jeudi 10 avril 2014

Crystal Generation Gaming [Refunding GVip][Hosted Tab][0.3Z]

We just opened a brand new server with amazing staff members that have great experience in being administrators. With their experience we managed to create a great server that not only has a stable way of progress but also has amazing features!

Our Game Affairs team has made it not only fun to be in a faction but also not as pressuring as it is on other servers! Gangs won't be neglected on our server, they form the basis for a good roleplay environment. Without gangs, there's nothing for the factions to do; therefore we actually want the gangs to roleplay in a way that factions can get involved.


- Los Santos Police Department > [Leader: Duane Metcalfe]

- Application needed to join, has an amazing leader and is very fun to be in. Being an LSPD member opens a tremendous amount of ways to roleplay; You can pull over speeders, you can roleplay a corrupt cop that works for a gang or you can roleplay a cop that does his work with pride and is not scared to put his life on the table. Be creative! The game is yours to enjoy.

- Health Care and Fire Department > [Leader: Vacant]

- Application needed to join, has an amazing leader and is very fun to be in. Be a medic, save people's lives! You can roleplay whatever you want; be it an assasin that poisons their patients or a doctor that does his work with pride and does anything he/she can to keep the patient alive! Be creative! The game is yours to enjoy.

- Central Intelligence Agency > [Leader: Daro Galloway]

- anyone that plays the server might be approached by Game Affairs to lead the faction (totally depends on what character you roleplay and how well you roleplay; we don't look at the size of your /me -> we look at how you portray your character, and how well your character fits in that of an CIA director.)

- Government >[Leader: Vacant]

More Factions will getting active if the servers player-base will be higher


Lawyer: Lawyers affect our everyday lives in countless ways. They are involved in everything from buying a home, to writing a will, to prosecuting and defending criminals. They counsel, strategize, problem-solve, write, advocate, negotiate — the list is endless.

Armsdealer job: Get illegal materials from material factories by dropping packages at their door, use the materials to make weaponry. A good start if you're interested in being protected.

Detective job: Find people for the police to earn a bit of extra cash. A great way to find friends of which you don't know where they are.

Craftsman job: Create useful things like a wristwatch or a GPS with materials you get from material factories!

Trucker job: Get a truck, load it with materials you choose and deliver them for extra bonus rewards.

Drug Dealer/Drug Smuggler job: Buy drugs from the drug-house and sell it to players or keep it to yourself. The drugs can be refilled by smuggling it from the factory to the drughouse, BUT watchout! The police is out to get you! - A great way to refill your health and/or armor.

Mechanic job: With this job you can fix vehicles. You can make people pay for it. A decent way to make money.

Whore: If you are lonely and you want to have a pleasure evening, you can go to a Whore and have a nice Evening.

Treasure Hunter: As a Treasure Hunter you can go to the beach and search for Junk Metal, New Coins, Old Coins, Broken Watches, Old Keys, Gold Watches, Gold Nuggets, Silver Nuggets, Treasure Chests. very nice way to get your money.

Boxer: As a Boxer you can train yourself at a Gym and fight other peoples.

Fishing: If you choose the fishing job, you can go to the pier and try to catch a fish, if you have some fish you can sell them.

And Some more. Check it out in-game!


New: /stats

New: /inv

New: /report

New: VIP level: Chrome


Hunger System

Want to know more?? Come in-game!

Staff Team

Our staff-members are all very experienced with being admin on communities with a large playerbase. We ensure that our admins follow our code of conduct and policies, if they violate it consequences will follow. Any player may send a complaint against a staff member to the executive team if they feel they were harassed, mistreated or discriminated.

Staff members are picked based on experience, knowledge of the game and professionality. Asking for a staff position not only lowers your chance of ever being hired but it also makes you look unprofessional in the community as a whole.

Helpers are people that help whenever someone needs it, they'll eventually get promoted to Community Advisor which is a staff position. Your best shot at becoming an admin is going through this stage. Becoming a helper is not easy; you have to help around on the forums/teamspeak and in-game to get this position.

Server Information

SA-MP Server IP:

Teamspeak Server IP:


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