jeudi 3 septembre 2015

Gamemode #include parts not running

Hey SA-MP community I've been working on gamemode for 2 days now and gamemodes has a problem that i can't fix gamemode is split into many #include parts. I couldn't manage to make all the "#include" parts work for example when I take "admin.pwn" in the beginning of the list only admin commands work and .etc.

Thanks for helping me.

Here is the list of "#includes":

#include "wcrp\utils.pwn"
#include "wcrp\textdraws.pwn"
#include "wcrp\colourcodes.pwn"
#include "wcrp\admin.pwn"
#include "wcrp\account.pwn" //account/character related functions get forwarded here
#include "wcrp\weather.pwn"
#include "wcrp\rp.pwn" //generic RP related stuff here(such as /me, /do)
#include "wcrp\anticheat.pwn"
#include "wcrp\vehicles.pwn"
#include "wcrp\fishing.pwn"
#include "wcrp\business.pwn"
#include "wcrp\interiors.pwn"
#include "wcrp\families.pwn"
#include "wcrp\houses.pwn"
#include "wcrp\jobs.pwn"
#include "wcrp\safes.pwn"
#include "wcrp\points.pwn"
#include "wcrp\turfs.pwn"
#include "wcrp\VIP.pwn"
#include "wcrp\accessories.pwn"
#include "wcrp\hospital.pwn"
#include "wcrp\factions.pwn"
#include "wcrp\mapping.pwn" //generic NON-DONATOR mapping
#include "wcrp\anims.pwn"
#include "wcrp\gov.pwn"
#include "wcrp\training.pwn"
#include "wcrp\paintball.pwn"
#include "wcrp\boxing.pwn"
#include "wcrp\cameras.pwn"
#include "wcrp\lockers.pwn"
#include "wcrp\IRC.pwn"
#include "wcrp\seatbelt.pwn"
#include "wcrp\anticbug.pwn"
#include "wcrp\help.pwn"
#include "wcrp\logging.pwn"
#include "wcrp\npc.pwn"
#include "wcrp\GPS.pwn"
#include "wcrp\radio.pwn"
#include "wcrp\keybinder.pwn"
#include "wcrp\donatormapping.pwn"
#include "wcrp\plants.pwn"
#include "wcrp\forumsync.pwn"
#include "wcrp\itemdropping.pwn"
#include "wcrp\illegalbusiness.pwn"
#include "wcrp\bomb.pwn"
#include "wcrp\disease.pwn"
#include "wcrp\racing.pwn"
#include "wcrp\externalfuncs.pwn" //functions for use with CallRemoteFunction in other scripts
#include "wcrp\lotto.pwn"
#include "wcrp\housefurniture.pwn"
#include "wcrp\evidencesystem.pwn" //Must be before the damage system
#include "wcrp\damagesystem.pwn"
#include "wcrp\payphones.pwn" //Payphones
#include "wcrp\apartments.pwn" //Apartments
#include "wcrp\gunfactory.pwn" //Gun factory, including dialogs
#include "wcrp\walltags.pwn" //Wall tags (families only)
#include "wcrp\specialitems.pwn"
#include "wcrp\hunger.pwn"
#include "wcrp\votekick.pwn"
#include "wcrp\speedtraps.pwn"
#include "wcrp\fpscamplusdb.pwn"
#include "wcrp\sqlqueries.pwn"
#include "wcrp\cartoys.pwn"
#include "wcrp\basketball.pwn"
#include "wcrp\cheats.pwn"
#include "wcrp\events.pwn"
#include "wcrp\servermottos.pwn" //Server auto namechanger

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