mardi 1 septembre 2015

[DEBATE] 9/11

Hello. Before anyone else is here to reject my presentation. I would like to start by saying that 6 Million was never enough.

In September 11, of 2001; Some members from Al-Qaeda were sent to the United States of America to carry out a terrorist attack, a total of four american air planes were hijacked, one plane collided into the United State's Department of Defense Capital also given the name of "The Pentagon", two of the four air planes proceeded into colliding with the World Trade center's dual towers, and the last airliner proceeded to being taken over by passengers, but it crashed into a field. The topic of my presentation will not be built to correlate or attach any strings to the other attacks that left America scarred.

Osama Bin Laden was the man responsible for scarring America and causing a epidemic in which every person, let it be male or female, adult or child, famous or not; was segregated and seen as a descendant of the devil because of the tragedy that had occurred. The two airliners were a Boeing 767, which struck the north tower and a Boeing 767-222 was the exact model of the airliner which had stuck the south tower. These two air transportation vehicles obviously were carrying jet fuel in their fuselage; but the theory that I believe is that the jet fuel itself and impact power could not have so easily destroyed both of the World Trade Center towers and it's surrounding buildings. The beams in the structures were made out of steel and were the product of capitalism and american work; the melting point of steel is at approximately 2750°F, Iron, out of the ground, melts at around 1510 degrees Celsius. Steel often melts at around 1370 degrees C (2500°F). Adding to the theory, the September 11th attacks were slightly likely planned, me giving a estimate of about five percent chance. Several theories such as the exact one where people and scholars believe that the air planes were rigged with explosives or that government agencies assisted the attackers via planting explosives into the structures, giving the term that several people use without knowledge known as "9/11 was an inside job." The September 11th attacks were more than just an inside job, they were the outcome of a so-called democratic estate betraying it's own people and possibly forcing other people to lose their lives and/or change identities to cause a epidemic.

The attackers of the buildings were people such as Mohamed Atta, Ziad Jarrah, and Ramzi Yousef. Before the attacks had taken place, the government already had the mugshots of all the attackers (Keep in mind that these men and women were in large numbers). Mohamed Atta looked quite disappointed in his mugshot because he knew he was forced to take piloting lessons in-order to seem a legitimate and/or frame-able person. It is truly unknown if these men did die or are on the run, or have been given new identities by the united states government. It is also possible that the government had forged the call of Betty Ong, a flight attendant who called whilst flight 11 was being hijacked. This next footage may be disturbing to some, knowing that this call takes place right before the woman dies.

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