lundi 30 juin 2014

Preview; SA-MP Survival [Pre-Alpha]

Here guys is a little look of the new project that me and my colleague Godex have started - This here is just a little preview into the script we are creating - We do not know at this time weather or not this will be a server or a release but watch the video and I hope you enjoy the features I have added into the new code.

P.S, yes thats right over 5,000 people have registered - We just connected our old servers database to it.

Scripting Help

Hello dear scripters!

i hope u can help me!

Is there any way for make dors fall off on all cars in my GM ?

please fast replays i need it so fast

Problème de TEXTDRAW


J'ai un soucis venant des textdraw's, en gros, il affiche la moitier et en plus il s'accualise pas je pense que c'est du à mon timer ou ma fonction pour afficher le textdraw

Merci d'avance

[FilterScript] Shoot And TelePort :)

Hey Guyz This is My 2nd FS And I made in 15 mins Ago Just With some ideas...

Firstly Thanks TO All Who helped and Gave Ideas HERE :-

Note :- It needs ZCMD :-

I ntro :-

This is a Shoot And Teleport System. It basically teleports You where You Shoot :) I had never seen something like this So I deceided to Make it :)

T o the point :-

So this Teleport Only works With Sniper Coz All other Weapons Dont Have a accurate Shot So This is The Best Weapon..

H ow to Use :-

Its Easy juSt Download The Paste Or Copy It And Open New Pawn CRLT + A And then DELETE then Paste Compile and save as ST or whatever you want.. Then Add This In Server CFG Filterscripts ST[Or The Name You compiled with] And your done ... Next is You have to /telemodeon To activate And Dont Forget to TeleModeOff when your done

Know Bugs :-

Do not shoot Rapidly On a Object To Or you will Get Stuck in it LOL

Do not Shoot In Air Or it will Not Work Shoot Near or on Object

Sometimes YOu Will teleport somewhere else If You Do not Use Sniper ... Well it doesn't Work with Any other Weapons

D ownload :-

VIDEO :- Uploading Just give me a Sec Till then YOu can try It I will post video In 5 mins

Portal For IPB ?

Is There Any Portal for IPB So i can Use that Portal Just Like Simple Portal or Custom made

Need Suggestions or Help


dimanche 29 juin 2014

[Map] Drug House / Drug Factory - My very first map!

Hi everyone, as said in the video this is the first map I've ever done! Hope you like it and hoping to see some feedback soon!

[Tutorial] Looking For Who Host My Server

I am Seraching For Who Host My Serverlllll

My Server Is Nice And Cool Like xSf And Uif

It's Stunt Server

And Who Host It For Me Will Have ADmin LVL 5


Use banking system when someone deposits money and left the game after time has again come down inside the same money in the bank and have them!

Ending "rounds" and determining alive players

Hello, I am currently working on a FFA/TDM script, where I'm thinking about having so called "game rounds".

My thought is that in FFA everybody will be randomly scattered across a map with weapons, then they find eachother and kill eachother, and in TDM there will be one spawn for each team and they get to killeachother too, might add different objectives as time progresses.

When you die you will enter spectate mode and you can spectate people who are still alive, however I ran into the problem that when everybody are dead the script will bug out and there will be nobody to spectate, causing everybody to become stuck inside spectate mode.

I need some kind of function to see how many are still alive in a "round", and when one of the last two players kill the other, he/she will be deemed the winner of the round and will receive a reward.

It's similar to Counter-Strike DM modes without instant respawn.

Any help is appreciated.

samedi 28 juin 2014

[Projeto] Brasil Nova Realidade

Brasil Nova Realidade [0.3z]

Informações no site que criei para explica , SITE

temps de respawn

Bonjour/Bonsoir quand je fais un respawn complet de tous les vehicules ça mets plus d'une minute a respawn

je voudrais savoir si on pouvait axelerer ....

merci de vos reponses



I'm having issues with my VPS, its restarts once a day and I want an auto-start for my server when the VPS is on-line again.

Anyone can help me how can I do this?

I'm using CentOS 5

Float Output


Just a question...

How come?

[Map] Tudor Hotel | by: razr

Made By: razr (me)

Making Time: ~35 minutes

Objects: 953

Removes: 69

All Lines: 1022

Pictures (In album: 6):

Teleport coordinates: AddPlayerClass(playerid, 2780.1877, 913.2298, 11.0714, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000); // Tudor Hotel | by: razr


Description: This map was made for Hungarian's SA:MP forum - Mapper League vol.5. My opponent was rayhassi and the objective was a Hotel. This map is a piece of the Tudor's Age in England. It's located at Las Venturas - RockShore.


If You put this map in your server, please display my name in scripts or In-Game. Thanks!


© copyright - rMaps

Plugin mysql loading failed + File or function is not found


I resume the pawn code, and the fucking plugins don't work. I've downloaded and used nativechecker to find the errors:



[10:00:45] Server Plugins

[10:00:45] --------------

[10:00:45] Loading plugin: nativechecker

[10:00:45] Loaded.

[10:00:45] Loading plugin: sscanf


[10:00:45] ===============================

[10:00:45] sscanf plugin loaded.

[10:00:45] Version: 2.8.1

[10:00:45] (c) 2012 Alex "Y_Less" Cole

[10:00:45] ===============================

[10:00:45] Loaded.

[10:00:45] Loading plugin: mysql

[10:00:45] Failed.

[10:00:45] Loading plugin: streamer


*** Streamer Plugin v2.7 by Incognito loaded ***

[10:00:45] Loaded.

[10:00:45] Loaded 3 plugins.


[10:00:45] Filterscripts

[10:00:45] ---------------

[10:00:45] Loaded 0 filterscripts.

[10:00:45] Error: Function not registered: 'SSCANF_Init'

[10:00:45] Error: Function not registered: 'SSCANF_Join'

[10:00:45] Error: Function not registered: 'SSCANF_Leave'

[10:00:45] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_connect'

[10:00:45] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_format'

[10:00:45] Script[gamemodes/base.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"

[10:00:45] Number of vehicle models: 0

However, I've downloaded the .inc and the .dll about SSCANF. Compile my script, and always errors about SSCANF_xxx !

And I forget, the plugin mysql loading failed... It's because librarie MSCRV..., i thinks, etc, i don't know!

How doing?

Thank you


vendredi 27 juin 2014

[Pedido] Comando /trazerveiculo

Gostaria de saber como criar o comando /trazerveiculo para q o player possa trazer o seu veiculo criado

variavel de criar veiculo :

pawn Code:

new PlayersVehicle = CreateVehicle(vehicle, x, y, z, a+90, -1, -1, -1);

Veh[playerid][VehId] = PlayersVehicle;

[Ajuda] Anti hack de armas

Estava procurando um

anti-weapon hack e achei esse aqui \/ code :


public AntiCheatUpdate(playerid)


new slot = GetMaxPlayers();



if(IsPlayerConnected(slot) && !IsPlayerAdmin(slot) && !MinigunGranted[playerid])



new ArmaNome[17];

GetPlayerName(slot, pName, sizeof(pName));



case 35: ArmaNome = #Rocket Launcher;

case 36: ArmaNome = #Bazuca;

case 37: ArmaNome = #Lança Chamas;

case 38: ArmaNome = #Minigun;

default: goto stop;


format(stringx,128,"[Anti-Noob]: %s Foi kickado [motivo: Arma Proibida: %s ]",pName,ArmaNome);






return true;


mas infelismente quanto vou para o /Minigun no meu servidor ele kicka

quem mata de minigun na arena para isso nao acontecer usei a variavel:

new bool:MinigunGranted[MAX_PLAYERS];

na public onplayerdeath coloquei :

MinigunGranted[playerid] = false;

e no comando /minigun coloquei : MinigunGranted[playerid] = true;

mas quem mata ou morre na arena de minigun e kickado mesmo assim como resolvo isso ?:confused:

Little help

Hello can to help mee with SendClientMessageToAll.

Hello i want to create to send meesage to all players but not on myself.

ecrire map edit...

Bonsoir/Bonjour je voudrais savoir comment ecrire sur un tableau avec le samp map editor

il me semble que c'est possible mais je ne le suis pas totallement

merci d'avance pour vos reponses

Au passage je voudrais savoir ou il faut mettre "RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid,................ .."


I'm willing to buy any kind of domains in exchange of CS:GO gift to steam I will buy you the domain + hosting I send you the cpanel you gift me CS:GO

Interested guys PM ME

Any MTA to SA-MP Map Converter

Is there any converter around that supports MTA removeWorldObject that should be converter to SA-MP RemoveBuildingForPlayer ?

jeudi 26 juin 2014

[ASK] How to create 2 server in 1 VPS?

Hello, can i ask something?, How to create 2 server in one VPS buat have same port ?

It's Possibly if i have 2 IP addres ?

Contact form problem(SA-MP FORUM)

The Contact Us form in the site don't work, please can you fix it?

Mensaje de error [ZCMD]

Hola, alguien me dice como poner para que te de error cuando pones un comando mal?, uso ZCMD y cuando pongo un mal comando no dice ningun mensaje ni nada :/ quien me dice para poner el mensaje? :C

objects near eachother

hey guys,Can someone show me a little code or explain me how to make like when i do a command it creates an object and puts it in a swimming pool,but if i do again the command it puts an object but in different place?

like they dont get put at same location,each object at different location,please help

How to against with Troll/Hack Car spam and falling people to death

I used 0.3z offical from download , Recently some bad guy come do retarding and bad thing with hack/troll like Car spaming and bring people in the sky and make them falling to death ... im so tired for this

Could you please give me a pawn code or something anti cheat troll/hack for my roleplay server , i will appreciate that

Thanks to visit my topic , hope you answer my topic

Have a happy day !

Farmer Job SA-MP ALPHA 1


I know some bug small but it has fixer in beta version

mercredi 25 juin 2014

Problem with stream distance

Hello i have a issue with my mapping i can't fix it it is all made by createdynamicobject and the stream distance on it is 300 and it still will not work. here is a image of the problem.

Also this is one line of the mapping to show how it is laid out.


CreateDynamicObject(19396, 1827.69995117, -1714.30004883, 5203.29980469, 0.00000000, 0.00000000, 270.00000000,-1,-1,-1,300.0,0.0);

If anyone can help me that would be perfect

Help createHouse command MYSQL


i need some help to create a mysql house system.

Create houses in game with a command : /Createhouse

but i have some problems, nothing IG but they are rows in my sql database but the value, level etc didnt correspond of the value i'm entered with the command

[Ayuda] Como detectar si el motor del auto está prendido

Quiero saber como detectar si el motor del auto esta encendido, para hacer que si está encendido, empiece a restar la variable de la gasolina, y si esta apagado, se quede tal y como está.


Save Hold Objects After Death And Disconnettion

hello to all users samp, I am creating a server Freeroam and I'm trying to figure out how to save the objects attached to the player after death and after the disconnection.

a video of my problem.

Paid Hosts

Im thinking of getting a paid host, but can i hvae a links of hosts that do hosted tab, cheap, not like Volt host. Thanks

MSVCP110.dll is missing.

I've changed hosting and my new VPS doesn't run my server.

The file is in the folder and it used to work on my old server, although when I run it, it gives me that error.

mardi 24 juin 2014

[Ajuda] FS não carrega!

Fiz um FS pra testar um sistema, então apaguei tudo e comecei do 0.

Porém ele printa no console que o FS foi carregado, porém não é chamado as funções do mesmo. Estou tentando usar OnPlayerConnect porém não funciona.


File/Function not found on VPS, but fine on my PC.

Right, This is my problem..

I have got a script on my computer, which runs effectively with no errors at all. I can compile the pawno script and everything works perfectly.

And so, seeing as thought it was working perfectly, I purchased this VPS, so I can host it 24/7.

I compiled it one last time before adding it into a WinRAR archive, to then copy it directly on the VPS.

I extracted it all, planting the information onto the desktop.

As I go to run my samp-server.exe, I recieve an issue for a file or function.

This is obviously to do with the VPS, as I have no issues on my own desktop.


This is on my computer:

And this is the VPS:

[Map] Donut Shop Idlewood+Market

Hello Guys this is my 3rd release of my map

This map is a Donut Shop at Idlewood

Guys i kinda want to give a bonus!!! a little Market :D



Guys enjoy my map

Dont forget to REP+ if you like it

lundi 23 juin 2014

Run time error 19

Error: Function not registered: 'Streamer_CallbackHook'

Error: Function not registered: 'CreateDynamicObject'

Error: Function not registered: 'SetDynamicObjectMaterial'

Explorer Community


Explorer community is a team of scripters and mappers, We've been working on scripting Game-modes

from scratch as we also offer to do a map for a player for free, We've been doing that work since

December 2012, our work has been added to other communities around SA-MP in Role-play servers, It's all about a

team working that would do a great effort and and great work, In March 9th 2014 We've decided to create

a website for the team, as to post our scripts and maps, We've got recommendations while showing it to

other communities which they had put it in their own servers, and we've accomplished to do our work on putting

into SA-MP servers, We aren't the team that are in need of cash, We're currently working on filter-scripts

for Role-play servers, We're adding a page on the website to ask for a work neither a map or a script

or a GFX design, you would join our team by applying on the forums,as We're accepting professional

mappers/scritpers, as you're welcome to join our team, we're about to publish a video on Youtube,

and we'll have our own channel on Youtube.

Additional Information:

Explorer community isn't related to a SA:MP server staff, we've created this community for helping the newbies

in scripting as we'll be doing tutorials as soon as possible on youtube, and the youtube channel name will be

announced on our forums in the announcement section.

P.S: This isn't an advertisement for any kind of a SA:MP server, as this is not against SA-MP forums rules.

[Ajuda] Ipleomax

Gente to com um Problema no Ipleomax,faço tudo certinho lá,dai quando eu uso o comando /itd aparece assim: "[ERRO] Samp-server is not Running in this Computer ", alguma coisa assim.

Fico grato se puderem me ajudar.

Javaun Miller is a crook

Just warning you all JavaunM or JavaunMiller who is reasonably known around here is a crook. He stole Emmet's script, and made his own server with it. The original server had to close as a result. He has been banned/blacklisted from Avovix since the owner just hates people like that. This is a recommendation to stay away from him and any of his projects. I wouldn't be surprised if he's saving peoples passwords to try and hack their accounts on other servers.

[AJUDA]Destruir carros

Não sei como destruir os carros criados pelo comando de admin,queria que alguem me ajuda-se nisso ou ajuda-se a quando o admin descer do veiculo ele sumir!

OBS: O comando que quero é aquele /destruircarros que destroi todos os carros criados e não apenas 1.



if(strcmp(cmd, "/cv", true) == 0)


if(pAdmin[playerid] == 5 ) {

new plid;

new Float:X,Float:Y,Float:Z,Float:Angle;

tmp = strtok(cmdtext, idx);

if(!strlen(tmp)) {

SendClientMessage(playerid, Vermelho, " | ERRO | Digite: /cv [id-do-caro]");

return 1;


plid = strval(tmp);

if(plid==501 || plid==465 || plid==464 || plid==594 || plid==564 || plid==427 || plid==501) {

SendClientMessage(playerid, Vermelho, " | ERRO | ID de carro Proibido!");

return 1;


if(IsPlayerConnected(playerid)) {

if(plid >= 400 && plid <= 611) {



new carro = CreateVehicle(plid, X, Y, Z, Angle, -1, -1, 120000);



LinkVehicleToInterior(carro,GetPlayerInterior(play erid));

SetVehicleVirtualWorld(carro,GetPlayerVirtualWorld (playerid));

format(string, sizeof(string), " | INFO | Você criou o veículo de id: %d", plid);

SendClientMessage(playerid, ocd, string);

return 1;


else {

SendClientMessage(playerid, Vermelho, " | ERRO | ID inválido | ID's = 400-611");

return 1;





Librerias! Problema.

Intenté descargar la libreria, pero no la encuentro :(

Uso CentOS -- > 64 bits

Help with error : error 022: must be lvalue (non-constant)

Hi. I have an error, that I wasn't saw ...

HTML Code:

error 022: must be lvalue (non-constant)

Line :

HTML Code:

GangIDs ++;

How I create define?

HTML Code:

#define GangIDs 0

Sooo, sorry for my bad English :( and plz help me! :) Thanks.

dimanche 22 juin 2014

Dois veículos iguais

Por que há dois veículos iguais no gta?

Eu estava tunando os veículos no server lan para ver quais veículos podem colocar algo no capô, e percebi que há dois veículos iguais os ids 489 e 505. O ID 489 pode ser tunado e o 505 não pode ser tunado e os dois se chamam Rancher.


Attachment 7700

Attached Images

File Type: png Rancher.png (54.3 KB)

LR-RP Textdraw Login System

*Still needs some small things changed.

[Ajuda] CMD

Galera ta dando o seguinte erro na hora de compilar alguem ajuda ae. EU to tetando colocar pra bloquear o teleporte quando tiver com life baixo.


C:\Users\asus-pc\Desktop\TRABALHO DE MATEMATICA\filterscripts\HeX_Objetos.pwn(18929) : error 017: undefined symbol "LifeBaixo"

Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

1 Error.

pawn Code:

if(strcmp(cmd, "/cc", true) == 0) {CallRemoteFunction("API_Teleporte","iffffsii",playerid,3138.2334,-1825.3330,13.1311,89.8330,"o CIRCUITO DE CORRIDAS{FF0000} [(--> /CC <--)]",1,0);if(LifeBaixo(playerid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOUR_ERRO, "{FF0000}[ERRO]:{696969} Você não pode usar este comando com pouca vida.");return 1;}

samedi 21 juin 2014

[Pedido] Comando para ver ip

Bom pessoal to usando um vps aki pelo putty ele ta rodando o server mais como vejo ip dele pq quando connectei pelo putty foi por esse 2a02:4780:1:1::1:9da CentOS 5 32bit

Hello, Random Float Numbers Problem!

How Can i make Random Numbers like this






so on!

i want this for my fishing system! for fish size's!

Server cant connect?

Hello, I cant connect my server

I use :777



And me server is on and it is says server did'nt respond.

And btw i downloaded a gamemode(Ravens Roleplay) And i checked de server.cfg and everything is correct

And it is weird, Please help ;(

Attached Images

File Type: jpg Tijdelijke.jpg (124.1 KB)

Suicide in SAMP

How to a player in SAMP server wants to commit suicide? How to write scripts to do it? Please help me

I'm a Vietnamese so my English is bad

vendredi 20 juin 2014

Scripting help

i made /cmds but it's too long and is full height and if i added 1 more command it will not show the other commands, so how to make page 2? with the same command (/cmds) It is a dialog

I know that i must do response but how to it :/



CMD:cmds (playerid)


new bigstring[3000];

strcat(bigstring, "{FCFFC3}Commands:\n");

ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_CMDS, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, ""RED"[EsF]Server Commands", bigstring, "OK", "");

return 1;


Helm in

C:\Documents and Settings\KEKEH\My Documents\Downloads\Awesome Life Roleplay\pawno\include\ : error 017: undefined symbol "TEXT_DRAW_FONT_MODEL_PREVIEW"

C:\Documents and Settings\KEKEH\My Documents\Downloads\Awesome Life Roleplay\pawno\include\ : error 017: undefined symbol "PlayerTextDrawSetPreviewModel"

C:\Documents and Settings\KEKEH\My Documents\Downloads\Awesome Life Roleplay\pawno\include\ : error 017: undefined symbol "PlayerTextDrawSetPreviewRot"

C:\Documents and Settings\KEKEH\My Documents\Downloads\Awesome Life Roleplay\pawno\include\ : warning 203: symbol is never used: "mZoom"

C:\Documents and Settings\KEKEH\My Documents\Downloads\Awesome Life Roleplay\pawno\include\ : warning 203: symbol is never used: "Zrot"

C:\Documents and Settings\KEKEH\My Documents\Downloads\Awesome Life Roleplay\pawno\include\ : warning 203: symbol is never used: "Yrot"

C:\Documents and Settings\KEKEH\My Documents\Downloads\Awesome Life Roleplay\pawno\include\ : warning 203: symbol is never used: "Xrot"

C:\Documents and Settings\KEKEH\My Documents\Downloads\Awesome Life Roleplay\pawno\include\ : warning 203: symbol is never used: "modelindex"

How to fix ?

Zombie Multiplayer (0.3z)

Scripted by Mellnik, published by Famous.


SA-MP Version: 0.3z

HostName: « Zombie Multiplayer 0.2a (0.3z) »

Mode: (0|0) ZombieMP/Survival

Map: ZombieLand

Server IP:



This is a Zombie Multiplayer mode. Where all players will spawn at the beginning as a humans, but one of them randomly, after one minute, will get infected by a virus and will turn into a zombie. And to survive, we'll always have to be armed with weapons, without that, it'll end bad. So there'll be a checkpoint, where you must go and choose your weapons, skins and definitely medkits. Medkits will always heal you up, if you've been hitten by a zombie, or just having a low health. Bassically, if you're human, just kill those damn zombies and try to survive with others! But if you're zombie, well, just be crazy, hungry and infect humans. By killing and infecting, you ofcourse, always get awarded with money and score. Overall each round last 7 minutes and at the end, map are changing to the next one.


  • MySQL System

  • Toplists

  • Awsome Maps

  • Two different zombie types, like Boomer(Explode) and hunter(High Jump)

  • V.I.P System

  • HeadShot System

  • Rank System.




  • Thank you for existing. Really, don't know what to say more about it. Kalcor's the best. :P

GameMode Zombie Multiplayer

  • So about the gamemode, the main credits goes to Mellnik. He's the one who scripted Zombie Multiplayer from scratch, in 2013. He was actually running his gamemode in late summer, but not for long time, because he decided to be more active on his other server. And also because he lack of interest to keep scripting/adding something into ZMP. So when he closed his ZMP server and community, he gave/entrusted the gamemode to me. We are in a good releationship and cooperation, which means - we help each other, when it's necessary. So for now on, i'll take Responsibility for the gamemode, on which i'll try my best to add some new features, which you'd like to see.

Server Hosting

  • The host Vortex Servers is currently hosting our server. It's a really good host, which i can trust and pay my money. Host helps to keep the server always 24/7 online.


  • I've choose exactly the simple machines forum (SMF) , because i have perfect experience in using it. It's really easy to manage it and it looks very simple. Also because it's free, you don't have to waste your money on paid forum softwares. But you'll say, that there are ways, that you can download those paid forum softwares, but no, i don't want to, lets be legal.

So yeah. Thanks for viewing my advertisement, and i hope, you'll join my community. If you're fan of zombies and horror stuff, then this server is exactly for you. Join us now, or whenever you want, but don't also forget to invite your friends! So you all could have a fun gameplay.:)

Thank you.

[Ajuda] Tunar

Tipo eu quero tunar o carro para "vips" só que tunados no caso teria que usar?

AddVehicleComponent ?? podem me ajudar pf ?

LR-RP Custom City

Hello everyone, this is the custom city made in rodeo, also with buyable houses!




I have a question

How many servers/slots can I run with a 2GB windows VPS

Any help with gamemode

what GM have this System anyone can tell me


jeudi 19 juin 2014

mySQL Collum help

My server using NG-RP Gamemode with mySQL can you help me to create a new collum to mySQL Database (Can i use Navicat to do it)

[AJUDA] /salvarpos não salva

Eu baixei um FS de concessionaria so que o comando /salvarpos não salva a posição do carro:




if(Te_xT[playerid][CarroDono] == INVALID_VEHICLE_ID)

return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000FF, "Você não tem um carro próprio.");

if(!IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid) || GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid) != Te_xT[playerid][CarroDono])

return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000FF, "Você não está no seu veículo.");

new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:A;

GetVehiclePos(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid), x, y, z);

GetVehicleZAngle(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid), A);

Te_xT[playerid][CarroX] = x;

Te_xT[playerid][CarroY] = y;

Te_xT[playerid][CarroZ] = z;

Te_xT[playerid][CarroAng] = A;


SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x00CC00FF, "(SERVER): Seu carro ficará salvo neste local a partir de agora.");

return true;


[Projeto] Jackass

Galera quero fazer um filterscript do Jackass com os carrinhos de mercado, Não quero que algum veículo substitui o objeto de carrinho, quero usar uma animação que tipo o player segure no carrinho (atrás do carrinho) e conforme ele aperte W ele vai mais rápido (Sem barulho de motor) tipo a escada do aeroporto. Mais ou menos isso, o que uso para "tentar" fazer ? , Vlw !


I was hosting my server for free in but i they will stop hosting servers in 2 days and now a need a good hoster, we have a good script!!

For Test until Close !!

Msg help+rep plz

how to show this message PrinXe(0) has joined the server.[country]

whos online

He hallo,

een vraagje,

Wie is er nog actief bezig met samp?

En zo niet wat spelen jullie nu?


[HELP]Command Close itself

when am click it

its close itself ??? ?

How to Fix it?


mercredi 18 juin 2014

Probleme SQL


J'ai un petit probleme chez moi, avec plusieurs GM que j'utilise en sql,

j'arrive tres bien a me connecter dessus en local sur la base de données local aucun probleme

mais lorsque j'ouvre le serveur en local sur une autre base de données le serveur n'arrive pas a se connecter dessus

Merci d'avance de vos reponse. :D

[Ajuda] Converter MTA

Olá galera, estou precisando da ajuda de vocês, editei uns objetos no GTA tipo uma mini cidade, ai fui converter só ficou a metade da cidade, ta tudo salvo, mas só converte a metade, alguém sabe me dizer por que?

Desde já agradeço, abraços!

New Maps by Xander

Ghetto House | Ghetto Apartment Complex | Ghetto Apartment Complex 2 | Modern House*

* Location of all objects are fixed, fix includes living room TV, sofas, table, Music Studio.

[Ajuda] sscanf error systeam not initialised

quando eu ligo o servidor mostra este erro alguem sabe o motivo ou porque este error

Help with coding Road train for trucks

Hi everyone! I came to you for help because the Portuguese forum they do not help me ... I wanted to make a script that makes a train road with trucks using code like / roadtrain. Thank you!

*The person who help me I put your credits in the code

**Sorry if I wrote something wrong ;)

Looking For Scripters..

Looking For 2 Scripters To Help Me In Scripting/Adding/Fixing Bugs In My Server Los Santos Gang Wars (LSGW)

What Is That Server?:

1- This Server Is Originally Created In 2013 June, Opened In 2014 February.

2- Also It Made A Record With 24 Players Total But We Get 10-5 Players Daily.

3- You Can Do Many Stuff In This Server Also It Has 1v1 Mod (From CBCNR) And Freeroam Mod,With GangWar!!

4- But In The Last Month,Server Had Some Problems That Made It Stopped,So We Need Scripters For Help.

What Do We Need From Scripters?:

1- We Only Need Scripters Who Have A Strong Language With English.

2- Scripters Who Aren't Already Working For Another Server.

3- Trusted Scripters (Not Scammers Or Something Like That).

4- Scripters Should Be Active In The Server And Working For It.

NOTE: This Server Is Closed For Some Reasons In Scripting,That's Why I Call Some Help For Working In This Server, The Reward: Admin Level 9 (Co-Owner), VIP Level 3, Only These Things Will Be Given After I See Some Good Work.

Please Don't Post Trash Here,Only If You Are Interested In.

mardi 17 juin 2014

Acciones para entrar en la Black List

¿Cuales son las acciones o metodos que pueden encaminar a un server a pertenecer a la black list de samp?

La única que conozco es hacer pasar BOT's como jugadores normales en la lista de jugadores.

Por favor, sean serios con la respuesta.

[Help]MoneyBase Help

How to create some base where all money what player give save...

etc. Lotto , all money what players give to buy lotto tickets will be added in that base :)

SLG - Selfie

Petrol Station

Hello guys, this map is a fuel station with local to supply, within the store has put gallons of fuel, fire extinguisher, wheeled vehicles and tires and also a small snack bar.



which your best team!




lundi 16 juin 2014

Valiant Gaming Roleplay - Roleplay can't get any better!

Well, its that time again, Valiant Gaming Roleplay is back, and we once again are living reality, but yet better, bigger, and sweater then before. So. If your still reading, I can tell your interested, but I won't make this long cause I want to see you on the server. So, in this, we will explain some of our server features, what you should know, and mainly how to hop on!

Server Features

So, our server comes with many unique features that many other server don't have, such as a unique fire system that will keep firefighters busy, or a unique radio system and dispatch system, additionally we have a callsign system that many servers also additionally don't have.

Screenshots of some features;

- Crate System; &

- Item Drop System;

- Inventory System;

- Tutorial for New Players;

- Registration System; &

- Vendor System; &

- Backpack System;

- Trash Can System; &

- Stat System;

What You Should Know

Well, what you should know that is we are not seeking any administrators. If you are interested in joining our Support Team you can do so by submitting an application on our forums. We are also not looking for faction leaders, but all our factions that are open (LSPD, DoC, SASD, and LSFD) have active leaders and seeking members.

Server Information


Teamspeak Server: ONLINE (

Did I also mention that we have a high school that will be opening July?!

Yea, but we need teachers though - so go apply!

Como venden Hosting para SAMP

Hola como estas amigos, me gustaria poder montar una pequeña empresa de servidores para samp no se, si exista algun tutorial de como puedo montar mi empresa de hosting, lo que he investigado que hay que contrata dedicados para poder dar el servicio... no se si alguien me pueda orientar de donde debo empesar....


Tengo los costos y dinero necesarios: si.

Conocimientos basicos en hosting y dominios para web: si.


•• [AVT] - Army Vs Terrorists •• TDM ••

[AVT] Army vs. Terrorists TDM

Army vs. Terrorists, or AVT for short, has been up and running, serving only for your fun since 2012 January. Visit our website from the link below and see

Server Info

  • Server IP:

  • Hosted Tab: Yes

  • Server Slots:150

  • Synced Shooting: Yes

  • Server Forums:

  • Script: [AVT]Tamer and [AVT]Turhan

  • Mapping: [AVT]Tamer, [AVT]Trent and [AVT]Dimitri


>> General

-Easy-to-understand gameplay We keep our gameplay simple, so the foreigners or players that have a lack of English can also play and have much fun.

- Perfectly placed bases. The bases of the two teams are not far to eachother at all, so you will not need to travel the whole SA map to find a single enemy, actually, they will come to you!

- Supports both solo and teamplay. It's completely up to the player to be a lonely wolf or a team player. At AVT, we give the oppurtunity for you to choose that. We let the player decide how they want their game to be.

- Objectives. Apart from eliminating the other team, there are plenty of other fun objectives to do ingame! Planting the bomb at Area 51, Capturing zones, Stealing the Army van back from the terrorist base...

For example, planting the bomb is pretty fun! At the Terrorist base there is a truck, you set charges for that truck and park them near the blastdoors at Area 51 Army will try to move the truck away, if they fail to the blastdoors will explode and the Terrorists will rush inside. Now you must find your way to the radar room and plant the bomb -- if you can. Army will try to defuse the bomb, if they can't then the bomb will explode. If you rather stay stealth while planting the bomb, then you may crack the Vent door password and make your way inside stealthy. However you need 5000 score to crack the code.

- Classes. We have a lot of different class combinations available. The more advanced classes require more score, but also have more abilities. The ''Bomber'' and ''Rambo'' class can plant detonable C4's for example!

- Rank system. Fight your way up the ranking system in almost every class we have! Earn XP by neutralizing enemies and unlock special features. Snipers can -for example- hide from the map, hide your nametag and make headshots on leveling up.

- Killstreak system. If you make kills without dying, you will eventually get rewarded with extra score and money.

- Competetive, friendly and fun staff team. We believe that a good staff team is as important as a good script. We pick our Administrators and Moderators very carefully.

- Mapping. The ''warzone'' is between Area 51, the abandoned Airstrip and Las Payasadas (Pecker town). There are several buildings which you can enter and shoot from the inside. Get to cover as much as you can!

- Anti spawnkill. When you spawn you are safe for atleast the first 10 seconds after spawning. Also, you are safe from enemy Rhino's (tanks) and other Airforce aircraft (Hydra's, Hunters and Seasparrows).

- Updates Regularly. We update our script regularly to keep everything fun!

- A working Anti-Cheat. We have a pretty powerful anticheat, but still there are some leakages, those are "cleaned up" with the help of our Staff Team.

- Not an "Off the wall script" Our script is not an edit of a released or non-released GameMode, everything was written from scratch and a huge hard-work was put in the script.


>> Unique features

- Stun your enemies! When you spray your enemy with a spraycan, their screen will show a white flash!

- Action Menu When you aim at a player and click the middle mouse button or H key, you get a menu, this is useful to interact with that player and give things to.

- Rustlers. This plane can drop exploding bombs.

- Cargobob. We added a little platform on the cargobob in a way you can stand on it. Use it to gun down the enemy base and catch them off-guarded!

>> Factions

No! It's not only in roleplay servers!

Always wanted to step up your game by having more benefits than the other players? Thanks to the Faction system it's now possible! Every faction has their very special features!

- San Andreas Air Force: This faction allows you to fly the Hydra, Hunter and Seasparrow. This faction is privileged to 40 players only. This faction is available for both the Army and Terrorists.

- Alpha Squad: If the Army is in need for help, they call the Alpha Squad! This advanced group have their own base, vehicles and extra weapons and ammo on spawn. They are also able to call in an airstrike!

- Hitman Organization: Fast, quick and silent. If you heard the shot, you weren't the target. This terrorist sided team works alone but very effective. Like the Alpha Squad, they own their own base, vehicles and advanced weapons. Hitman organization members can also deal a headshot with the sniper rifle!

>> VIP Features

- Full armour As a VIP you will always spawn with full armour.

- 3x more score, XP and money per kill!

- Your own houses and private cars!

- You do feel "Very Important", we give you some privileages that will ease everything for you and improvise your gameplay! For example, VIP's can bypass the teambalance.

- And many more.. check them out at

>> Other

- No Sawnoffs. We believe it ruins the fun and spirit of TDM. But don't get dissapointed, in the duelzone you will be able to use them!

- The Army can teleport to a plane over the terrorist base using /drop. (Requirement is 100 score)

- Fun events! These are hosted regularly by the staff team. No dull scripted events, but self made!

[HELP] Server locks automatically

Hey there.. I have this really strange problem.. I have unlocked my server and I opened it last night and when it had 100+ players connected it locks automatically. There is no password in server.cfg and I don't know what to do.. Please help.

How to make this ?

I want a fs for CnR that if someone gets 15 wanted level he gets bounty his color changes into black and reward of killing him wil be random money Please :(

Help.." File or fuction not found"

My server log :

SA-MP Dedicated Server


v0.3z-R2, (C)2005-2014 SA-MP Team

[17:18:47] password = "" (string)


[17:18:47] Server Plugins

[17:18:47] --------------

[17:18:47] Loading plugin: streamer

[17:18:47] Failed.

[17:18:47] Loading plugin: sscanf


[17:18:47] ===============================

[17:18:47] sscanf plugin loaded.

[17:18:47] Version: 2.8.1

[17:18:47] (c) 2012 Alex "Y_Less" Cole

[17:18:47] ===============================

[17:18:47] Loaded.

[17:18:47] Loading plugin: mysql

[17:18:47] Failed.

[17:18:47] Loading plugin: Whirlpool

[17:18:47] Failed.

[17:18:47] Loading plugin: crashdetect.dll

[17:18:47] CrashDetect v4.10 is OK.

[17:18:47] Loaded.

[17:18:47] Loaded 2 plugins.


[17:18:47] Ban list

[17:18:47] --------

[17:18:47] Loaded: samp.ban



[17:18:47] Filterscripts

[17:18:47] ---------------

[17:18:47] Loading filterscript 'hanhdong.amx'...

[17:18:47] Loading filterscript 'damage.amx'...

[17:18:47] Loading filterscript 'yom_buttons.amx'...

[17:18:47] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"

[17:18:47] [debug] Streamer_CallbackHook

[17:18:47] [debug] CreateDynamicObject

[17:18:47] [debug] DestroyDynamicObject

[17:18:47] [debug] SetDynamicObjectPos

[17:18:47] [debug] SetDynamicObjectRot

[17:18:47] [debug] MoveDynamicObject

[17:18:47] [debug] StopDynamicObject

[17:18:47] Loading filterscript 'ncustom.amx'...

[17:18:48] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"

[17:18:48] [debug] Streamer_CallbackHook

[17:18:48] [debug] CreateDynamicObject

[17:18:48] [debug] Streamer_UpdateEx

[17:18:48] [debug] Streamer_VisibleItems

[17:18:48] Loaded 4 filterscripts.

[17:18:48] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"

[17:18:48] [debug] Streamer_CallbackHook

[17:18:48] [debug] CreateDynamicObject

[17:18:48] [debug] MoveDynamicObject

[17:18:48] [debug] UpdateDynamic3DTextLabelText

[17:18:48] [debug] cache_get_data

[17:18:48] [debug] cache_get_field_content

[17:18:48] [debug] WP_Hash

[17:18:48] [debug] mysql_function_query

[17:18:48] [debug] mysql_debug

[17:18:48] [debug] mysql_connect

[17:18:48] [debug] mysql_ping

[17:18:48] [debug] mysql_close

[17:18:48] [debug] mysql_real_escape_string

[17:18:48] [debug] GetDynamicObjectPos

[17:18:48] [debug] CreateDynamicSphere

[17:18:48] [debug] DestroyDynamicObject

[17:18:48] [debug] Streamer_UpdateEx

[17:18:48] [debug] CreateDynamic3DTextLabel

[17:18:48] [debug] DestroyAllDynamicObjects

[17:18:48] [debug] DestroyAllDynamic3DTextLabels

[17:18:48] [debug] DestroyAllDynamicCPs

[17:18:48] [debug] DestroyAllDynamicMapIcons

[17:18:48] [debug] DestroyAllDynamicRaceCPs

[17:18:48] [debug] DestroyAllDynamicAreas

[17:18:48] [debug] DestroyDynamic3DTextLabel

[17:18:48] [debug] IsValidDynamicObject

[17:18:48] [debug] IsValidDynamicArea

[17:18:48] [debug] DestroyDynamicArea

[17:18:48] [debug] IsPlayerInDynamicArea

[17:18:48] [debug] CreateDynamicRectangle

[17:18:48] [debug] IsValidDynamicMapIcon

[17:18:48] [debug] DestroyDynamicMapIcon

[17:18:48] [debug] CreateDynamicMapIcon

[17:18:48] [debug] IsValidDynamic3DTextLabel

[17:18:48] [debug] CreateDynamicPickup

[17:18:48] [debug] cache_get_row

[17:18:48] [debug] Streamer_TickRate

[17:18:48] [debug] CreateDynamicCP

[17:18:48] [debug] SetDynamicObjectPos

[17:18:48] [debug] Streamer_SetIntData

[17:18:48] [debug] IsValidDynamicPickup

[17:18:48] [debug] DestroyDynamicPickup

[17:18:48] [debug] SetDynamicObjectRot

[17:18:48] [debug] GetDynamicObjectRot

[17:18:48] [debug] mysql_stat

[17:18:48] [debug] mysql_affected_rows

[17:18:48] [debug] CountDynamicObjects

[17:18:48] [debug] CountDynamicMapIcons

[17:18:48] [debug] CountDynamic3DTextLabels

[17:18:48] [debug] AttachDynamicObjectToVehicle

[17:18:48] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"

[17:18:48] [debug] Streamer_CallbackHook

[17:18:48] [debug] CreateDynamicObject

[17:18:48] [debug] DestroyDynamicObject

[17:18:48] [debug] SetDynamicObjectPos

[17:18:48] [debug] SetDynamicObjectRot

[17:18:48] [debug] MoveDynamicObject

[17:18:48] [debug] StopDynamicObject

[17:18:48] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"

[17:18:48] [debug] Streamer_CallbackHook

[17:18:48] [debug] CreateDynamicObject

[17:18:48] [debug] MoveDynamicObject

[17:18:48] [debug] UpdateDynamic3DTextLabelText

[17:18:48] [debug] cache_get_data

[17:18:48] [debug] cache_get_field_content

[17:18:48] [debug] WP_Hash

[17:18:48] [debug] mysql_function_query

[17:18:48] [debug] mysql_debug

[17:18:48] [debug] mysql_connect

[17:18:48] [debug] mysql_ping

[17:18:48] [debug] mysql_close

[17:18:48] [debug] mysql_real_escape_string

[17:18:48] [debug] GetDynamicObjectPos

[17:18:48] [debug] CreateDynamicSphere

[17:18:48] [debug] DestroyDynamicObject

[17:18:48] [debug] Streamer_UpdateEx

[17:18:48] [debug] CreateDynamic3DTextLabel

[17:18:48] [debug] DestroyAllDynamicObjects

[17:18:48] [debug] DestroyAllDynamic3DTextLabels

[17:18:48] [debug] DestroyAllDynamicCPs

[17:18:48] [debug] DestroyAllDynamicMapIcons

[17:18:48] [debug] DestroyAllDynamicRaceCPs

[17:18:48] [debug] DestroyAllDynamicAreas

[17:18:48] [debug] DestroyDynamic3DTextLabel

[17:18:48] [debug] IsValidDynamicObject

[17:18:48] [debug] IsValidDynamicArea

[17:18:48] [debug] DestroyDynamicArea

[17:18:48] [debug] IsPlayerInDynamicArea

[17:18:48] [debug] CreateDynamicRectangle

[17:18:48] [debug] IsValidDynamicMapIcon

[17:18:48] [debug] DestroyDynamicMapIcon

[17:18:48] [debug] CreateDynamicMapIcon

[17:18:48] [debug] IsValidDynamic3DTextLabel

[17:18:48] [debug] CreateDynamicPickup

[17:18:48] [debug] cache_get_row

[17:18:48] [debug] Streamer_TickRate

[17:18:48] [debug] CreateDynamicCP

[17:18:48] [debug] SetDynamicObjectPos

[17:18:48] [debug] Streamer_SetIntData

[17:18:48] [debug] IsValidDynamicPickup

[17:18:48] [debug] DestroyDynamicPickup

[17:18:48] [debug] SetDynamicObjectRot

[17:18:48] [debug] GetDynamicObjectRot

[17:18:48] [debug] mysql_stat

[17:18:48] [debug] mysql_affected_rows

[17:18:48] [debug] CountDynamicObjects

[17:18:48] [debug] CountDynamicMapIcons

[17:18:48] [debug] CountDynamic3DTextLabels

[17:18:48] [debug] AttachDynamicObjectToVehicle

[17:18:48] Script[gamemodes/SARP.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"

[17:18:48] Number of vehicle models: 0

[17:19:08] --- Server Shutting Down.

[17:19:08] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"

[17:19:08] [debug] Streamer_CallbackHook

[17:19:08] [debug] CreateDynamicObject

[17:19:08] [debug] MoveDynamicObject

[17:19:08] [debug] UpdateDynamic3DTextLabelText

[17:19:08] [debug] cache_get_data

[17:19:08] [debug] cache_get_field_content

[17:19:08] [debug] WP_Hash

[17:19:08] [debug] mysql_function_query

[17:19:08] [debug] mysql_debug

[17:19:08] [debug] mysql_connect

[17:19:08] [debug] mysql_ping

[17:19:08] [debug] mysql_close

[17:19:08] [debug] mysql_real_escape_string

[17:19:08] [debug] GetDynamicObjectPos

[17:19:08] [debug] CreateDynamicSphere

[17:19:08] [debug] DestroyDynamicObject

[17:19:08] [debug] Streamer_UpdateEx

[17:19:08] [debug] CreateDynamic3DTextLabel

[17:19:08] [debug] DestroyAllDynamicObjects

[17:19:08] [debug] DestroyAllDynamic3DTextLabels

[17:19:08] [debug] DestroyAllDynamicCPs

[17:19:08] [debug] DestroyAllDynamicMapIcons

[17:19:08] [debug] DestroyAllDynamicRaceCPs

[17:19:08] [debug] DestroyAllDynamicAreas

[17:19:08] [debug] DestroyDynamic3DTextLabel

[17:19:08] [debug] IsValidDynamicObject

[17:19:08] [debug] IsValidDynamicArea

[17:19:08] [debug] DestroyDynamicArea

[17:19:08] [debug] IsPlayerInDynamicArea

[17:19:08] [debug] CreateDynamicRectangle

[17:19:08] [debug] IsValidDynamicMapIcon

[17:19:08] [debug] DestroyDynamicMapIcon

[17:19:08] [debug] CreateDynamicMapIcon

[17:19:08] [debug] IsValidDynamic3DTextLabel

[17:19:08] [debug] CreateDynamicPickup

[17:19:08] [debug] cache_get_row

[17:19:08] [debug] Streamer_TickRate

[17:19:08] [debug] CreateDynamicCP

[17:19:08] [debug] SetDynamicObjectPos

[17:19:08] [debug] Streamer_SetIntData

[17:19:08] [debug] IsValidDynamicPickup

[17:19:08] [debug] DestroyDynamicPickup

[17:19:08] [debug] SetDynamicObjectRot

[17:19:08] [debug] GetDynamicObjectRot

[17:19:08] [debug] mysql_stat

[17:19:08] [debug] mysql_affected_rows

[17:19:08] [debug] CountDynamicObjects

[17:19:08] [debug] CountDynamicMapIcons

[17:19:08] [debug] CountDynamic3DTextLabels

[17:19:08] [debug] AttachDynamicObjectToVehicle

[17:19:08] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"

[17:19:08] [debug] Streamer_CallbackHook

[17:19:08] [debug] CreateDynamicObject

[17:19:08] [debug] DestroyDynamicObject

[17:19:08] [debug] SetDynamicObjectPos

[17:19:08] [debug] SetDynamicObjectRot

[17:19:08] [debug] MoveDynamicObject

[17:19:08] [debug] StopDynamicObject

[17:19:08] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"

[17:19:08] [debug] Streamer_CallbackHook

[17:19:08] [debug] CreateDynamicObject

[17:19:08] [debug] Streamer_UpdateEx

[17:19:08] [debug] Streamer_VisibleItems


[17:19:08] ===============================

[17:19:08] sscanf plugin unloaded.

[17:19:08] ===============================

[FilterScript] Simple Bounty System

Simple Bounty System

I haven't released anything for quiet some time now, years to be honest, so I quickly made a Bounty System. It's nothing special, just something fun to add to your server. Just a quick 30 minute filterscript so don't expect anything special! How ever I have used PVars (for the first time) so you can add more features inside your gamemode.

How it works:

* Admins can enable and disable personal bountys with /personalbountys

* Players can /givebounty once personal bountys have been enabled

* If personal bountys are disabled, a player is given a bounty once they reach 6 wanted stars

* The default bounty amount is $50,000 - this can be changed in the script under bountyamount or by rcon admin with /setdefaultbounty

* The default bounty is used when the player is given an automatic bounty once they reach 6 wanted stars

* A player can only have one bounty on them at a time

* Once the player dies, the bounty is gone. The killer will receive the bounty amount. If a player commits suicide, they still have a bounty on them

* Once a player has a bounty on them, their name will be red. Once they die and the bounty is gone, it'll revert back to transparent

* If you double click a player on the default samp players list, and if they have a bounty on them, it will display who put it on them, and how much.

Download link (.pwn and .amx):

As all my releases: Feel free to add code, edit code and use as your own with credit.

[Duda] Comando con X función

Hola, estoy aprendiendo a utilizar Pawno y me vino una duda y quisiera que alguien me explicara lo siguiente:

Cuando yo pongo... por ejemplo /congelar ID que congele al usuario que tenga esa ID.

Si alguien sería tan amable de explicarme cosita por cosita de como hacer el comando, le agradezco muchisimo ya que me estoy empezando a familiarizar con el lenguaje PAWNO.

dimanche 15 juin 2014

Hosting samp servers cheap!

Hosting samp servers cheap with FTP acess! 1-50 Slots! skype jmh-94

[HELP] goto

Hello how can I here ad know it's okay lower level of admin and gamemamster can't port to head admin but how can I make if head admin type goto and id of player is head admin then head admin can port to head admin if you know what I mean? Thanks

if(PlayerInfo[id][Admin] >= 1338) return SCM(playerid,COLOR_GRAD2,"You can't goto to head admin!");

OnPlayerTakeDamage 0.3z not call

Hello after giving the bodypart in OnPlayerTakeDamage it hath not performed



public OnPlayerTakeDamage(playerid, issuerid, Float: amount, weaponid)


Not call:


public OnPlayerTakeDamage(playerid, issuerid, Float: amount, weaponid, bodypart)

How to make.+Rep

How do i make a picture which i click and then it opens the samp server and asks if you want to add to favourites or to play.

Example like this samp://xxxxxxxxxx <<< the server ip.

But it does not work i added it with a picture but when i click it nothing happens what is the problem.

Please help +rep

World Environment Day at Soran University

June 5, 2014 was World Environment Day and a series of environment preservation activities took place at the Faculty of Arts. Soran Mayor, Kiramnj Izzat, Dr. Yadgar and Dr. Qais were present as well as the staff of the War Organization.

At the beginning, there was an exhibition of photographs on the environmental pollution shown by the War Organization, an environmental preservation group. Dr. Sherwan Shareef, who specializes in environment and is the head of the Geography Department followed with a seminar under the title ‘Our task in the Environment’.

samedi 14 juin 2014

[Pedido] Comando

Eae galera, no meu servidor q estou criando tem

pawn Code:


e eu queria um comando tipo /verconversa em que o player que digitou o comando no outro ID podesse ver a conversa dele e um outro comando pra parar de ver a conversa dele com quem tiver perto dele, agradeço desde ja a alguem q me ajude pois sempre que posto algo tem mais de 50 visualizações e nenhuma resposta .-.

[FilterScript] FS Empleo traficante de armas + cojer materiales

Hola amigos. Bueno Este es un FS muy parecido al de un server famoso. En fin se trata de un empleo de traficante de armas. Tambien puede recojer materiales para crear piezas de armas.

Hay 3 puntos para recojer materiales. Dependiendo de la distancia la cantidad de materiales sera mayor (SF 250 - LS 50 materiales).

Tambien cuenta con un sistema de niveles. Cada 50 armas creadas pasa al siguiente nivel para crear otro tipo de arma. Todo es guardado en DINI

Usted puede crear las siguientes armas:


9mm sileciada









/Trabajo armero

/comprar materiales

/vender [ID player][Nombre arma][Precio]

/cancelar [Arma] o [Materiales]

/Crear [Nombre Arma]

/Venderpiezas [ID player][cantidad][precio]




Alone(sistema materiales)

otacon (timer cmd)


Crear una carpeta en

Scriptfiles con el nombre "Strike"

P/D.: Ya publicare mas FS ya q me retiro de samp (temporalmente) y estos trabajos eran para un server RP que estaba creando con mi amigo Alone, pero ambos nos salimos de SAMP

Attached Files

File Type: rar Strike-Traficante.rar (26.4 KB)