mercredi 28 janvier 2015

Neptune Gaming: Team Deathmatch | Scratch | Unique


IP Address:

Port: 7827




You may be wondering what separates Neptune Gaming from the others, well let me tell you what does.

Unlike majority of the SA:MP servers we're not using a released script that we found on the forums.

We have created our script from scratch and we are proud to present to you our grand opening.

We have countless hours invested into development, making sure it's both unique, and fun.

Most servers TDM servers you join, die, repeat. It gets boring faster then you can enjoy it.

Here at Neptune Gaming we've incorporated multiple features in-which will keep the player busy,

yet still give the TDM feel to the server. So, lets move on to what we've been working so hard on.

Dynamic Vehicle System

We have totally scratched the old vehicle system that was used(Also created by us) and re-designed the entire thing. Now, you may be asking, why did you scratch the system if it worked?

Well although it worked we didn't think it was up to par. The new system now allows us to both add and delete vehicles in-game which automatically saves them into the database. The old system you could not remove or add vehicles in-game. The new system is fully dynamic in ever way you can think of. Players will be able to purchase their own vehicles as-well and show off to their friends. However, that feature is still under development though it's set to be released later this week. Every team has multiple vehicles spawned at their territory which come with some pretty sweet rims on them! Because who doesn't like have custom rims on their ride when they're doing a drive-by on anther team in the server? Not only are you able to buy your own car, but once you purchase it you're also able to paint it whatever color you want with a spray can, how cool is that?!


Most servers once you spawn you have X amount of time to run to a pickup, and then buy some weapons or hp.

Not here at Neptune Gaming! We've developed a system inwhich allows players in the Medical class to throw down MedKits on the ground in-which can be used by other members of the server to heal themselves. Once the player dies however the MedKit is destroyed and a new one will have to be placed. Same thing as if the player disconnects from the server. There is a Max Kit limit however it's fairly high so no issues should occur, if they do the limit can always be changed in-game without having to restart the server. Everything we do we make sure to put ourselves in the players shoes in-order to assure player satisfaction.

If you run away from the MedKit while you're healing yourself it quits the healing process immediately.

You must wait Five(5) minutes inbetween uses as-well inorder to assure abuse is at a minimal.


Who likes hackers? As far as I know no-one gets happy when a hacker joins the server, it ruins the fun for everyone. So we made sure that we implemented a anti hack system to battle the most common hacks found in servers in this day and age. Our anti cheat protects against almost any type of hack that will make playing the server become more of a frustration than a place to have fun. Some hacks we protect the players against:

  • Aimbot

  • Armor Hacking

  • Weapon Hacking

  • Ammo Hacking

  • Health Hacking

  • Money hacking

That is just a short list of the anticheats we have implemented into the server.

Some of them ban on the spot, others alert on-duty admins in-order to investigate further.

Why is that? Well even the best anticheats can throw false true's and we don't want to see innocent players

getting banned for something that was wrong on our end. We are confident that we won't have to worry too much about hackers due to the protection we have developed.

Robbery System

We have developed various things for the player to do while they're not slaughtering other members.

One of them is a robbery system. How does it work? If you find yourself near a 24-7 or a pizza stack,

head on inside and try to rob the store, however be careful! If you're killed in the progress the robbery is failed

and any money you may have earned during it is lost. If you leave the store the robbery fails as-well.

We implemented this for a way for players to obtain money before they can afford the more powerful weapons.

Even though the starter weapons are low end, robbing stores will give you atleast a fighting chance against the veteran members who have the big guns.

Killstreak and Ranking system.

Like any good server, we added in a Killstreak system, however most servers give money, etc. for kills.

We do things a little bit different here at Neptune. We want your hard earned kills to goto good use.

You want a Tank? You can get it! You will be granted a tank with 5 rounds as one of your killstreaks.

Want a RPG? You can get that as-well. RPG's are also granted 5 rounds.

However, you have the option to use them when you want. At any time you can use the tank, or RPG.

We also offer heatseeking rockets as a killstreak reward. Simply type in the target ID and watch your rockets do work. However, it's not always guaranteed a kill.

Our Ranking system goes by kills, after so many you get promoted to the higher rank.

Which gives you access to higher classes, which come with better starter weapons.

Achievement System

While you playing and doing various things on our server you have the opportunity to obtain various achievements as-well. In-order to spoil the server for you I'll keep the list of achievements a secret however you get a sneak peek at some of them in the screenshots below. The reason we implemented these is due to the fact that players need something to work towards while playing a server, it's not always just about how many kills you get.

Although we do have a KDR implemented as-well which will make as a good motivational tool to stay alive and get kills. As more players advance, more achievements will be added. So no matter what players will always have something to work towards regardless how far along in progress they are.


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