mardi 7 avril 2020

Smallest Gauge sizes for Test E injection?

Hey guys beginner here!

I'm currently waiting on receiving my first Omnia Test E 250 and Dbol (oral) products.

I was wondering if anyone could steer me in the right direction as to whats the best needle for somebody like me with a really low fat percentage and pretty small muscles in general that has quite the phobia with needles.

I realize i'm going to have to man up and bite the bullet which i'm more then willing to do, but to get me started i'd really like to know if i could get away with using something small. I'm guessing theres no way i could use a insulin pin? So what size gauge would i need and how deep would i need to go exactly? I really would like the smallest one possible, i'm not bothered about getting the craziest results with some tetanus shot sized barbs! Would love to hear from you blokes and gals!

Thanks so much for your time!


* This article was originally published here

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