dimanche 4 janvier 2015

Dusty Hill Roleplay - Mapping Preview [Remap]

Here are some of the mappings, that I made. Me and a User xxSwissxx(Amazing Mapper) were doing a Remap on Fort Carson. But then, he got his file corrupted, and I somehow lost mine. So I started working, all over again. But I give Swiss Credits for the 'DESIGN' and the 'CREATIVITY' that I used in the maps I'm making now. Although, the ones in the Images are fully mapped by me. Here goes...

Here's a Park in Fort Carson, Near the Medical Dept.

Here's another one in 'front' of the Medical Dept.

Trailers (Sorta Poor ones)

Some Shops, including a Clothes Shop that took quite a long.

Houses (Medium-Rich)

Sheriff Dept. (Custom Building, Made by Separate walls.)

A Random Building. (Could be used as a Faction HQ later on.)

More to come? Whydda say?

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