin team. Looking to recruit only 1 more professional employee.
- Scripters: Payed.
- Mappers: Payed.
- We have some unique mappings(will be shown later on in the ad).
- We got a unique playlist of songs after our server.
- We just made a update with a simple new car radio.
- We're adding a boombox.
- We've hired 1 helper only so far.
- We're looking to obtain a good reputation in the city of Angel Pine.
- We have a unique quantities of jobs to offer.
- Our jobs are - cluckin bell boy, mechanics, taxi, garbage man, and much more.
- Custom Police Department Garage.
- Custom interior for a church and a EMS HQ and much more.
- We have a unique system where you may type /drinkwater once purchasing one from a 24/7, and your blue bar for thirst will go up.
- We also have a white bar for /sleep and a green bar for your character eating.
- All players are to minimumly to exceed Medium-Heavy RP skills.
- We have a unique car dealerships with realistic prices, for an example you can buy a bicycle for around 100-300 dollars.
- We have a unique boat dealerships where you can purchase a quantity of types of boats.
- We aren't necessarliy giving refunds, but thats negociable.
- We are 24/7, and buying hosted tab soon.
Thank you for reading and looking. More information and screenshots to come soon.
[Map] Cool SF House
So here is my second map.. I hope you guys like it! You could say it is an admin house because there are hydra, rhino, hunter etc. Vehicles on the map:
1 hydra
2 hunters
1 rhino
1 sultan
1 elegy
1 infernus
1 blade
1 savanna
1 slamvan
1 remington
1 predator
1 squalo
1 jetmax
1 cheetah
1 comet
1 super GT
1 banshee
1 ZR-350
1 bullet
1 turismo
1 maverick

Screenshots links:
Leave your comment! And if you like it, please +rep :)
1 hydra
2 hunters
1 rhino
1 sultan
1 elegy
1 infernus
1 blade
1 savanna
1 slamvan
1 remington
1 predator
1 squalo
1 jetmax
1 cheetah
1 comet
1 super GT
1 banshee
1 ZR-350
1 bullet
1 turismo
1 maverick
Screenshots links:
Leave your comment! And if you like it, please +rep :)
mysql error [+4rep]
I've a problem, look:
The query displays nothing in the error console
I've a problem, look:
format(string, sizeof(string), "INSERT INTO vehicule (veh_id,veh_model, veh_posx, veh_posy, veh_posz, veh_posa, veh_c1, veh_c2,veh_proprio,veh_essence) VALUES (%d, %d, %f, %f, %f, %f, %d, %d, aucun, %d)",
mysql_function_query(mysql, string, false, "", "");
[16:07:48] Passing query INSERT INTO vehicule (veh_id,veh_model, veh_posx, veh_posy, veh_posz, veh_posa, veh_c1, veh_c2,veh_proprio,veh_essence) VALUES (49, 411, 1.100000, 2.200000, 3.299999, 4.400000, 6, 6, aucun, 0) |
[16:07:48] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[16:07:48] OnQueryError() - Called.
The query displays nothing in the error console
samedi 26 avril 2014
Hey Guys
I Just need some help with Timers and ive created one for an event and once the timer reaches zero if there isnt enough players it cancels the event, This Works Perfectly but once you do it agian the timer which is a textdraw looks to be going twice as fast, Does anyone know why it does that??
I Just need some help with Timers and ive created one for an event and once the timer reaches zero if there isnt enough players it cancels the event, This Works Perfectly but once you do it agian the timer which is a textdraw looks to be going twice as fast, Does anyone know why it does that??
New York Roleplay | Script Preview
Hi everyone.
This is a preview of the script I've been working on over the past months.
Every single feature in the script was built by me and my Scripter.

Auto Refunding System Soon.
More Updates With new Pics Soon.
This is a preview of the script I've been working on over the past months.
Every single feature in the script was built by me and my Scripter.
Here is Some Information about server
Server Name : New York Roleplay.
IP :
Forums : http://ift.tt/1lUnPHf
TS: Coming Soon
Server Owner: Robert.
IP :
Forums : http://ift.tt/1lUnPHf
TS: Coming Soon
Server Owner: Robert.
Here is Some Pics of our server.
Our server Respawn place
Our server City Hall [Full Mapped]
New Car Speedo Meter
Auto Refunding System Soon.
More Updates With new Pics Soon.
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