mercredi 9 avril 2014

[GameMode] Monolith Roleplay [MySQL][Constant Development]

Monolith Roleplay


Starting this project on the dawn of this year, I have not actually progressed that far. However, I am always working on this in my spare time and just love doing it. Originally going to be a CnR-styled server called The Heist, I diverted from the original idea. Many beginning features were very roleplay in nature, and I realized that I really wasn't into continuing it as a CnR whilst developing RP features. All the code is mine, except otherwise stated within the script and a portion of The Heist was taken out/re-written.

Although containing no original code, this comes from my first project (GF2) and a project called Project-Alpha (something I contributed to with a friend from NGG).

The Script Is Modular! It is not hard to revert, but it is also easier to add/remove scripts to the GM in the current format.


•Upcoming Features•

  • Factions

  • Cell Towers

  • Houses

  • Pizza boy job

  • Businesses

  • ATM Refiller Job

  • Drugs

  • Arms dealers



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