lundi 23 juin 2014

Explorer Community


Explorer community is a team of scripters and mappers, We've been working on scripting Game-modes

from scratch as we also offer to do a map for a player for free, We've been doing that work since

December 2012, our work has been added to other communities around SA-MP in Role-play servers, It's all about a

team working that would do a great effort and and great work, In March 9th 2014 We've decided to create

a website for the team, as to post our scripts and maps, We've got recommendations while showing it to

other communities which they had put it in their own servers, and we've accomplished to do our work on putting

into SA-MP servers, We aren't the team that are in need of cash, We're currently working on filter-scripts

for Role-play servers, We're adding a page on the website to ask for a work neither a map or a script

or a GFX design, you would join our team by applying on the forums,as We're accepting professional

mappers/scritpers, as you're welcome to join our team, we're about to publish a video on Youtube,

and we'll have our own channel on Youtube.

Additional Information:

Explorer community isn't related to a SA:MP server staff, we've created this community for helping the newbies

in scripting as we'll be doing tutorials as soon as possible on youtube, and the youtube channel name will be

announced on our forums in the announcement section.

P.S: This isn't an advertisement for any kind of a SA:MP server, as this is not against SA-MP forums rules.

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