jeudi 31 juillet 2014

Play Sound for Nearby Players

Sorry, if i might not get some things or terms. I am fairly new to scripting and have only used scripting for mapping.

So I am trying to play a sound when people enter a command to open a garage. I am trying to make it so that all near by players will have the sounds played, but I have not figured out how to do it. If someone could please help me, it would really appreciated.

Command for Opening/Closing garage:


CMD:garage(playerid, params[])


new Float: x, Float: y, Float: z;

GetDynamicObjectPos(H148Gate, x, y, z);

if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 30, x, y, z))




case 0:


H148GarageOpen = 1;

new string[128];

format(string, sizeof(string), "* %s uses their remote to open the garage.", GetName(playerid));

NearByMessage(playerid, 0x9A2EFEFF, string);

MoveDynamicObject(H148Garage, 1656.53455, 2575.88188, 12.24580, 0.5, 0.00000, -90.00000, 90.00000);

MoveDynamicObject(H148GarageCol1, 1657.35132, 2576.01870, 12.25530, 0.5, 0.00000, -90.00000, 90.00000);

MoveDynamicObject(H148GarageCol2, 1655.71033, 2576.01870, 12.25530, 0.5, 0.00000, -90.00000, 90.00000);


case 1:


H148GarageOpen = 0;

new string[128];

format(string, sizeof(string), "* %s uses their remote to close the garage.", GetName(playerid));

NearByMessage(playerid, 0x9A2EFEFF, string);

MoveDynamicObject(H148Garage, 1656.53455, 2576.24587, 11.12580, 0.5, 0.00000, 0.00000, 90.00000);

MoveDynamicObject(H148GarageCol1, 1657.35132, 2576.29858, 11.61530, 0.5, 0.00000, 0.00000, 90.00000);

MoveDynamicObject(H148GarageCol2, 1655.71033, 2576.29858, 11.61530, 0.5, 0.00000, 0.00000, 90.00000);




return 1;


Code for the sound that needs to be played and then another sound that needs to be played 3 seconds after the first sound has been played.

First Sound:


PlayerPlaySound(playerid, 1153, 1656.4711, 2576.2517, 10.8535);

Second Sound 2 secs later:


PlayerPlaySound(playerid, 1154, 1656.4711, 2576.2517, 10.8535);

Thanks and sorry, if I'm just asking you to do all the work. I've tried to the best of my knowledge of scripting but have not been able to do it.

Ayuda tutorial.. urgente

Buenas, tengo un servidor, entonces quiero que cuando pongas la edad de tu PJ te manda al tutorial de servidor cuando estás en el registro, actualmente se pones la edad de tu PJ te manda a logear y luego al spawn, acá lo de la edad y logeo cuando cojes la edad:


case EDAD:


new pName2[32];

GetPlayerName(playerid, pName2, 32);



if(strval(inputtext) < 18 || strval(inputtext) > 99)


SCM(playerid,-1, "{2961B2}»{FFFFFF} Debes colocar una edad entre los 18 años y los 99 años");

format(string, sizeof(string), "{FFFFFF}¿ Que edad tendrá su personaje {2961B2}(18 - 99) ?",pName);

ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, EDAD, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"{2961B2}»{FFFFFF} Registro Servidor",string,"Enviar","Salir");

return 1;


new query[200];

PlayerInfo[playerid][jEdad] = strval(inputtext);

format(string, sizeof(string), ""BLA"____________________________________________ \n\nFinalizado el registro, ahora logea tu cuenta para proceder\n al tutorial que te enseñará cosas básicas del servidor\n\n"BLA" Ingrese su contraseña para proceder\n________________________________________ ____", PlayerInfo[playerid][jSexo],pName2);

ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, LOGIN, DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD,"{2961B2}»{FFFFFF} Inicio sesión",string,"Enviar","Salir");

format(query, 200, "UPDATE `usuarios` SET `Edad`='%d' WHERE `Username`='%s'",PlayerInfo[playerid][jEdad],pName2);

mysql_function_query(Conecction, query, true, "OnQueryFinish", "ii", 0, playerid);




format(string, sizeof(string), "¿ Que edad tendrá su personaje (18 - 99) ?",pName);

ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, EDAD, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"{2961B2}»{FFFFFF} Registro Servidor",string,"Enviar","Salir");



El tutorial ya está en el servidor, con todo definido pero no sale en ningún momento, como dije quiero que salga luego de poner la edad, acá lo que tiene del tutorial:


new TiempoTutorial[MAX_PLAYERS];


PlayerInfo[playerid][pTutorial] = 0;

forward PasarTuto(playerid);

public PasarTuto(playerid)


if(EnTuto[playerid] == 1)



EnTuto[playerid] = 2;


else if(EnTuto[playerid] == 2)



EnTuto[playerid] = 3;


else if(EnTuto[playerid] == 3)



EnTuto[playerid] = 4;


else if(EnTuto[playerid] == 4)



EnTuto[playerid] = 5;


else if(EnTuto[playerid] == 5)


new query[200],pName[32];

GetPlayerName(playerid, pName, 32);

format(query, 200, "UPDATE `usuarios` SET `Tutorial`='1' WHERE `Username`='%s'",pName);

mysql_function_query(Conecction, query, true, "OnQueryFinish", "ii", 0, playerid);







EnTuto[playerid] = 0;

PlayerInfo[playerid][pTutorial] = 1;



TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, 0);


TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, 1);



cache_get_field_content(0, "Tutorial", content); PlayerInfo[extraid][pTutorial] = strval(content);

y los TextDrawCreate claro que no lo pondré por qué sería mucho... me ayudan?

Announcement Paintball

Hello !

How can you do when a number of players duel in Paintball occur for all server message like this: "At this time three players he fights in Paintball Arena"

sorry for my English :(

[Off] Movil OnePlusOne

Hola chicos, soy nuevo en este foro (no en el sa:mp) y bueno, se me rompió mi Samsun Galaxy S3 y quiero comprar el OnePlusOne y era por curiosidad si alguien tiene alguna invitación.

Otra pregunta, ¿Alguién me podría decir un movil parecido al OnePlusOne calidad/precio? Muchas gracias 8)

[GameMode] [ OLD GTADM ] GTA-Unlimited

GTA-Unlimited is the most unique Freeroam server, running since 2014.

Some of GTA-Unlimited Features:

  • Freeroam & job system

  • Jobs: Cop, Whore, Terrorist, Civilian, Drug dealer, Mechanic. Every job has it's own role e.g as a Cop you can arrest wanted players. As a whore you can offer blowjob to any players near you. As a Terrorist you can attach bombs to players or even to yourself! As a Mechanic you can repair any vehicles near you. And many more things you can do while having a job in any of these classes /Job.

  • 16 Deathmatches

  • 2 Team Deathmatches

  • Achievement system (total 73 medals)

    More than 5+ stunt maps - deathmatch is not allowed there. You can also use speedboost(Caps Lock), car hop(2)!

  • Gangwars, captureable turfs (total 302 over all San Andreas), gang bases,ability to create your own gang(/gangcreate)!

  • Cellphone system like in GTA IV - you can SMS, call other players, change background picture of your phone add contacts, and much more!

  • House & Property system - buy your own car at any car dealer shop (/cars1 to /cars9) and spawn your car at any time using /car!

  • Minigames: Race, Parkour, Drift, Cannon, TDM, DM, Derby, Capture The Flag, Tic-Tac-Toe, Hay Game, Money Game, Counter Strike, Missions, Football, Duel, Fallout, Dive 1, 2,

  • Event system - Earn Premium Points to buy better mapped houses

  • VIP System - we got a lot of satisfied Donators!

That didn't ignite your "appetit"? This might be the right solution!


Teleports List

Tuning Garage just for VIP members (/Tuning)


Stunt Maps


Hay Game




Money Game




DeathMatch List







mercredi 30 juillet 2014

Help with irc bot needed.

I want a script that would make a bot on irc server which will be online aong with my server. and I can use it too, read the pm's it recieve on irc basically i wud be able to connect as the bot. so i would see the whole chat on irc which while i was off, but the bot wasn't

hope u understand me :D if no then nvm :P lol

one more question, making new topic for it wud be stupid

when i player types in cmd, how to make that cmd visible to the admin(even the invalid oneS)

[GameMode] War Of Continents

War Off Continents


[Ajuda] Oque esta mal?

Oque est mal?

pawn Code:




new vehicleid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);

new State = GetPlayerState(playerid);

if(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid) && State == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER)





return SetVehiclePos(vehicleid,2949.1999500,-650.2999900);





return 1;



2 Warnings:


C:\Users\Pedro Nuno\Desktop\SA-MP PROGETOS E FS\2\3\[GameMode] Bloody Vegas - Striker Samp\Bloody Vegas - Striker Samp\gamemodes\ZNS.pwn(2101) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition

C:\Users\Pedro Nuno\Desktop\SA-MP PROGETOS E FS\2\3\[GameMode] Bloody Vegas - Striker Samp\Bloody Vegas - Striker Samp\gamemodes\ZNS.pwn(2103) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition

Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

2 Warnings.

[Duda] Sobre un host

Buenas usuarios del foro, vengo a preguntarles que .. con el gamemode de zenoncity "el de toda la vida", ¿habría lag en el servidor con el host de vortrex servers ? "Dale clic para ir y ver la información que tiene". Por mas slots, mas caro es .. pero contra mas caro, mas RAM se supone que tendrá, ¿no? No lo sé como va esto, ¿alguien me lo podría explicar? Muchísimas gracias, saludos.

[Opinião]Qualidade VPS


1024 MB RAM

2 CPU Core

50 GB RAID Storage

Unlimited Premium Traffic

1 GBit Port

1 IPv4 inkl. / IPv6 inkl.

FRA4 / Accelerated

99.99% Uptime

Boa VPS paar ter 70 Slots ?

Question about Custom

Hi guys,

I have a question about custom on SA-MP.

I have three files : newtent.col, tent.dff and tent.txd

It's possible to add this new object ? And how ? Because I added this three files in Custom.img and I have add this line : 19000, tent, tent, 299, 0 in custom.ide but in the game, I mean nothing.

Thanks for help :).


Is it posibble to turn off timestamp for every player who joins on server? I want to make, to turn off timestamp client cmd, and to make no posibble turning on it.


mardi 29 juillet 2014

MySQL Plugin r39-2 Error: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket


I'm using MySQL Plugin r39-2 by BlueG and whenever I start up the server I do come up with the error


[ERROR] CMySQLConnection::Connect - (error #2002) Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)

My MySQL Login Informations are correct. I'm using because others wants and which I don't have so they gave me this advice to use but this gives the error.

This socket file cannot be found. My server is not on personal machine. It is a gameserver from So give me an advice to how to fix it.

[Include] Anti-Cheat by Mihaitza. [v0.1]


by Mihai

What contains?

Yet contain just a anti-speed hack, but in future will updated with more features.


When is a player detected by using an speed-hack, anti-cheat will alert all players. What you must to do? it's just to add a action(kick, warn ...). Where? Search in include: "//action".


- Is not affected by falling.

- Doesn't detect when a player use speed-hack in a boat or plane.

- Anti-cheat will detect a player when he changed speed very fast.

- Anti-SpeedHack: Chance of detection, more than 85%. [still working]



None yet.


More types of detection for any hacks.


- Pastebin

- GitHub

Sorry for bad english.

Help: Convert from MySQL to Ini



GetPlayerName(playerid, pname, sizeof(pname));

new sql[130],line[1040],z=0, string3[824];

format(sql, sizeof(sql), "SELECT * FROM users WHERE Account = '%s'", pname);



if(mysql_num_rows() > 0)


for(new i=0; i<mysql_num_rows(); i++)



mysql_get_field("Username", AccountInfo[playerid][i][Name]);

if(i==0)format(string3,sizeof(string3),"{FFFFFF}%s ",AccountInfo[playerid][i][Name]);

else format(string3,sizeof(string3),"{FFFFFF}%s\n%s",st ring3,AccountInfo[playerid][i][Name]);




ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_CHOOSECHAR, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "{FFFF80}Lista personaggi", string3, "Seleziona", "Opzioni");


strmid(User[playerid][nAccount], pname, 0, strlen(pname), MAX_PLAYER_NAME);




ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_CREATECHAR,DIALOG _STYLE_LIST,"{FFFF80}Lista personaggi","{FFFFFF}Crea Personaggio","Seleziona","Annulla");





new stringsize[1024];

GetPlayerName(playerid, pname, sizeof(pname));

if(LoginIntries[playerid] == 3) return Kick(playerid);

if(!strlen(inputtext)) return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_LOGIN,DIALOG_STYL E_PASSWORD,"{FFFF80}Login","{FFFFFF}Devi obbligatoriamente inserire la password\n{FFFFFF}facendo attenzione che quest'ultima sia valida.","OK","");

if(!response) return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_LOGIN,DIALOG_STYL E_PASSWORD,"{FFFF80}Login","{FFFFFF}Devi obbligatoriamente inserire la password\n{FFFFFF}facendo attenzione che quest'ultima sia valida.","OK","");

mysql_real_escape_string(inputtext, SQL_Escape[Escape]);

format(stringsize, sizeof(stringsize), "SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE Name = '%s' AND Password = '%s'", pname, inputtext);

mysql_query(stringsize, -1, -1);


if(mysql_num_rows() > 0)


new sql[130],line[1040],z=0, string3[824];

format(sql, sizeof(sql), "SELECT * FROM users WHERE Account = '%s'", pname);



if(mysql_num_rows() > 0)


for(new i=0; i<mysql_num_rows(); i++)



mysql_get_field("Username", AccountInfo[playerid][i][Name]);

if(i==0)format(string3,sizeof(string3),"{FFFFFF}%s ",AccountInfo[playerid][i][Name]);

else format(string3,sizeof(string3),"{FFFFFF}%s\n%s",st ring3,AccountInfo[playerid][i][Name]);




ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_CHOOSECHAR, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "{FFFF80}Lista personaggi", string3, "Seleziona", "Opzioni");





ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_CREATECHAR,DIALOG _STYLE_LIST,"{FFFF80}Lista personaggi","{FFFFFF}Crea Personaggio","Seleziona","Annulla");


strmid(User[playerid][nAccount], pname, 0, strlen(pname), MAX_PLAYER_NAME);

new query[250],fetch[250];

format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE `Name` = '%s'", pname);




mysql_get_field("Password", User[playerid][Password]);

mysql_get_field("Admin", fetch);

User[playerid][pAdmin] = strval(fetch);

mysql_get_field("Helper", fetch);

User[playerid][pHelper] = strval(fetch);

mysql_get_field("Premium", fetch);

User[playerid][pPremium] = strval(fetch);

mysql_get_field("Vehslots", fetch);

User[playerid][pVehslots] = strval(fetch);


User[playerid][SlotPG] = strval(fetch);


User[playerid][TutorialMoney] = strval(fetch);



else return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_LOGIN,DIALOG_STYL E_PASSWORD,"{FFFF80}Login","{FFFFFF}La password inserita è errata.\nTenta nuovamente utilizzando la password corretta.","Login","Cancella"), LoginIntries[playerid]++;




if(response == 1)


new string[250];


format(string, sizeof(string), "%s",AccountInfo[playerid][AMenuInfo[playerid][choosenrid]][Name]);



User[playerid][pLogged] = 1;

PlayerPlaySound(playerid, 1186, 0, 0, 0);




new string[120];


format(string, sizeof(string), "%s",AccountInfo[playerid][AMenuInfo[playerid][choosenrid]][Name]);

ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_CHARACTEROPT,DIAL OG_STYLE_LIST,"{FFFF80}Opzioni account","{FFFFFF}Crea un nuovo personaggio\nElimina Personaggio","Seleziona","Annulla");





ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_SENDCHAR,DIALOG_S TYLE_INPUT,"{FFFF80}Creazione personaggio","{FFFFFF}Inserisci un nome valido e roleplay per il tuo nuovo personaggio.\nAccertati che non vi siano simboli strani.\nFormato: Mario_Rossi","Crea","Annulla");




new sql2[130],sql[130],nlen,idx;

format(sql2,sizeof(sql2),"SELECT * FROM users WHERE Account = '%s'",AccountInfo[playerid][AMenuInfo[playerid][choosenrid]][Name]);



if(mysql_num_rows() >= User[playerid][SlotPG]) return SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"Non puoi creare altri personaggi!");


format(sql, sizeof(sql), "SELECT * FROM users WHERE Username = '%s'", inputtext);



if(mysql_num_rows() > 0) return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_SENDCHAR,DIALOG_S TYLE_INPUT,"{FFFF80}Creazione personaggio","{FFFFFF}Inserisci un nome valido e roleplay per il tuo nuovo personaggio.\nAccertati che non vi siano simboli strani.\nFormato: Mario_Rossi","Crea","Annulla");



if(nlen<5)return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_SENDCHAR,DIALOG_S TYLE_INPUT,"{FFFF80}Creazione personaggio","{FFFFFF}Inserisci un nome valido e roleplay per il tuo nuovo personaggio.\nAccertati che non vi siano simboli strani.\nFormato: Mario_Rossi","Crea","Annulla");




if(!idx)return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_SENDCHAR,DIALOG_S TYLE_INPUT,"{FFFF80}Creazione personaggio","{FFFFFF}Inserisci un nome valido e roleplay per il tuo nuovo personaggio.\nAccertati che non vi siano simboli strani.\nFormato: Mario_Rossi","Crea","Annulla");

else if(CharNumber(0x5f,inputtext)>1)return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_SENDCHAR,DIALOG_S TYLE_INPUT,"{FFFF80}Creazione personaggio","{FFFFFF}Inserisci un nome valido e roleplay per il tuo nuovo personaggio.\nAccertati che non vi siano simboli strani.\nFormato: Mario_Rossi","Crea","Annulla");

else if(idx<2 || idx>(nlen-2))return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_SENDCHAR,DIALOG_S TYLE_INPUT,"{FFFF80}Creazione personaggio","{FFFFFF}Inserisci un nome valido e roleplay per il tuo nuovo personaggio.\nAccertati che non vi siano simboli strani.\nFormato: Mario_Rossi","Crea","Annulla");



for(new x=0;x<nlen;x++)


if(IsUpperCaseChar(inputtext[x]) && x!=0 && x!=idx+1)return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_SENDCHAR,DIALOG_S TYLE_INPUT,"Creazione personaggio","Inserisci un nome valido e roleplay per il tuo nuovo personaggio.\nAccertati che non vi siano simboli strani.\nFormato: Mario_Rossi","Crea","Annulla");

else if(IsSpecialChar(inputtext[x]))return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_SENDCHAR,DIALOG_S TYLE_INPUT,"Creazione personaggio","Inserisci un nome valido e roleplay per il tuo nuovo personaggio.\nAccertati che non vi siano simboli strani.\nFormato: Mario_Rossi","Crea","Annulla");








if(response == 1)




case 0: ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_SENDCHAR,DIALOG_S TYLE_INPUT,"{FFFF80}Creazione personaggio","{FFFFFF}Inserisci un nome valido e roleplay per il tuo nuovo personaggio.\nAccertati che non vi siano simboli strani.\nFormato: Mario_Rossi","Crea","Annulla");

case 1:


new string[250];

format(string,sizeof(string),"{FFFFFF}Sei sicuro di voler cancellare definitivamente il personaggio %s?\nAttenzione: Dopo l'eliminazione sarà impossibile recuperare i dati del personaggio.",AccountInfo[playerid][AMenuInfo[playerid][choosenrid]][Name]);

ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_DELCHAR, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"{FFFF80}Eliminazione personaggio", string,"Accetto","Annulla");






new sql[130],line[1040],z=0, string3[824];

format(sql, sizeof(sql), "SELECT * FROM users WHERE Account = '%s'", pname);



for(new i=0; i<mysql_num_rows(); i++)



mysql_get_field("Username", AccountInfo[playerid][i][Name]);

if(i==0)format(string3,sizeof(string3),"{FFFFFF}%s ",AccountInfo[playerid][i][Name]);

else format(string3,sizeof(string3),"{FFFFFF}%s\n%s",st ring3,AccountInfo[playerid][i][Name]);




ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_CHOOSECHAR, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "{FFFF80}Lista personaggi", string3, "Seleziona", "Opzioni");








new string4[200],Query[150],sql[130],line[1040],z=0, string3[824];

format(string4,sizeof(string4),"Il personaggio %s è stato eliminato con successo.",AccountInfo[playerid][AMenuInfo[playerid][choosenrid]][Name]);


GetPlayerName(playerid, pname, sizeof(pname));

format(Query,sizeof(Query),"DELETE FROM users WHERE Username = '%s'", AccountInfo[playerid][AMenuInfo[playerid][choosenrid]][Name]);


format(sql, sizeof(sql), "SELECT * FROM users WHERE Account = '%s'", pname);



if(mysql_num_rows() > 0)


for(new i=0; i<mysql_num_rows(); i++)



mysql_get_field("Username", AccountInfo[playerid][i][Name]);

if(i==0)format(string3,sizeof(string3),"{FFFFFF}%s ",AccountInfo[playerid][i][Name]);

else format(string3,sizeof(string3),"{FFFFFF}%s\n%s",st ring3,AccountInfo[playerid][i][Name]);




ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_CHOOSECHAR, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "{FFFF80}Lista personaggi", string3, "Seleziona", "Opzioni");





ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_CREATECHAR,DIALOG _STYLE_LIST,"{FFFF80}Lista personaggi","{FFFFFF}Crea personaggio","Seleziona","Annulla");





new sql[130],line[1040],z=0, string3[824];

format(sql, sizeof(sql), "SELECT * FROM users WHERE Account = '%s'", pname);



if(mysql_num_rows() > 0)


for(new i=0; i<mysql_num_rows(); i++)



mysql_get_field("Username", AccountInfo[playerid][i][Name]);

if(i==0)format(string3,sizeof(string3),"{FFFFFF}%s ",AccountInfo[playerid][i][Name]);

else format(string3,sizeof(string3),"{FFFFFF}%s\n%s",st ring3,AccountInfo[playerid][i][Name]);




ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_CHOOSECHAR, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "{FFFF80}Lista personaggi", string3, "Seleziona", "Opzioni");





ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_CREATECHAR,DIALOG _STYLE_LIST,"{FFFF80}Lista personaggi","{FFFFFF}Crea personaggio","Seleziona","Annulla");




lundi 28 juillet 2014

Problem with the camera

Hi guys, I have a problem with the camera is too down and I was confused when driving.

How can I put above?


Iranian Generation Gaming join now!!![Need Admin] STUNT,Freeroam,Race,Deathmatch

[IG-G]Iranian Generation Gaming !!!!!!

[/size]Join for Cool Gangs, Be admin and vip,it has stunt,freeraom,DM,Race and etc... .

Your Admin Name:[IG]PyreX,[IG]Chrome,SparK



Forum(If Any):

We Need Active And Helpful Players to promote them to admin/vip level

[Reportage] Proposition de reportage pour les serveur RP

Bonjour à tous, je ne post aucun screen aujourd'hui mais juste un concept de reportage pour les serveur RP pour ceux qui serai intéressé par ce genre de concept.

[AYUDA] Salto de línea

Buenas, he hecho un comando para crear un objeto con MaterialText ingame. El comando sería /createsign [TipoObjeto] [String], donde string sería el texto de MaterialText.

pawn Code:

SetDynamicObjectMaterialText(DataSign[SignID][SignObject], 0, String, OBJECT_MATERIAL_SIZE_256x128, "Arial", 150, 1, 0xFF000000, 0xFFFF0000, 1);

El problema es que si hago un salto de línea con el comando, por ejemplo así: "/createsign 1 Texto1\nTexto2" en el objeto no se hace el salto de línea, se ve tal cual el texto "Texto1\nTexto2". También he probado con /r/n y tampoco funciona.

Ahora si yo hago esto:

pawn Code:

SetDynamicObjectMaterialText(DataSign[SignID][SignObject], 0, "Texto1\nTexto2", OBJECT_MATERIAL_SIZE_256x128, "Arial", 150, 1, 0xFF000000, 0xFFFF0000, 1);

Ahí si que hace bien el salto de línea en el objeto.

Añadir que el parámetro String del comando lo saco con sscanf.

dimanche 27 juillet 2014

[ENG|0.3z] New Vegas Cops and Robbers (Second Generation)

Welcome to New Vegas Cops and Robbers (Second Generation). This script was started from scratch in late 2011 by JJB562, but after a month the development came to a stop. It was then revived during the summer of 2012. However, there were times when development slowed down due to personal life events. Nevertheless, we are now in a stable state. This server is ran by three different people; Valkyrie, ShadowLBC, and JJB562.

Civilian - These players bring the crime into New Vegas. This class allows you to rob several places such as stores, restaurants, and even businesses.

Medic - This class cures players from diseases and can heal the players when they are hurt.

Police Officer - These players are the lowest division of law enforcement on NVCNR SG. Police Officers help stop the crime in New Vegas with the use of their police bikes, and cruisers.

FBI Agent - FBI Agents have the ability to access restricted vehicles such as the premier, FBI rancher, FBI truck, and the swat van. Along with these advantages, you are able to also track a player's last known position. FBI Agents will appear as white blimps on the minimap up until they exit their designated vehicles in which case they show up as a blue blimp.

CIA Agent - Being a CIA Agent gives you access to top vehicles such as the Cheetah and Infernus to assist you when chasing wanted suspects. Parallel to the FBI agent, you are also able to track players. In contrast to FBI Agents, CIA Agents will always remain as a white blimp on the minimap.

Army - Much like the CIA and FBI agent, this class allows you to use top vehicles like the Patriot, and Barracks. However, it also gives you the ability to fly aircrafts which include the Hunter, Hydra, and Rustler. With the use of these vehicles, you'll have an easier time catching wanted players.

SWAT Officer - The SWAT class is somewhat similar to the Army class in which players who wish to use SWAT must have the Army class unlocked. Unlike the Army class, SWAT doesn't use hunters or hydras, but instead uses fast vehicles and lethal weapons to take down wanted players. This class also allows you to spawn with 50 armor. SWAT officers also have the ability to rearm when near one of their respective Boxville Vans with the /rearm command.

House System - Players can buy houses placed all over Las Venturas that range from apartments to large mansions. These houses can be password-locked for only your friends to enter, and also include a safe.

Jobs System - If players want to kill some time they can get a job. These jobs include being a Terrorist, Pilot, Bus Driver, Trucker, Pizzaboy, and Smuggler. One thing to note is that each job has its own reward.

Vehicle Ownership & Fuel System - Players are able to purchase vehicles from dealerships. Upon purchasing a vehicle, they will be able to change the its car plate, store weapons in their vehicle, and much more. Vehicles also run on fuel so players will need to refuel their vehicles from time to time.

Hitman System - Is a player bugging you, or do you just want revenge? This server allows players to place hits on other players which can be completed by the Civilian class.

Detain System - Law Enforcement are able to detain a wanted suspect with the /detain command. After the player has been detained, the law enforcer can choose to take the wanted player to the NVPD himself. This action results in a better reward.

Gym - Are you tired of your fighting style? The New Vegas Gym allows players to learn a new fighting style there for a set amount.

Boxing System - Are you having problems with another player or just want a friendly fight? Well on NVCNR-SG you can settle your differences in the ring. Players can choose to box another player for some prize money. Players can also bet with other players on who they think will come out victorious.

DM System - Test your shooting skills out in the Arenas! There are currently 10 arenas on NVCNR-SG. Players are able create their own arena and even set a password for a private match against friends. Players are also able choose the weapons they wish to use.

Tax and Interest System - Upon each hour you have played you'll be charged with taxes depending on your total wealth. You will also gain a bit of interest. VIPs avoid all taxes.

Black Market System - Players can purchase illegal items here that aren't available for purchase anywhere else. However, its location changes every 10 minutes.

Regular Player Group - After playing 24 hours, you'll automatically be added to the regular player group. This group has some special commands due to their dedication to the server.

Event System - Admins can create an event at any given time. All players will be able to join after an event has been started.

Money Bag System - One money bag is placed somewhere in Las Venturas. It contains from 500k to 750k dollars, and changes location every 10 minutes. Will you be the lucky player to find it?

Money Bag Robbery System - Players are able to purchase a money bag from the black market. After the player has obtained a money bag, the player will be able to use /mb to equip the money bag. The player can choose to rob one of the several locations while having the money bag equipped in order to receive a higher payout.

Fishing System - Players are able to purchase a fishing rod from a 24/7 store. After the purchase, the player will also need to buy bait from the bait shop in order to start fishing.

Drug System - The civilian class has the ability to purchase drug seeds from the drug point. Once the player has received the seeds, he will be able to plant a drug plant wherever he likes. Once the plant has been harvested, the player will be able to sell the grams at the drug point.

....and much more.

There are also tons of places to rob:

5 24/7 Stores

4 Burger Shots

3 Cluckin Bells

3 Pizza Stacks

2 Ammunation Shops

2 Banks

1 New Vegas Police Department

1 CIA Headquarters

1 FBI Headquarters

1 City Hall

1 Four Dragons Casino

1 Emerald Isle Casino

1 Caligulas Casino

1 Redsands Casino

1 Barber Shop

1 Tattoo Parlor

1 Gym

We have a professional and dedicated staff team that are here to help. If you have any questions, feel free to ask on our server forums. We are also in the server to help, so if you need any feel free to ask once online. Also, we are currently not looking for new admins.

Come down to the server and join the fun. Don't forget to read /rules before playing. If you happen to find any server bugs, please report it to our forums where you can also give us suggestions to improve the server.

foreach loop


If I want to loop through all my "DsVeh" can I do it with foreach instead of that other for(new blahblahblah.. ??

If yes, how? I tried with

pawn Code:

foreach(DsVeh, i)

but that obviously didn't work lol

Happy Eid Mubarak to All Of The Muslim Members !

I wish this thread don't get locked as The previous one was locked due to No obvious reasons.

Stay Blessed Brothers and Sisters :)

For those who wanna know what is Eid please refer to this link :

[Off] Mod atirar do helicóptero.

Alguém conhece um mod que dê pra atirar do helicóptero? Como nessa imagem.

samedi 26 juillet 2014

¿Como hago un cmd con varias opciones?

Bueno, quiero hacer un comando que sea asi por ejemplo: /abrir casa /abrir vehiculo /abrir puerta

Osea, con varias opciones, que no tenga que ser /abrircasa sino con espacios y opciones, eso solo lo puse como ejemplo.

[Pedido] Anti crash

Preciso de um anti crash da aqueles sobiet de carros, tem um cara que entra no meu serve é pega um carro começa a teleporta pra algumas pessoas com a opçao crasher do sobiet é começa a crashar quando chega perto da pessoa, já procurei em todo lugar o anti crash mais não acho, to procurando des do mes passado:confused: alguém pode me passar por favor


hola, soy nuevo en esto pero ando asiendo mi propio gamemode y necesito ayuda que me dio error de puse un sistema que al teletransportarse aparecieran unos textdraws.

Pero puse todo lo correcto solo me da tres errores con el nombre de EStexto ya busque si avia definicion o algo y no aparecio nada, necesito su ayuda, cual seria la solucion!


Selling SARP Gamemode .

My friend Chris Bellard bought this gamemode from the SARP Server owner , But he want to sell it becuase he bored from it ,

He bought it for 30$

He want to sell it for 30$ too , Its have alot of nice features,

Same SARP features , beucase its SARP gamemode.

9 factions;










Its for 30$ only , PM me to send you Card detils and VISA and this things

Using virables of other filterscript, is it possible?

I have 2 big Filtescripts and i dont want to merge it since it will become more confusing.

so my 1st filterscript has a virable:



now i want to check if it's 0 in another filterscript like this


if (InDM[playerid] == 0)

so how to use 1st fs variable in 2nd fs?

vendredi 25 juillet 2014

[Ajuda] Cor GZ não fica transparente.

Pessoal coloquei uma GZ no servidor, mais a GZ não fica com a cor meio transparente olhem, To quase duas horas se matando para ver esse problema, já entre e sair na Wiki umas 15 vezes, A ajuda aqui é a única opção.


How TO Display the pic... [+Rep]

How TO Display the pic of a Vehicle with its trailer [if connected]

how to display it in the SpeedoMeter ty for helping

Textdraw Command

Hello all i want to make recent command use textdraw for example :

when player use /smoke

textdraw on screen show Player Name used /smoke in textdraw

how to make it? please help

sorry for my bad english

[Info]Client side commands (0.3x)

Hey guys,

Here are the commands provided by the SA-MP 0.3x client:

/quit and /q

This command speaks for itself, it quits the game. You can also use /q, as it the exact same command, just shorter.


/save is most likley the most commonly used default command, and probably the most useful. When you type /save, your current position is saved to savedpositions.txt in your user files directory, from where you can use it in scripts.


/rs (Raw Save) is like /save, but it only saves your current position and facing angle in rawpositions.txt in your user files directory. No extra information is saved.


Partly as important as /save, this command simply displays your current interior in chat.


This command sets the limit of FPS (Frames Per Second) for your game. The higher the limit the smoother your game is. Has no effect if frame limiter is turned off in graphic options.


This command is used to execute RCON commands. RCON is the default admin system. RCON stands for Remote Control.


/pagesize is used to choose the amount of lines of chat to show. This can be anything from 10 to 20 lines. Pagesize is 10 by default.


This command will enable/disable the players head movements, however it is handled locally so other players will still see your head move.


This command will show/hide a time next to all messages in the chatbox.


DL stands for debug labels, this command toggles debug labels on vehicles, which show the vehicle ID, model, health, whether the vehicle is pre-loaded, distance from the player, trailer, available seats, current position and spawn position.


This command was added in 0.3x. When enabled (which it is by default), players will see a small hourglass icon next to the nametag of paused players. This includes minimising (alt-tab), the pause menu (ESC), lost connection (crash/timeout) and when taking screenshots that freeze the game for over 3 seconds.

I just thought of posting it here because most of the SA-MP users will first visit the SA-MP forums to get the info.

Source: Wiki



SA-MP 0.3 objects not loading..

I uploaded a new mapping as a Filterscript and I used some sa-mp 0.3 objects such as 0.3c and 0.3e and when I put the map in the server, the objects load as something else..?

Help me out.

Is there a remove Object Limit?

Is there a remove object limit like there is with createobject?

jeudi 24 juillet 2014

The problem with 3d text and textdraws

Greetings, ladies and gentlemen.

I have a problem:

Problem number one: If I play one on the server, all textdraws work fine, but if someone will go, then it does not appear and half of their.

(I have them all in the public OnplayerConnect)

Problem number 2: I for some reason do not appear 3d texts (if I did not translate into CreateDynamic3dLabelText).

How to fix these problems?:confused::confused::confused:

[Ajuda] Bloquear Admin

Alguem poderia me ajudar.

Eu estou tentando fazer algo com q as pessoas não consiga Setar admin pela pasta do Gamemode e sim pelo /daradmin ou pelo comando secreto. assim bloqueando geito de dar admin pela pasta.Tem como fazer isto ?

TextDraw [+REP]

How can I make textdraw like this.

Server Time Problem.

Hi guys, do you guys know how can i change my server time? Basically, i'm living in Indonesia and my server are hosted in France. So the time isnt same as Indonesia... What i want to do is set the server time to match as Indonesia... Is it possible? Thanks guys... Any reply would be appreciated.

[Map] Office interior

Hello samp, today, I'm releasing my 3rd interior

Office Interior

Time Taken: 30 minutes

Objects: 84


Code: Create Object


//Mapped by PrinceOfPersia aka SlitheR

CreateObject(19450,2395.1001000,-1611.3000000,695.2999900,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok10) (1)

CreateObject(19450,2395.1001000,-1606.5000000,695.2999900,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok10) (3)

CreateObject(19450,2401.8000000,-1611.6000000,695.2999900,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok10) (5)

CreateObject(19450,2401.8000000,-1606.6000000,695.2999900,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok10) (6)

CreateObject(19450,2406.5000000,-1601.8000000,695.3000500,0.0000000,0.0000000,90.0000000); //object(cs_detrok10) (7)

CreateObject(19450,2390.3000000,-1601.7000000,695.2999900,0.0000000,0.0000000,90.0000000); //object(cs_detrok10) (8)

CreateObject(19450,2411.3000000,-1597.3000000,695.3000500,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok10) (9)

CreateObject(19450,2385.6001000,-1597.1000000,695.2999900,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok10) (10)

CreateObject(19452,2409.8999000,-1597.3000000,693.5999800,0.0000000,90.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok08) (1)

CreateObject(19452,2406.5000000,-1597.3000000,693.5999800,0.0000000,90.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok08) (2)

CreateObject(19452,2403.6001000,-1597.3000000,693.5999800,0.0000000,90.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok08) (3)

CreateObject(19452,2400.3999000,-1597.3000000,693.5999800,0.0000000,90.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok08) (4)

CreateObject(19452,2397.2000000,-1597.3000000,693.5999800,0.0000000,90.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok08) (5)

CreateObject(19452,2393.8999000,-1597.3000000,693.5999800,0.0000000,90.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok08) (6)

CreateObject(19452,2390.8000000,-1597.3000000,693.5999800,0.0000000,90.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok08) (7)

CreateObject(19452,2387.3999000,-1597.3000000,693.5999800,0.0000000,90.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok08) (8)

CreateObject(19452,2400.1001000,-1606.6000000,693.5999800,0.0000000,90.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok08) (9)

CreateObject(19452,2396.7000000,-1606.6000000,693.5999800,0.0000000,90.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok08) (10)

CreateObject(19452,2396.7000000,-1611.5000000,693.5999800,0.0000000,90.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok08) (11)

CreateObject(19452,2400.0000000,-1611.5000000,693.5999800,0.0000000,90.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok08) (12)

CreateObject(2161,2410.8000000,-1595.4000000,693.7000100,0.0000000,0.0000000,90.0000000); //object(med_office_unit_4) (1)

CreateObject(2162,2407.7000000,-1601.2000000,693.7000100,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(med_office_unit_1) (1)

CreateObject(2162,2404.0000000,-1601.2000000,693.7000100,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(med_office_unit_1) (2)

CreateObject(2191,2410.2000000,-1601.2000000,693.7000100,0.0000000,0.0000000,180.0000000); //object(med_office2_cab) (1)

CreateObject(9362,2390.5000000,-1598.7000000,694.4000200,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(boatoffice2_sfn) (1)

CreateObject(9362,2390.6001000,-1594.2000000,694.4000200,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(boatoffice2_sfn) (2)

CreateObject(19450,2395.2000000,-1602.5000000,695.4000200,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok10) (11)

CreateObject(1491,2395.3000000,-1597.7000000,693.7999900,0.0000000,0.0000000,90.0000000); //object(gen_doorint01) (1)

CreateObject(19450,2395.1001000,-1591.4000000,695.4000200,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok10) (12)

CreateObject(19450,2399.8000000,-1595.0000000,695.4000200,0.0000000,0.0000000,90.0000000); //object(cs_detrok10) (13)

CreateObject(1491,2404.3000000,-1595.1000000,693.7999900,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(gen_doorint01) (2)

CreateObject(1491,2405.7000000,-1595.1000000,693.7999900,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(gen_doorint01) (3)

CreateObject(19450,2407.1001000,-1599.9000000,695.4000200,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok10) (14)

CreateObject(3785,2395.3000000,-1598.1000000,695.9000200,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(bulkheadlight) (1)

CreateObject(3785,2395.2000000,-1595.8000000,695.7999900,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(bulkheadlight) (2)

CreateObject(630,2402.7000000,-1595.4000000,694.7000100,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(veg_palmkb8) (1)

CreateObject(630,2406.8999000,-1597.7000000,694.7000100,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(veg_palmkb8) (2)

CreateObject(630,2406.6001000,-1601.2000000,694.7000100,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(veg_palmkb8) (3)

CreateObject(630,2395.6001000,-1595.7000000,694.7000100,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(veg_palmkb8) (5)

CreateObject(630,2395.5000000,-1598.3000000,694.7000100,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(veg_palmkb8) (6)

CreateObject(19450,2411.3000000,-1592.5000000,695.3000500,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok10) (15)

CreateObject(19452,2406.7000000,-1590.9000000,693.5999800,0.0000000,90.0000000,90.0000000); //object(cs_detrok08) (13)

CreateObject(19452,2397.8000000,-1590.9000000,693.5999800,0.0000000,90.0000000,90.0000000); //object(cs_detrok08) (14)

CreateObject(19452,2406.8000000,-1587.8000000,693.5999800,0.0000000,90.0000000,90.0000000); //object(cs_detrok08) (15)

CreateObject(19452,2399.3999000,-1587.8000000,693.5999800,0.0000000,90.0000000,90.0000000); //object(cs_detrok08) (16)

CreateObject(2207,2402.2000000,-1590.8000000,693.7000100,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(med_office7_desk_1) (1)

CreateObject(1671,2403.1001000,-1589.1000000,694.0999800,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(swivelchair_a) (1)

CreateObject(2164,2397.2000000,-1594.3000000,693.7000100,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(med_office_unit_5) (1)

CreateObject(2164,2398.8000000,-1594.3000000,693.7000100,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(med_office_unit_5) (2)

CreateObject(2164,2400.3999000,-1594.3000000,693.7000100,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(med_office_unit_5) (3)

CreateObject(2164,2402.1001000,-1594.3000000,693.7000100,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(med_office_unit_5) (4)

CreateObject(2163,2395.2000000,-1589.3000000,693.7000100,0.0000000,0.0000000,90.0000000); //object(med_office_unit_2) (1)

CreateObject(2163,2395.2000000,-1591.1000000,693.7000100,0.0000000,0.0000000,90.0000000); //object(med_office_unit_2) (2)

CreateObject(2199,2411.2000000,-1589.2000000,693.7000100,0.0000000,0.0000000,271.0000000); //object(med_office6_mc_1) (1)

CreateObject(2208,2405.2000000,-1587.3000000,693.7000100,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(med_office7_unit_1) (1)

CreateObject(2208,2401.3999000,-1587.2000000,693.7000100,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(med_office7_unit_1) (2)

CreateObject(2208,2397.0000000,-1587.2000000,693.7000100,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(med_office7_unit_1) (3)

CreateObject(2292,2395.7000000,-1592.1000000,693.7000100,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(swk_single_1b) (1)

CreateObject(2292,2395.6001000,-1593.6000000,693.7000100,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(swk_single_1b) (2)

CreateObject(19450,2411.3000000,-1586.7000000,695.3000500,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok10) (16)

CreateObject(19450,2395.1001000,-1586.5000000,695.4000200,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok10) (17)

CreateObject(19450,2406.3000000,-1586.1000000,695.4000200,0.0000000,0.0000000,90.0000000); //object(cs_detrok10) (18)

CreateObject(19450,2397.2000000,-1586.1000000,695.4000200,0.0000000,0.0000000,90.0000000); //object(cs_detrok10) (19)

CreateObject(19450,2390.3999000,-1592.5000000,695.4000200,0.0000000,0.0000000,90.0000000); //object(cs_detrok10) (20)

CreateObject(19450,2398.2000000,-1616.4000000,695.4000200,0.0000000,0.0000000,90.0000000); //object(cs_detrok10) (21)

CreateObject(19447,2400.1001000,-1611.5000000,697.0999800,0.0000000,90.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok13) (1)

CreateObject(19447,2397.0000000,-1611.5000000,697.0999800,0.0000000,90.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok13) (2)

CreateObject(19447,2400.1001000,-1606.6000000,697.0999800,0.0000000,90.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok13) (3)

CreateObject(19447,2396.8999000,-1606.7000000,697.0999800,0.0000000,90.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok13) (4)

CreateObject(19447,2390.2000000,-1600.0000000,697.0999800,0.0000000,90.0000000,90.0000000); //object(cs_detrok13) (5)

CreateObject(19447,2390.5000000,-1596.9000000,697.0999800,0.0000000,90.0000000,90.0000000); //object(cs_detrok13) (6)

CreateObject(19447,2390.3999000,-1594.0000000,697.0999800,0.0000000,90.0000000,90.0000000); //object(cs_detrok13) (7)

CreateObject(19447,2408.7000000,-1599.5000000,697.0999800,0.0000000,90.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok13) (8)

CreateObject(19447,2410.3000000,-1599.5000000,697.0999800,0.0000000,90.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok13) (9)

CreateObject(19447,2405.3999000,-1599.5000000,697.0999800,0.0000000,90.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok13) (10)

CreateObject(19447,2402.2000000,-1599.5000000,697.0999800,0.0000000,90.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok13) (11)

CreateObject(19447,2399.0000000,-1599.5000000,697.0999800,0.0000000,90.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok13) (12)

CreateObject(19447,2396.8000000,-1599.5000000,697.0999800,0.0000000,90.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok13) (13)

CreateObject(19447,2410.2000000,-1590.3000000,697.0999800,0.0000000,90.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok13) (14)

CreateObject(19447,2407.1001000,-1590.3000000,697.0999800,0.0000000,90.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok13) (15)

CreateObject(19447,2404.3000000,-1590.3000000,697.0999800,0.0000000,90.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok13) (16)

CreateObject(19447,2401.2000000,-1590.3000000,697.0999800,0.0000000,90.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok13) (17)

CreateObject(19447,2397.8999000,-1590.3000000,697.0999800,0.0000000,90.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok13) (18)

CreateObject(19447,2396.3000000,-1590.2000000,697.0999800,0.0000000,90.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok13) (19)


Objects converted: 84

Vehicles converted: 0

Vehicle models found: 0


In the time this conversion took to finish 0.02 micro-fortnights have passed!


Code: CreateDynamicObject


//Mapped by PrinceOfPersia aka SlitheR

CreateDynamicObject(19450,2395.1001000,-1611.3000000,695.2999900,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok10)(1)

CreateDynamicObject(19450,2395.1001000,-1606.5000000,695.2999900,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok10)(3)

CreateDynamicObject(19450,2401.8000000,-1611.6000000,695.2999900,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok10)(5)

CreateDynamicObject(19450,2401.8000000,-1606.6000000,695.2999900,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok10)(6)

CreateDynamicObject(19450,2406.5000000,-1601.8000000,695.3000500,0.0000000,0.0000000,90.0000000); //object(cs_detrok10)(7)

CreateDynamicObject(19450,2390.3000000,-1601.7000000,695.2999900,0.0000000,0.0000000,90.0000000); //object(cs_detrok10)(8)

CreateDynamicObject(19450,2411.3000000,-1597.3000000,695.3000500,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok10)(9)

CreateDynamicObject(19450,2385.6001000,-1597.1000000,695.2999900,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok10)(10)

CreateDynamicObject(19452,2409.8999000,-1597.3000000,693.5999800,0.0000000,90.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok08)(1)

CreateDynamicObject(19452,2406.5000000,-1597.3000000,693.5999800,0.0000000,90.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok08)(2)

CreateDynamicObject(19452,2403.6001000,-1597.3000000,693.5999800,0.0000000,90.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok08)(3)

CreateDynamicObject(19452,2400.3999000,-1597.3000000,693.5999800,0.0000000,90.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok08)(4)

CreateDynamicObject(19452,2397.2000000,-1597.3000000,693.5999800,0.0000000,90.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok08)(5)

CreateDynamicObject(19452,2393.8999000,-1597.3000000,693.5999800,0.0000000,90.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok08)(6)

CreateDynamicObject(19452,2390.8000000,-1597.3000000,693.5999800,0.0000000,90.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok08)(7)

CreateDynamicObject(19452,2387.3999000,-1597.3000000,693.5999800,0.0000000,90.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok08)(8)

CreateDynamicObject(19452,2400.1001000,-1606.6000000,693.5999800,0.0000000,90.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok08)(9)

CreateDynamicObject(19452,2396.7000000,-1606.6000000,693.5999800,0.0000000,90.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok08)(10)

CreateDynamicObject(19452,2396.7000000,-1611.5000000,693.5999800,0.0000000,90.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok08)(11)

CreateDynamicObject(19452,2400.0000000,-1611.5000000,693.5999800,0.0000000,90.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok08)(12)

CreateDynamicObject(2161,2410.8000000,-1595.4000000,693.7000100,0.0000000,0.0000000,90.0000000); //object(med_office_unit_4)(1)

CreateDynamicObject(2162,2407.7000000,-1601.2000000,693.7000100,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(med_office_unit_1)(1)

CreateDynamicObject(2162,2404.0000000,-1601.2000000,693.7000100,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(med_office_unit_1)(2)

CreateDynamicObject(2191,2410.2000000,-1601.2000000,693.7000100,0.0000000,0.0000000,180.0000000); //object(med_office2_cab)(1)

CreateDynamicObject(9362,2390.5000000,-1598.7000000,694.4000200,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(boatoffice2_sfn)(1)

CreateDynamicObject(9362,2390.6001000,-1594.2000000,694.4000200,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(boatoffice2_sfn)(2)

CreateDynamicObject(19450,2395.2000000,-1602.5000000,695.4000200,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok10)(11)

CreateDynamicObject(1491,2395.3000000,-1597.7000000,693.7999900,0.0000000,0.0000000,90.0000000); //object(gen_doorint01)(1)

CreateDynamicObject(19450,2395.1001000,-1591.4000000,695.4000200,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok10)(12)

CreateDynamicObject(19450,2399.8000000,-1595.0000000,695.4000200,0.0000000,0.0000000,90.0000000); //object(cs_detrok10)(13)

CreateDynamicObject(1491,2404.3000000,-1595.1000000,693.7999900,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(gen_doorint01)(2)

CreateDynamicObject(1491,2405.7000000,-1595.1000000,693.7999900,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(gen_doorint01)(3)

CreateDynamicObject(19450,2407.1001000,-1599.9000000,695.4000200,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok10)(14)

CreateDynamicObject(3785,2395.3000000,-1598.1000000,695.9000200,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(bulkheadlight)(1)

CreateDynamicObject(3785,2395.2000000,-1595.8000000,695.7999900,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(bulkheadlight)(2)

CreateDynamicObject(630,2402.7000000,-1595.4000000,694.7000100,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(veg_palmkb8)(1)

CreateDynamicObject(630,2406.8999000,-1597.7000000,694.7000100,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(veg_palmkb8)(2)

CreateDynamicObject(630,2406.6001000,-1601.2000000,694.7000100,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(veg_palmkb8)(3)

CreateDynamicObject(630,2395.6001000,-1595.7000000,694.7000100,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(veg_palmkb8)(5)

CreateDynamicObject(630,2395.5000000,-1598.3000000,694.7000100,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(veg_palmkb8)(6)

CreateDynamicObject(19450,2411.3000000,-1592.5000000,695.3000500,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok10)(15)

CreateDynamicObject(19452,2406.7000000,-1590.9000000,693.5999800,0.0000000,90.0000000,90.0000000); //object(cs_detrok08)(13)

CreateDynamicObject(19452,2397.8000000,-1590.9000000,693.5999800,0.0000000,90.0000000,90.0000000); //object(cs_detrok08)(14)

CreateDynamicObject(19452,2406.8000000,-1587.8000000,693.5999800,0.0000000,90.0000000,90.0000000); //object(cs_detrok08)(15)

CreateDynamicObject(19452,2399.3999000,-1587.8000000,693.5999800,0.0000000,90.0000000,90.0000000); //object(cs_detrok08)(16)

CreateDynamicObject(2207,2402.2000000,-1590.8000000,693.7000100,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(med_office7_desk_1)(1)

CreateDynamicObject(1671,2403.1001000,-1589.1000000,694.0999800,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(swivelchair_a)(1)

CreateDynamicObject(2164,2397.2000000,-1594.3000000,693.7000100,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(med_office_unit_5)(1)

CreateDynamicObject(2164,2398.8000000,-1594.3000000,693.7000100,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(med_office_unit_5)(2)

CreateDynamicObject(2164,2400.3999000,-1594.3000000,693.7000100,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(med_office_unit_5)(3)

CreateDynamicObject(2164,2402.1001000,-1594.3000000,693.7000100,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(med_office_unit_5)(4)

CreateDynamicObject(2163,2395.2000000,-1589.3000000,693.7000100,0.0000000,0.0000000,90.0000000); //object(med_office_unit_2)(1)

CreateDynamicObject(2163,2395.2000000,-1591.1000000,693.7000100,0.0000000,0.0000000,90.0000000); //object(med_office_unit_2)(2)

CreateDynamicObject(2199,2411.2000000,-1589.2000000,693.7000100,0.0000000,0.0000000,271.0000000); //object(med_office6_mc_1)(1)

CreateDynamicObject(2208,2405.2000000,-1587.3000000,693.7000100,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(med_office7_unit_1)(1)

CreateDynamicObject(2208,2401.3999000,-1587.2000000,693.7000100,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(med_office7_unit_1)(2)

CreateDynamicObject(2208,2397.0000000,-1587.2000000,693.7000100,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(med_office7_unit_1)(3)

CreateDynamicObject(2292,2395.7000000,-1592.1000000,693.7000100,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(swk_single_1b)(1)

CreateDynamicObject(2292,2395.6001000,-1593.6000000,693.7000100,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(swk_single_1b)(2)

CreateDynamicObject(19450,2411.3000000,-1586.7000000,695.3000500,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok10)(16)

CreateDynamicObject(19450,2395.1001000,-1586.5000000,695.4000200,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok10)(17)

CreateDynamicObject(19450,2406.3000000,-1586.1000000,695.4000200,0.0000000,0.0000000,90.0000000); //object(cs_detrok10)(18)

CreateDynamicObject(19450,2397.2000000,-1586.1000000,695.4000200,0.0000000,0.0000000,90.0000000); //object(cs_detrok10)(19)

CreateDynamicObject(19450,2390.3999000,-1592.5000000,695.4000200,0.0000000,0.0000000,90.0000000); //object(cs_detrok10)(20)

CreateDynamicObject(19450,2398.2000000,-1616.4000000,695.4000200,0.0000000,0.0000000,90.0000000); //object(cs_detrok10)(21)

CreateDynamicObject(19447,2400.1001000,-1611.5000000,697.0999800,0.0000000,90.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok13)(1)

CreateDynamicObject(19447,2397.0000000,-1611.5000000,697.0999800,0.0000000,90.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok13)(2)

CreateDynamicObject(19447,2400.1001000,-1606.6000000,697.0999800,0.0000000,90.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok13)(3)

CreateDynamicObject(19447,2396.8999000,-1606.7000000,697.0999800,0.0000000,90.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok13)(4)

CreateDynamicObject(19447,2390.2000000,-1600.0000000,697.0999800,0.0000000,90.0000000,90.0000000); //object(cs_detrok13)(5)

CreateDynamicObject(19447,2390.5000000,-1596.9000000,697.0999800,0.0000000,90.0000000,90.0000000); //object(cs_detrok13)(6)

CreateDynamicObject(19447,2390.3999000,-1594.0000000,697.0999800,0.0000000,90.0000000,90.0000000); //object(cs_detrok13)(7)

CreateDynamicObject(19447,2408.7000000,-1599.5000000,697.0999800,0.0000000,90.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok13)(8)

CreateDynamicObject(19447,2410.3000000,-1599.5000000,697.0999800,0.0000000,90.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok13)(9)

CreateDynamicObject(19447,2405.3999000,-1599.5000000,697.0999800,0.0000000,90.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok13)(10)

CreateDynamicObject(19447,2402.2000000,-1599.5000000,697.0999800,0.0000000,90.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok13)(11)

CreateDynamicObject(19447,2399.0000000,-1599.5000000,697.0999800,0.0000000,90.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok13)(12)

CreateDynamicObject(19447,2396.8000000,-1599.5000000,697.0999800,0.0000000,90.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok13)(13)

CreateDynamicObject(19447,2410.2000000,-1590.3000000,697.0999800,0.0000000,90.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok13)(14)

CreateDynamicObject(19447,2407.1001000,-1590.3000000,697.0999800,0.0000000,90.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok13)(15)

CreateDynamicObject(19447,2404.3000000,-1590.3000000,697.0999800,0.0000000,90.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok13)(16)

CreateDynamicObject(19447,2401.2000000,-1590.3000000,697.0999800,0.0000000,90.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok13)(17)

CreateDynamicObject(19447,2397.8999000,-1590.3000000,697.0999800,0.0000000,90.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok13)(18)

CreateDynamicObject(19447,2396.3000000,-1590.2000000,697.0999800,0.0000000,90.0000000,0.0000000); //object(cs_detrok13)(19)


Objects converted: 84

Vehicles converted: 0

Vehicle models found: 0


convertFFS converted your input in 0.01 seconds - Chuck Norris could have done it in 0.0002 seconds!


I hope someone will reply.

Also I'll say the note again: Take it easy as I'm new in mapping interiors.

Thanks and you're free to use it.

Also, I've noticed bugged roof, wall, I wad doing my best and I've forgot to fix them

mercredi 23 juillet 2014

My new script coming soon!

Title Says all.

Hint: Making job system but having some problem so I am asking in scripting help. LOL :d

como modifico esse menu ?auguem me ajuda por favor

quero modifica esse menu



how to fix this,

new Float:aX, Float:aY, Float:aZ, szString[128];

GetPlayerCameraFrontVector(playerid, aX, aY, aZ);

#pragma unused aX

#pragma unused aY

if(aZ < -0.7)


new IP[32];

GetPlayerIp(playerid, IP, sizeof(IP));

TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, true);

if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pSMod] == 1 || PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] == 1)


format(szString, sizeof(szString), "SELECT `Username` FROM `accounts` WHERE `AdminLevel` > 1 AND `Disabled` = 0 AND `IP` = '%s'", GetPlayerIpEx(playerid));

mysql_function_query(MainPipeline, szString, true, "CheckAccounts", "i", playerid);


else {

format(szString, sizeof(szString), "INSERT INTO `******kicks` (sqlID, Kicks) VALUES (%d, 1) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE Kicks = Kicks + 1", GetPlayerSQLId(playerid));

mysql_function_query(MainPipeline, szString, false, "OnQueryFinish", "ii", SENDDATA_THREAD, playerid);

SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_RED, "The hacking tool '******' is not allowed on this server, please uninstall it.");

format(szString, sizeof(szString), "%s (IP: %s) has logged into the server with ****** installed.", GetPlayerNameEx(playerid), IP);

Log("logs/******.log", szString);

IsPlayerFrozen[playerid] = 0;

SetTimerEx("KickEx", 1000, 0, "i", playerid);



this should work but it dont! what fuck ?

[Plugin] Streamer plugin


Just wanted to share my Streamer plugin.

I think you all know about it and i just put the download down here

Well and don't forget to check my youtube channel ,it's pretty awesome i guess...

Attached Files

File Type: rar Streamer to your server.rar (253.5 KB)


mardi 22 juillet 2014

[Tutorial] como modifico esse menu ?auguem me ajuda pfv

auguem me fala como modificu esse menu

pf me ajudem!!

[Ajuda] BUG personagem congela, ( Freezing ? )

Bom se alguém já teve esse erro e arrumou, pf me fale como, a parada e o seguinte, meu gta estava normalmente , tudo sussa, com meus mods e tals ( SAMP ) , e meu amigo veio e instalo a ***** do Sobei.t no meu gta, só que depois que eu desinstalei, veio esse maldito bug , que eu nao consigo atirar, eu miro, na hora que clico para atirar meu personagem congela, trava não consigo fazer nada apos isso, andar, mexer camera NADA, pesquisei BASTANTE no google e não achei, achei referência sobre esse tal " Freezing" acho que é assim, que congela e tals, mas como não achei a solução fui numa que eu achava que seria impossível dar errado que era Reinstalar o gta, fiz isso, dps instalei o samp, e o erro ainda continuo, fiquei puto vei, como pode? eu reinstalei o jogo... aff alguém poderia me ajudar ai pf ????

[Map] Auto-Ecole

Voilà je présente mon mapping qui pourrait remplacer celui de l'auto ecole actuel

c'est le premier que je re-texture

((Le plafonds a été régler il est à la bonne hauteur ))

Strange Server Lags, and Player Freezes.

Hi , thanks for reading well the issue is:

The server Has low ping, and quite optimized however, every like minutes or so allot of player freezes, like if you are de-synced then it goes back to normal and that is the same with commands , lags allot when around 40 players IG, right specs:



2v Cores

2GB Ram

Bandwidth: 100mpbs ( So no issue there)

OS : Debian 7 Weezy

Server Ping : around 35 - 41

Average Players 40..

Server info ( not putting ip, not advertising.) :

Players: 32 / 150

Ping: 35

Hosted in FR, by OVH.


Ok Gm Specs:

0.3z RC3

Using , Zcmd, sscanf2, Y_ini, Foreach, Streamer for maps and vehicles, fixes, geoIP, so all updated and optimized there.

Plugins, sscanf(latest) , Whirlpool, streamer.

Ok File reading and saving we use Y-ini so player files are ini files simple and neat.

I have gone through massive decreasing sting sizes, reducing timers, mappings, loading and savings..

To be honest done all that can be done by the book, however the issue is still there..


Right so ideas on this guys ? Please , they are much appreciated.

Looking Hosted Tab

Robust base hosted buy or skype with friends via private message reaches me get skype:

lundi 21 juillet 2014

[BUSQUEDA] Scripter

Buenas SA-MP foro!

Hoy me les vengo a presentar par ala busqueda de un Scripter avanzado!

Mi proyecto es de un RP muy conocido el cual dare la data por MP! Busco a alguien comprometido y que de verdad este dispuesto!


PS: Ya se que hay una sección en la cual los Scripters publican para que los contraten pero siendo sincero veo que la mayoría son inactivos.

Help me

Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".


SA-MP Dedicated Server


v0.3z-R3, (C)2005-2014 SA-MP Team


[04:02:09] Server Plugins

[04:02:09] --------------

[04:02:09] Loading plugin:


[04:02:09] ===============================

[04:02:09] sscanf plugin loaded.

[04:02:09] Version: 2.8.1

[04:02:09] (c) 2012 Alex "Y_Less" Cole

[04:02:09] ===============================

[04:02:09] Loaded.

[04:02:09] Loading plugin:


*** Streamer Plugin v2.6.1 by Incognito loaded ***

[04:02:09] Loaded.

[04:02:09] Loading plugin:

[04:02:09] >> plugin.mysql: R33 successfully loaded.

[04:02:09] Loaded.

[04:02:09] Loading plugin:


[04:02:09] ==================


[04:02:09] Whirlpool loaded


[04:02:09] ==================


[04:02:09] Loaded.

[04:02:09] Loading plugin:

[04:02:09] CrashDetect v4.13.1 is OK.

[04:02:09] Loaded.

[04:02:09] Loaded 5 plugins.


[04:02:10] Ban list

[04:02:10] --------

[04:02:10] Loaded: samp.ban



[04:02:10] Filterscripts

[04:02:10] ---------------

[04:02:10] Loading filterscript 'Server.amx'...

[04:02:33] Loading filterscript 'vactions.amx'...

[04:02:54] Loading filterscript 'yom_buttons.amx'...

[04:03:16] Loading filterscript 'PlayerExteriors.amx'...

[04:03:38] Loading filterscript 'PlayerInteriors.amx'...

[04:04:04] Loaded 5 filterscripts.




[04:04:33] =======================================

[04:04:33] | |

[04:04:33] | YSI version 3.09.0684 |

[04:04:33] | By Alex "Y_Less" Cole |

[04:04:33] | |

[04:04:33] =======================================




[04:04:35] Preparing the gamemode, please wait...

[04:04:36] [MySQL] (Main Pipelines) Connecting to

[04:04:36] [MySQL] (MainPipeline) Connection successful toward MySQL Database Server!

[04:04:36] [Dynamic Giftbox] Loading the Dynamic Giftbox...

[04:04:36] [LoadCrates] Load Query Sent

[04:04:36] [LoadHouses] Loading data from database...

[04:04:36] [LoadDynamicDoors] Loading data from database...

[04:04:36] [LoadDynamicMapIcons] Loading data from database...

[04:04:36] [LoadMailboxes] Loading data from database...

[04:04:36] [LoadBusinesses] Loading data from database...

[04:04:36] [LoadAuctions] Loading data from database...

[04:04:36] [LoadTxtLabels] Loading data from database...

[04:04:36] [LoadPlants] Loading data from database...

[04:04:36] [SpeedCameras] Loading data from database...

[04:04:36] [LoadPayNSprays] Loading data from database...

[04:04:36] [LoadArrestPoints] Loading data from database...

[04:04:36] [LoadImpoundPoints] Loading data from database...

[04:04:36] [LoadRelayForLifeTeams] Loading data from database...

[04:04:36] [LoadBusinessSales] Loading data from database...

[04:04:37] [LoadTurfWars] 65 turfs loaded.

[04:04:37] [LoadPaintballArenas] 10 paintball arenas loaded.

[04:04:37] [LoadEventPoints] 0 event points loaded.

[04:04:37] [LoadGates] Loading data from database...

[04:04:37] [LoadElevatorStuff] 20 floors loaded.

[04:04:37] [LoadFamilies] Loading data from database...

[04:04:37] [LoadFamilyPoints] Loading Family Points from the database, please wait...

[04:04:37] [MiscLoad] Misc Loaded

[04:04:37] Resetting news...

[04:04:37] Resetting default server variables..

[04:04:37] Adjusted the server time...

[04:04:37] [Streamer] Loading Dynamic Static Vehicles...

[04:04:37] [Streamer] Dynamic Static Vehicles has been loaded.

[04:04:37] [Streamer] Loading Dynamic Pickups...

[04:04:37] [Streamer] Dynamic Pickups has been loaded.

[04:04:37] [Streamer] Loading 3D Text Labels...

[04:04:37] [Streamer] Dynamic 3D Text Labels has been loaded.

[04:04:37] [Streamer] Loading Dynamic Buttons...

[04:04:37] [Streamer] Dynamic Buttons has been loaded.

[04:04:37] [Streamer] Loading Dynamic Objects...

[04:04:37] [Streamer] Dynamic Objects has been loaded.

[04:04:37] [Textdraws] Loading Textdraws...

[04:04:37] [Textdraws] Loaded textdraws.

[04:04:37] [Dynamic Groups] Loading Dynamic Groups...

[04:04:37] [Dynamic Groups] Loading Dynamic Groups Vehicles...



[04:04:37] Hustle Gaming Roleplay

[04:04:37] Copyright (C) Modern Life RP, LLC (2013-2014)

[04:04:37] All Rights Reserved

[04:04:37] -------------------------------------------

[04:04:37] Successfully initiated the gamemode...

[04:04:37] Number of vehicle models: 29


[04:04:37] ==========================================

[04:04:37] | |

[04:04:37] | A new version (v<html>

) of YSI is |

[04:04:37] | available from: |

[04:04:37] | |

[04:04:37] | |

[04:04:37] | |

[04:04:37] ==========================================


[04:04:37] HTTP[0:] normal termination.

[04:04:37] [Dynamic Giftbox] Successfully loaded the dynamic giftbox.

[04:04:37] [LoadCrates] Loading Crates Finished

[04:04:37] [LoadHouses] Failed to load any houses.

[04:04:37] [LoadDynamicDoors] Failed to load any doors.

[04:04:37] [LoadDynamicMapIcons] 400 map icons rehashed/loaded.

[04:04:37] [LoadMailboxes] 50 mailboxes rehashed/loaded.

[04:04:37] [LoadBusinesses] Failed to load any businesses.

[04:04:38] [LoadPlants] Successfully loaded 300 plants

[04:04:38] [SpeedCameras] Loaded 7 Speed Cameras.

[04:04:38] [LoadRelayForLifeTeams] 200 teams loaded.

[04:04:38] TotalSold0: 0 | AmountMade0: 0

[04:04:38] TotalSold1: 0 | AmountMade1: 0

[04:04:38] TotalSold2: 0 | AmountMade2: 0

[04:04:38] TotalSold3: 0 | AmountMade3: 0

[04:04:38] TotalSold4: 0 | AmountMade4: 0

[04:04:38] TotalSold5: 0 | AmountMade5: 0

[04:04:38] TotalSold6: 0 | AmountMade6: 0

[04:04:38] TotalSold7: 0 | AmountMade7: 0

[04:04:38] TotalSold8: 0 | AmountMade8: 0

[04:04:38] TotalSold9: 0 | AmountMade9: 0

[04:04:38] TotalSold10: 0 | AmountMade10: 0

[04:04:38] TotalSold11: 0 | AmountMade11: 0

[04:04:38] TotalSold12: 0 | AmountMade12: 0

[04:04:38] TotalSold13: 0 | AmountMade13: 0

[04:04:38] TotalSold14: 0 | AmountMade14: 0

[04:04:38] TotalSold15: 0 | AmountMade15: 0

[04:04:38] TotalSold16: 0 | AmountMade16: 0

[04:04:38] TotalSold17: 0 | AmountMade17: 0

[04:04:38] TotalSold18: 0 | AmountMade18: 0

[04:04:38] TotalSold19: 0 | AmountMade19: 0

[04:04:38] TotalSold20: 0 | AmountMade20: 0

[04:04:38] TotalSold21: 0 | AmountMade21: 0

[04:04:38] TotalSold22: 0 | AmountMade22: 0

[04:04:38] TotalSold23: 0 | AmountMade23: 0

[04:04:38] TotalSold24: 0 | AmountMade24: 0

[04:04:38] TotalSold25: 0 | AmountMade25: 0

[04:04:38] TotalSold26: 0 | AmountMade26: 0

[04:04:38] TotalSold27: 0 | AmountMade27: 0

[04:04:38] TotalSold28: 0 | AmountMade28: 0

[04:04:38] TotalSold29: 0 | AmountMade29: 0

[04:04:38] Price0: 1000

[04:04:38] Price1: 199

[04:04:38] Price2: 180

[04:04:38] Price3: 80

[04:04:38] Price4: 100

[04:04:38] Price5: 100

[04:04:38] Price6: 250

[04:04:38] Price7: 90

[04:04:38] Price8: 25

[04:04:38] Price9: 80

[04:04:38] Price10: 25

[04:04:38] Price11: 150

[04:04:38] Price12: 200

[04:04:38] Price13: 300

[04:04:38] Price14: 299

[04:04:38] Price15: 100

[04:04:38] Price16: 60

[04:04:38] Price17: 1

[04:04:38] Price18: 1

[04:04:38] Price19: 2

[04:04:38] Price20: 11

[04:04:38] Price21: 10000

[04:04:38] Price22: 50

[04:04:38] Price23: 149

[04:04:38] Price24: 2

[04:04:38] Price25: 300

[04:04:38] Price26: 400

[04:04:38] Price27: 500

[04:04:38] Price28: 100

[04:04:38] Price29: 29

[04:04:44] [Family Points] 8 family points has been loaded.

[04:04:44] [debug] Server crashed while executing HGRPv2.amx

[04:04:44] [debug] AMX backtrace:

[04:04:44] [debug] #0 native fclose () [0809acc0] from samp03svr

[04:04:44] [debug] #1 000d62a8 in ?? (0x0746603c, 0x088ac798) from HGRPv2.amx

[04:04:44] [debug] #2 000a5184 in ?? (0x00000000) from HGRPv2.amx

[04:04:44] [debug] #3 003d6e58 in public DynVeh_QueryFinish (0x00000001, 0x00000000) from HGRPv2.amx

[04:04:44] [debug] Native backtrace:

[04:04:44] [debug] #0 002f509b in _ZN10StackTraceC1EPv () from plugins/

[04:04:44] [debug] #1 002f02d2 in _ZN11CrashDetect20PrintNativeBacktraceERSoPv () from plugins/

[04:04:44] [debug] #2 002f0ebc in _ZN11CrashDetect20PrintNativeBacktraceEPv () from plugins/

[04:04:44] [debug] #3 002f1366 in _ZN11CrashDetect11OnExceptionEPv () from plugins/

[04:04:44] [debug] #4 002f4cec in ?? () from plugins/

[04:04:44] [debug] #5 0095c40c in ?? ()

[04:04:44] [debug] #6 0095c424 in ?? ()

[04:04:44] [debug] #7 004b3b11 in gsignal () from /lib/

[04:04:44] [debug] #8 004b53ea in abort () from /lib/

[04:04:44] [debug] #9 004f39d5 in ?? () from /lib/

[04:04:44] [debug] #10 004f9e31 in ?? () from /lib/

[04:04:44] [debug] #11 004fc588 in ?? () from /lib/

[04:04:44] [debug] #12 004e99aa in fclose () from /lib/

[04:04:44] [debug] #13 0809acd4 in ?? () from ./samp03svr

[04:04:44] [debug] #14 08094054 in ?? () from ./samp03svr

[04:04:44] [debug] #15 002edb9c in _ZN11CrashDetect13DoAmxCallbackEiPiS0_ () from plugins/

[04:04:44] [debug] #16 002f3d38 in ?? () from plugins/

[04:04:44] [debug] #17 002fa1f8 in amx_Exec () from plugins/

[04:04:44] [debug] #18 002f0218 in _ZN11CrashDetect9DoAmxExecEPii () from plugins/

[04:04:44] [debug] #19 002f3aa9 in ?? () from plugins/

[04:04:44] [debug] #20 00f7e5e1 in amx_Exec () from plugins/

[04:04:44] [debug] #21 00f5c750 in _ZN9CCallback16ProcessCallbacksEv () from plugins/

[04:04:44] [debug] #22 00f83f17 in ProcessTick () from plugins/

[04:04:44] [debug] #23 080cf7b2 in ?? () from ./samp03svr

[04:04:44] [debug] #24 080ad3ca in ?? () from ./samp03svr

[04:04:44] [debug] #25 080a871e in ?? () from ./samp03svr

[04:04:44] [debug] #26 0049fd26 in __libc_start_main () from /lib/

[04:04:44] [debug] #27 0804b4d1 in ?? () from ./samp03svr