.:Stunt4Ever {SE}:.
- Silver VIP(level 1)
/vchat /richlist /lspec /lspecoff /spawnme /jp /vcar /vbike /vplane /vboat/ vheli/ nopm/ vsay /vshop
type # for only vip chat
- Gold VIP(level 2)
/freeze /unfreeze /mute /unmute /vann /move/miniguns /muted /frozen /jailed
- Premium VIP(level 3)
/jail /unjail /warn /remwarn/kick /vget /moveplayer
Admin level
type ! for only admin chat
Tester (Lvl 1)
/ahide /mute /unmute /richlist /spawn /kick /warn
/get /slap /aheal /clearchat /ip /asay /jetpack /spec /specoff
/ann /ann2 /ann3 /acar /achat /tp /aweaps
Basic Moderator (Lvl 2)
/jail /unjail /freeze /unfreeze /forceclass /giveweapon
/explode /burn /eject /disarm /akill /duel
Moderator (Lvl 3)
/setinterior /setworld /teleplayer /bankrupt /sbankrupt
/invisible /screen /crash /getall /ban /offban /offunban /banip
/setcolor /setfstyle
Master Moderator(Lvl 4)
/healall /armourall /explodeall /slapall /giveallcookies
/disarmall /giveallweapon /destroycar /write /setgravity /setname
/spam /fakedeath /respawncar /jailed /muted /frozen /rban /remwarn
Administrator(Lvl 5)
/setlevel /setvip /setbalance /setkills /setdeaths /setcookies
/cmenu /setdrugs /setcocaine /setheroine /setscore /setmoney /removeacc
/fakechat /setecmds /pickup /object /setarmour /sethealth
Master Administrator
Professional Administrator
Server Mapper
Server Beta Tester
Server Owner
Same Command
/stunt /agod /agodoff /addban
Rcon Commands(extra)
/buildrace /stoprace /startrace /startautorace /stopautorace /gotomb /startcp
/gotocp /startmb /togglemb /chouse /removehouse /hcar
Player Command
/kill /tcar /rules /god /laser, /laseron /laseroff /tune /neon, /me
/vips /admins /sb /mytime /myweather /myw /color /spos, /lpos
/skin /pjump /p /afk /stats /changepw /pm, /r, /givemoney /leavedm /resetdlvl
/help /buyhouse /renthouse /unrenthouse /payrent /enter /exit /goto
/updates /cc /savestats /mb /vjump /superjump /stats /pgoto /fstyle /report;
/saveskin /useskin /dontuseskin /bugs /tune /attachments
Press 2 for Flip/Repair - works only when you are driving the vehicle
Press 4 for change colour - works only when you are driving the vehicle
Press LMB for Speedboost - works only when you are driving the vehicle
Press LMB for Nitros - works only when you are driving the vehicle
Press H for Vehicle Jump - works only when you are driving the vehicle
Press Y for Vehicle Control Dialog - works only when you are driving the vehicle
Press N for Vehicle Towing - works only when you are driving the vehicle
Press JUMP key for Super Jump - works only when /superjump is enable!
Teleporting Command Over 50+ (including 14 Parkour)
Banking Commands
Housing Commands
Drug System
New Exclusive Commands (if player have 500 + score)
Download:--> GMCommander
Credits :- Oh Man Above 50+ person
So Thx to all :P
A Script by GokuSsj
- Silver VIP(level 1)
/vchat /richlist /lspec /lspecoff /spawnme /jp /vcar /vbike /vplane /vboat/ vheli/ nopm/ vsay /vshop
type # for only vip chat
- Gold VIP(level 2)
/freeze /unfreeze /mute /unmute /vann /move/miniguns /muted /frozen /jailed
- Premium VIP(level 3)
/jail /unjail /warn /remwarn/kick /vget /moveplayer
Admin level
type ! for only admin chat
Tester (Lvl 1)
/ahide /mute /unmute /richlist /spawn /kick /warn
/get /slap /aheal /clearchat /ip /asay /jetpack /spec /specoff
/ann /ann2 /ann3 /acar /achat /tp /aweaps
Basic Moderator (Lvl 2)
/jail /unjail /freeze /unfreeze /forceclass /giveweapon
/explode /burn /eject /disarm /akill /duel
Moderator (Lvl 3)
/setinterior /setworld /teleplayer /bankrupt /sbankrupt
/invisible /screen /crash /getall /ban /offban /offunban /banip
/setcolor /setfstyle
Master Moderator(Lvl 4)
/healall /armourall /explodeall /slapall /giveallcookies
/disarmall /giveallweapon /destroycar /write /setgravity /setname
/spam /fakedeath /respawncar /jailed /muted /frozen /rban /remwarn
Administrator(Lvl 5)
/setlevel /setvip /setbalance /setkills /setdeaths /setcookies
/cmenu /setdrugs /setcocaine /setheroine /setscore /setmoney /removeacc
/fakechat /setecmds /pickup /object /setarmour /sethealth
Master Administrator
Professional Administrator
Server Mapper
Server Beta Tester
Server Owner
Same Command
/stunt /agod /agodoff /addban
Rcon Commands(extra)
/buildrace /stoprace /startrace /startautorace /stopautorace /gotomb /startcp
/gotocp /startmb /togglemb /chouse /removehouse /hcar
Player Command
/kill /tcar /rules /god /laser, /laseron /laseroff /tune /neon, /me
/vips /admins /sb /mytime /myweather /myw /color /spos, /lpos
/skin /pjump /p /afk /stats /changepw /pm, /r, /givemoney /leavedm /resetdlvl
/help /buyhouse /renthouse /unrenthouse /payrent /enter /exit /goto
/updates /cc /savestats /mb /vjump /superjump /stats /pgoto /fstyle /report;
/saveskin /useskin /dontuseskin /bugs /tune /attachments
Press 2 for Flip/Repair - works only when you are driving the vehicle
Press 4 for change colour - works only when you are driving the vehicle
Press LMB for Speedboost - works only when you are driving the vehicle
Press LMB for Nitros - works only when you are driving the vehicle
Press H for Vehicle Jump - works only when you are driving the vehicle
Press Y for Vehicle Control Dialog - works only when you are driving the vehicle
Press N for Vehicle Towing - works only when you are driving the vehicle
Press JUMP key for Super Jump - works only when /superjump is enable!
Teleporting Command Over 50+ (including 14 Parkour)
Banking Commands
Housing Commands
Drug System
New Exclusive Commands (if player have 500 + score)
Download:--> GMCommander
Credits :- Oh Man Above 50+ person
So Thx to all :P
A Script by GokuSsj
heelo i need .pwn