mardi 13 mai 2014

âûðóáàåòñÿ ñåðâåð

Çäðàâñòâóéòå. äàííûé ìîä âçÿë ó îäíîãî ÷åëîâåêà êîòîðûé ïîêóïàë ìîä, íó òàêàÿ ôèãíÿ çàïóñêàþ ñåðâåð âñå íîðì íó ÿâíî ïðè ââîäå êîìàíäû èëè åùå ÷åãî ëèáî îí âûðóáàåòñÿ âîò ëîã ñåðâåðà


[18:24:37] Number of vehicle models: 55

[18:26:43] Incoming connection:

[18:26:44] [join] _Red_Rede_ has joined the server (0:

[18:27:25] _Red_Rede_(0) registered with password "176187"

[18:27:32] **(CASH INCREASE)** _Red_Rede_(0) money has increased from $0 to $7500 (7500) (0)

[18:28:30] Incoming connection:

[18:28:31] [join] Sergei_Milligan has joined the server (1:

[18:29:11] [death] _Red_Rede_ died 255

[18:29:30] [chat] [_Red_Rede_]: òû ãäó

[18:29:34] [chat] [_Red_Rede_]: òû ãäå

[18:29:51] Sergei_Milligan(1) registered with password "1234567"

[18:30:06] **(CASH INCREASE)** Sergei_Milligan(1) money has increased from $0 to $7500 (7500) (0)

[18:30:16] Incoming connection:

[18:30:16] [join] Sergei_ has joined the server (2:

[18:30:55] Sergei_(2) registered with password "242424"

[18:31:00] **(CASH INCREASE)** Sergei_(2) money has increased from $0 to $7500 (7500) (0)

[18:31:12] Incoming connection:

[18:31:12] [join] D.I.S.A has joined the server (3:

[18:31:25] *Login: D.I.S.A çàëîãèíèëñÿ (Èãðîê).

[18:31:29] **(CASH INCREASE)** D.I.S.A(3) money has increased from $0 to $7500 (7500) (0)

[18:31:30] Incoming connection:

[18:31:31] [join] NIK_DMITRI has joined the server (4:

[18:31:36] [chat] [D.I.S.A]: .ñüâû

[18:32:02] [part] NIK_DMITRI has left the server (4:1)

[18:32:27] Incoming connection:

[18:32:29] [join] NIK_DMITRI has joined the server (4:

[18:32:36] D.I.S.A (id: 3) îãðàáèë áàíê íà $5236 [Pàéîí: King's]

[18:32:36] [robbery] Sergei_Milligan (id: 1) îãðàáèë èãðîêà D.I.S.A (id: 3) íà $4544! [Ðàéîí: Sf City Bank]

[18:32:38] **(CASH INCREASE)** Sergei_Milligan(1) money has increased from $7500 to $12044 (4544) (0)

[18:32:38] **(CASH INCREASE)** D.I.S.A(3) money has increased from $7500 to $8192 (692) (0)

[18:32:43] Incoming connection:

[18:32:43] [join] Feoaaerk_Mes has joined the server (5:

[18:33:33] Feoaaerk_Mes(5) registered with password "123321"

[18:33:45] **(CASH INCREASE)** Feoaaerk_Mes(5) money has increased from $0 to $7500 (7500) (0)

[18:33:49] NIK_DMITRI(4) registered with password "1q2w3e4r5t6y7u"

[18:34:06] **(CASH INCREASE)** Sergei_(2) money has increased from $7500 to $7518 (18) (0)

[18:34:08] **(CASH INCREASE)** NIK_DMITRI(4) money has increased from $0 to $7500 (7500) (0)

[18:34:27] **(CASH INCREASE)** Sergei_(2) money has increased from $7518 to $8873 (1355) (0)

[18:34:29] **(CASH INCREASE)** Sergei_(2) money has increased from $8873 to $8904 (31) (0)

[18:34:32] [part] Sergei_Milligan has left the server (1:1)

[18:34:35] [chat] [Feoaaerk_Mes]: 1

[18:34:37] [robbery] D.I.S.A (id: 3) îãðàáèë èãðîêà Feoaaerk_Mes (id: 5) íà $5176! [Ðàéîí: Chinatown]

[18:34:38] **(CASH INCREASE)** D.I.S.A(3) money has increased from $8192 to $13368 (5176) (0)

[18:34:50] **(CASH INCREASE)** Sergei_(2) money has increased from $8904 to $13020 (4116) (0)

[18:34:55] Incoming connection:

[18:34:55] [join] Sergei_Milligan has joined the server (1:

[18:35:17] **(CASH INCREASE)** Sergei_(2) money has increased from $13020 to $13069 (49) (0)

[18:35:23] **(CASH INCREASE)** Sergei_(2) money has increased from $13069 to $13126 (57) (0)

[18:35:37] *Login: Sergei_Milligan çàëîãèíèëñÿ (Èãðîê).

[18:35:48] **(CASH INCREASE)** Sergei_Milligan(1) money has increased from $0 to $7500 (7500) (0)

[18:36:22] **(CASH INCREASE)** Sergei_(2) money has increased from $13126 to $13841 (715) (0)

[18:36:25] [robbery] Feoaaerk_Mes (id: 5) îãðàáèë èãðîêà NIK_DMITRI (id: 4) íà $2127! [Ðàéîí: Downtown]

[18:36:26] **(CASH INCREASE)** Sergei_(2) money has increased from $13841 to $13881 (40) (0)

[18:36:28] **(CASH INCREASE)** Sergei_(2) money has increased from $13881 to $13953 (72) (0)

[18:36:46] [chat] [Feoaaerk_Mes]: ÷å çà ôèãíÿ

[18:36:55] [robbery] D.I.S.A (id: 3) îãðàáèë èãðîêà Sergei_Milligan (id: 1) íà $3984! [Ðàéîí: Esplanade East]

[18:36:56] **(CASH INCREASE)** D.I.S.A(3) money has increased from $13368 to $17352 (3984) (0)

[18:36:57] [robbery] Sergei_Milligan (id: 1) îãðàáèë èãðîêà D.I.S.A (id: 3) íà $1873! [Ðàéîí: Esplanade East]

[18:37:09] [part] Feoaaerk_Mes has left the server (5:1)

[18:37:27] Incoming connection:

[18:37:27] [join] Dima_Zek has joined the server (5:

[18:37:39] Incoming connection:

[18:37:39] [join] Nika_Kalinina has joined the server (6:

[18:37:50] Incoming connection:

[18:37:50] [join] Feoaaerk_Mes has joined the server (7:

[18:37:54] [chat] [_Red_Rede_]: ÿ íàø¸ë ñòàòóþ ÷ëåíà

[18:37:55] [kill] Sergei_Milligan killed D.I.S.A M4

[18:38:06] Dima_Zek(5) registered with password "1234567899"

[18:38:09] *Login: Feoaaerk_Mes çàëîãèíèëñÿ (Èãðîê).

[18:38:13] **(CASH INCREASE)** Dima_Zek(5) money has increased from $0 to $7500 (7500) (0)

[18:38:15] **(CASH INCREASE)** Feoaaerk_Mes(7) money has increased from $0 to $7500 (7500) (0)

[18:38:16] [debug] Server crashed while executing sf_gang_1.9.amx

[18:38:16] [debug] AMX backtrace:

[18:38:16] [debug] #0 native fread () [0809ac90] from samp03svr

[18:38:16] [debug] #1 00054854 in public OnPlayerCommandText (0x00000006, 0x0010b484) from sf_gang_1.9.amx

[18:38:16] [debug] Native backtrace:

[18:38:16] [debug] #0 b751609b in _ZN10StackTraceC1EPv () from plugins/

[18:38:16] [debug] #1 b75112d2 in _ZN11CrashDetect20PrintNativeBacktraceERSoPv () from plugins/

[18:38:16] [debug] #2 b7511ebc in _ZN11CrashDetect20PrintNativeBacktraceEPv () from plugins/

[18:38:16] [debug] #3 b7512366 in _ZN11CrashDetect11OnExceptionEPv () from plugins/

[18:38:16] [debug] #4 b7515cec in ?? () from plugins/

[18:38:16] [debug] #5 b77cd600 in ?? ()

[18:38:16] [debug] #6 b7556577 in gsignal () from /lib/

[18:38:16] [debug] #7 b7559962 in abort () from /lib/

[18:38:16] [debug] #8 b754f767 in __assert_fail () from /lib/

[18:38:16] [debug] #9 0809a611 in ?? () from ./samp03svr

[18:38:16] [debug] #10 0809adb3 in ?? () from ./samp03svr

[18:38:16] [debug] #11 08093f54 in ?? () from ./samp03svr

[18:38:16] [debug] #12 b750eb9c in _ZN11CrashDetect13DoAmxCallbackEiPiS0_ () from plugins/

[18:38:16] [debug] #13 b7514d38 in ?? () from plugins/

[18:38:16] [debug] #14 b751b1f8 in amx_Exec () from plugins/

[18:38:16] [debug] #15 b7511218 in _ZN11CrashDetect9DoAmxExecEPii () from plugins/

[18:38:16] [debug] #16 b7514aa9 in ?? () from plugins/

[18:38:16] [debug] #17 080a3f62 in ?? () from ./samp03svr

[18:38:16] [debug] #18 080af9c1 in ?? () from ./samp03svr

[18:38:16] [debug] #19 08071af8 in ?? () from ./samp03svr

[18:38:16] [debug] #20 08071bf2 in ?? () from ./samp03svr

[18:38:16] [debug] #21 0807bab0 in ?? () from ./samp03svr

[18:38:16] [debug] #22 080ad09d in ?? () from ./samp03svr

[18:38:16] [debug] #23 080ad242 in ?? () from ./samp03svr

[18:38:16] [debug] #24 080a85ce in ?? () from ./samp03svr

[18:38:16] [debug] #25 b7542c96 in __libc_start_main () from /lib/

[18:38:16] [debug] #26 0804b4a1 in ?? () from ./samp03svr

â ÷åì ïðîáëåìà?

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